Democrat Corruption

I'm tired of election conspiracy theories...

There is nothing abnormal about a large voting precinct lying about a water main break and then telling everyone that they are done counting for the night, followed by sending all of the poll watchers home and then bringing out large cases of ballots.

There is nothing abnormal about a small group of hand-selected election workers scanning said suitcase ballots multiple times... ballots that happened to go overwhelmingly in favor of the candidate that was about to lose.

There is nothing abnormal about the declared winner of the presidential election later honoring these aforementioned election workers with Congressional medals and calling them "heroes" (see comments below).

These are all very normal things that happen in every election. There was nothing nefarious at play and certainly no voter fraud in 2020.
The water issue happened in the morning 14 hours before the workers thought they were done for the night and it was related to a urinal and only paused the counting for two hours and then they resumed. What you paranoid magaloons have done is you have taken ordinary, mundane events and spun them into hysterical conspiracies totally detached from reality. Four years later the dude in the post you just shared is still calling ordinary ballot carriers "suitcases" in an attempt to frame them as suspicious when they are nothing of the sort.

You lost, there was insignificant fraud and you need to get over it. Donald Trump will never be President again and there's nothing you can do about, so get on with your life.