And this is,
the damning email obtained by King Solomon,
CIA Director Mike Morell asking CIA Director John Brennan if he could assist in coordinating with the Biden campaign to overthrow the United States government during the November 3, 2020 election.
CIA Mike Morell: “Can I add your name to this list? Will be adding Leon Panetta, Sue Gordon, Jeh Johnson, George, Lisa Monaco, and MIke Rogers. And working on adding Dan Coats, Mike Rogers (HPSCI), and Tom Bossert. And lots of other IC career folk.
Trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue.”
CIA John Brennan; “Ok Michael, add my name to the list. Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on.”
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Implementation. (a) Effective immediately, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, shall revoke any current or active clearances held by the following individuals:
1) James R. Clapper Jr
2) Michael V. Hayden
3) Leon E. Panetta
4) John O. Brennan
5) Mike Morell ….