Democrat Corruption

Sissy SpaceX is a piece of shit

Firstly, the distinction between Arizona's requirements for state and federal elections is not arbitrary. It stems from a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states cannot require documentary proof of citizenship for federal elections, only a signed attestation. This legal framework ensures consistency in federal election laws while allowing states to impose additional requirements for their own elections. The difference is a result of judicial decisions aimed at balancing state and federal interests.

Secondly, the claim that welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens without requiring proof of citizenship is highly misleading. Public assistance offices are mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to provide voter registration forms to ensure broad access. However, it is illegal for non-citizens to register to vote, and the forms require applicants to attest under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens. The suggestion that these offices are facilitating illegal voting is unfounded and ignores the legal safeguards in place to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote.

Thirdly, welfare offices must provide voter registration forms under the National Voter Registration Act, which state that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote. Applicants affirm under penalty of perjury that they are citizens.

Receiving a form does not allow someone to register to vote. Election officials vet applications and verify citizenship status.

Studies show non-citizen voting in federal elections is extremely rare. A 2016 review found only 30 suspected cases out of 23.5 million votes cast.

Non-citizens face fines, imprisonment, and deportation for illegally registering or voting, acting as strong deterrents.

Despite claims of widespread non-citizen voting, proponents fail to provide substantive evidence. Such claims can lead to restrictive policies that disproportionately affect minority communities.

Your statement intentionally ignores existing safeguards. In reality, non-citizens may receive voter registration forms, but multiple protections prevent ineligible voting in federal elections. The claim exaggerates the risk and ignores evidence showing non-citizen voting is not a significant issue in U.S. elections.
Sissy SpaceX is a piece of shit

Firstly, the distinction between Arizona's requirements for state and federal elections is not arbitrary. It stems from a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states cannot require documentary proof of citizenship for federal elections, only a signed attestation. This legal framework ensures consistency in federal election laws while allowing states to impose additional requirements for their own elections. The difference is a result of judicial decisions aimed at balancing state and federal interests.

Secondly, the claim that welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens without requiring proof of citizenship is highly misleading. Public assistance offices are mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to provide voter registration forms to ensure broad access. However, it is illegal for non-citizens to register to vote, and the forms require applicants to attest under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens. The suggestion that these offices are facilitating illegal voting is unfounded and ignores the legal safeguards in place to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote.

Thirdly, welfare offices must provide voter registration forms under the National Voter Registration Act, which state that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote. Applicants affirm under penalty of perjury that they are citizens.

Receiving a form does not allow someone to register to vote. Election officials vet applications and verify citizenship status.

Studies show non-citizen voting in federal elections is extremely rare. A 2016 review found only 30 suspected cases out of 23.5 million votes cast.

Non-citizens face fines, imprisonment, and deportation for illegally registering or voting, acting as strong deterrents.

Despite claims of widespread non-citizen voting, proponents fail to provide substantive evidence. Such claims can lead to restrictive policies that disproportionately affect minority communities.

Your statement intentionally ignores existing safeguards. In reality, non-citizens may receive voter registration forms, but multiple protections prevent ineligible voting in federal elections. The claim exaggerates the risk and ignores evidence showing non-citizen voting is not a significant issue in U.S. elections.
Waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Dpic jealous that Elon is with the good guys. The National Voter Registration Act is undoubtedly a deep state instituted law.
Sissy SpaceX is a piece of shit

Firstly, the distinction between Arizona's requirements for state and federal elections is not arbitrary. It stems from a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states cannot require documentary proof of citizenship for federal elections, only a signed attestation. This legal framework ensures consistency in federal election laws while allowing states to impose additional requirements for their own elections. The difference is a result of judicial decisions aimed at balancing state and federal interests.

Secondly, the claim that welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens without requiring proof of citizenship is highly misleading. Public assistance offices are mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to provide voter registration forms to ensure broad access. However, it is illegal for non-citizens to register to vote, and the forms require applicants to attest under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens. The suggestion that these offices are facilitating illegal voting is unfounded and ignores the legal safeguards in place to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote.

Thirdly, welfare offices must provide voter registration forms under the National Voter Registration Act, which state that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote. Applicants affirm under penalty of perjury that they are citizens.

Receiving a form does not allow someone to register to vote. Election officials vet applications and verify citizenship status.

Studies show non-citizen voting in federal elections is extremely rare. A 2016 review found only 30 suspected cases out of 23.5 million votes cast.

Non-citizens face fines, imprisonment, and deportation for illegally registering or voting, acting as strong deterrents.

Despite claims of widespread non-citizen voting, proponents fail to provide substantive evidence. Such claims can lead to restrictive policies that disproportionately affect minority communities.

Your statement intentionally ignores existing safeguards. In reality, non-citizens may receive voter registration forms, but multiple protections prevent ineligible voting in federal elections. The claim exaggerates the risk and ignores evidence showing non-citizen voting is not a significant issue in U.S. elections.
Waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Dpic jealous that Elon is with the good guys. The National Voter Registration Act is undoubtedly a deep state instituted law.
Do you think Elon was trying to accurately portray the act or was he fanning the flames for conspiratorial magadonians?

Receiving a form does not allow someone to register to vote. Election officials vet applications and verify citizenship status.
Do you think Elon was trying to accurately portray the act or was he fanning the flames for conspiratorial magadonians?

