AI is not going to teach and individual how to problem solve and think critically for themselves. It’s not going to teach them or deconstruct an argument in such a manner that enables them to understand and empathize with all sides of said argument, even the ones they disagree with. It’s not going to teach them proper soft skills such as leadership, collaboration, and a basic “reading of the room”. Those are the sort of things that can only come with a proper education.
AI is an excellent facilitator for many things, but it’s not a silver bullet to anything. If the people using it or consuming it cannot — or will not — think critically for themselves and stand on their own two feet, then whatever they produce with AI will be of subpar quality, comparatively speaking. And that’s not to mention the fact that thoughtless use of AI would almost certainly bite them in the backside at some point. Don’t forget the old George Orwell quote: “If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.”