As far as the branding problem, I would suggest that it has been intentionally twisted to upset people. DEI isn't Quotas.
DEI is literally an attempt to make sure that we don't continue past discriminations and we respect and value the diverse qualities,experiences, and skills that each person brings to a team.
I'd equate it to this: what if all of your WR were 6'5" and slow? Not going to be very good are they? But combined with some speedy,smaller WR they can have immense value in the red zone, or as blockers. You are much harder to defend when you have various skillsets on your team
lol, this is full of crap and I’m a minority who is part of the process.
DEI has been made into quotas.
I am intimately familiar with this process and while it’s the right thing to have a process that allows inclusive interviewing and hiring, it is NOT being used that way.
There are quotas to how many brown, black people should be considered and interviewed. There are quotas and statistics kept for % of minorities hired and % of diversity in workplaces.
I mean, fair and non bias means not even know wtf race someone is when they apply for a position. It’s looking at a resume and making decisions to interview based on the contents of that resume and then ultimately the interview.
That’s not what’s happening in most companies and places that prioritize “DEI”.