Receiving a form does not allow someone to register to vote. Election officials vet applications and verify citizenship status.
Elon just telling the truth.
Stephen Miller is a bad@$$!!
That creepy racist POS is of the devil.

"Anyone who claims that their political party does no wrong and the other party does no right is either a liar, a fool or both."

Thought that was pretty well stated.............
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Shocking: Haitian Who Entered US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ and Was Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts Freed on Paltry $500 Bail
Truth. Democrats are liars and cheats by nature and the gig is up.

Longtime Democrat Donor Bill Ackman Blasts Democrats and Fake News Media: ‘Lying and Misleading the Country on Biden’s Mental Acuity and Health is an Indictment of the Democratic Party’
These communist idiots do not care about the environment at all. It's just a scam designed to justify control over the masses.

You Literally Can’t Make This Stuff Up

The "Green" Environmental Laws being passed by Liberals have prevented sound forest management

As a result of these regulations, 25% of our national forests have burned down

“A quarter of our national forests gone. Simply gone. — they're gone for their for all of us, for the rest of our lifetimes and for our children's lifetimes.

“The forest service was supposed to protect our forests and for generations”
  • Haha
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Remarkable monologue from David Sacks:

"The Democratic party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power. The Democratic Party is the party of government. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interests who back the Democratic Party. In other words, it's basically a collection of interests who want to loot the Republic.

Well obviously, no one's going to vote for that. So they have to make it about something else. They choose a figurehead, they talk about how this is about saving democracy. They basically invent, hoax after hoax, lie after lie to basically maintain their power.

And I think what's happened is, the mask has come off, the whole shell game has been revealed. It's obvious that Biden was always a puppet for these interests who were hiding behind him. And now, it's all being exposed."

A lot of liberals want to pretend they don't know what Trump meant when he said illegals are coming here and taking over Black jobs

So I'll define what a "Black job" is with a real world example.

I visited a restaurant in Downtown Silver Spring, Maryland in April. The area is full of black and white Americans, so I expected the employees at the restaurant to represent the citizens of the area, but NOT AT ALL. Apart from a handful of employees, most of the workers were migrants from Honduras, Venezuela, Guatemala, etc. None of them spoke English and when I asked for something they didn't understand, they would grab one of the American employees. The only words they knew were "refill" and "water"

It was the most awkward experience I've ever had at a restaurant, I had nothing personal against them but it was clear why they were brought in. I guarantee the owner of the restaurant pays them almost NOTHING and their day-to-day expenses are covered by the US government against our will. I guarantee a black teen now has to look 10x harder to get an entry job like that because employers prefer cheap/non-problematic labor

These are jobs that would've gone to black or white residents (especially young adults) in the area but instead went to people who broke the law to get here. That's what Trump means and if you can't put two and two together, you just have Trump Derangement Syndrome
Election fraud is now a business.

According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, ZERO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In America

James O'Keefe’s Veritas Exposed Ballot Fraud Taking Place Nationwide, Mainly Democrats, Even Judges Buying Thousands Of Votes

“So how much money are we talking? — just so you know we’re talking between $5-$8 per vote” — I’m going to bring in 3500 votes to the plate nation wide”

“He was paying me $5,000 a month, but now he's paying me $8,000 a month.”

“Some Texas Republicans secretly working for Democrats”

Rodriguez said she was also hired to help candidates running for judge.

“So, those three judges that you’re talking about, and that's her name? Renee Yanta, Nicole Garza, right? They're paying me $3,500. Me, $3,500 to make sure that their name is on the ballot,” she said. Yanta is a Republican and Garza is a Democrat.

Rodriguez even said she looks forward to judges, like Yanta, being in her debt.
“Renee Yanta, she's running for [judge], so the thing is, I'm going to have people like that with me, like in my pocket, you know what I'm saying?” she said.

O’Keefe said, “Rodriguez is more than just a political consultant. She directs a team of more than a dozen operatives, who act as hired guns for Republicans and Democrats looking to pay for votes.”

“If Rodriguez is truly responsible for 7,000 votes delivered in Bexar County so far, it is a stunning example of how fragile our republic has become,” James O’Keefe said.”

The experts told us Joe was fine.
The experts told us to take the vax.
The experts told us the laptop was fake.
The experts told us the border is secure.
The experts told us inflation is transitory.
The experts told us 2020 was the MOST legitimate and secure election in history.

Remember who the propagandists are.

Never trust any of them again.

After seeing prominent Democrat voices openly calling for Trump’s assassination today and to impeach the Supreme Court, I am unfortunately now confident that Trump’s 2nd term is going to be filled with historic levels of Leftist violence and disorder

These Marxists do NOT want to relinquish control of the federal gov’t and they will engage in terrorism to stop it

Brace yourselves

Just look at the state of the Democrat Party.

Their candidate is a mumbling meat-puppet, that led us into global conflict on the verge of WW3.

Their only policy ideas are killing babies, men in dresses, and open borders.

They resort to violence when they don’t get their way.

They have infiltrated the media, academia, and tech, using their power to lie, censor, omit, deceive, manipulate, and brainwash.

They have weaponized all levers of government and the private sector to go after their political opponents and citizens who oppose their rule.

They actively interfere in elections, encourage illegals to vote, and outright cheat with harvesting mail-in ballots.

They defend and encourage pedophilia and sexualization of children.

And now they are calling for Biden to go full-totalitarian military dictatorship, and use force to take out Trump and his allies.

The Democrat Party have become all the evil things they claim to fight.

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