Debate observation

Trump has accomplished so much in 4 years even while the Dems came after him day after day. I look forward to what he will do the next 4 without worrying about them and reelection. I'm wondering who do we turn to in 2024 after Trump is gone. I can't imagine going back to trusting any of the Bushes, Rubio, Romney or that faction of the "Republican" party to keep us on track.
Interesting article here. 9 women: all from swing-states, all 2016 Trump voters. Read how they reacted to Trump's performance on Tuesday night. Spoiler alert, it wasn't positive. This is a super small sample-size, but it correlates with national poll numbers that show Trump losing voters, especially suburban women.

His 2016 victory was a perfect storm. Consider this: elections have a tendency to swing to the opposition party after 8 years of a sitting president, plus he was running as an outsider (he now has a political record), plus there were multiple third party candidates siphoning votes, plus he was running against someone who is/was historically unpopular. NONE OF THAT comes into play this time. Zilch.

Trump is continuing to play to his base, which is not strong enough to win him this election on its own. But it will be "close" due to the ridiculous partisan split that divides our nation. That's why he has been working for months and months (years?) to create doubt in the electoral process so that he can claim victory and cling to power without actually earning it.

Scum. Bag.

Not to go back to old news but this shows just how bad the dems fvcked up in 2016.

Trump should never, in a million years, have been able to win that election. Never. A monkey in a pantsuit should have been able to beat him.

And yet........
Joe Biden looked to struggle to get through this mentally. It seemed he was trying REAL hard to keep on track. Then, just when it looked like he was about to lose it, he stands up straight and looks right into the camera in a political speech manner and tone. I could not help but laugh at this, because it reminded me of the old dolls where you pulled the string on their back and the doll spoke predetermined sentences. So, it is evident with Joe Biden, that you have someone (or some group) over top of him with sticks and strings working him like a marionette (puppet), and also someone pulling his talking string on his back. God help us if he gets elected!!!
No. Not weird. Logical. Mail in balloting is the Democrats best chance at election fraud. He will not be able to stop it. So if it helps him in Red states to get a few more votes, then he should encourage it.

Voting should be in person. With valid ID . Citizens only.

So citizens who are traveling or living abroad at the time of an election shouldn’t get a say in who leads their city/state/country back home? That’s ridiculous. The one time I mailed in my vote was in 2012, when I was in Germany on a one-year Fulbright Grant funded by the U.S. State Department. Soldiers, sailors and airmen who are deployed abroad during election season have to mail in their votes too. Ditto members of the Peace Corps, those in the Foreign Service, missionaries, college kids, and even average joes who simply have to travel for their jobs. Do you legitimately believe that none of us should be allowed to exercise our most quintessential right as citizens simply because we can’t be there in person on a given day due to obligations to something greater than ourselves? That kind of logic is the antithesis of republican values.