Department Of Education - Bye Bye

Just watching these morons vote for people who are going to make their lives way,way worse for them and their kids.

It's incredible to watch.
The Trump administration is targeting USAID, DOE, OPM, DOJ, CIA, FBI—the list goes on and with no plan. We won't know how we depend on these agencies/services until they're gone and then it'll be too late. And now a DC district judge has threatened lawsuits against anyone who tries to impede Elon. This is not democracy

It’s more complicated than that. First, I don’t want to commit to higher state taxes when the federal government could shift left and re-raise my federal taxes. Then I’m paying even more than I pay today. That concept - higher total taxes - is not an option I would ever support.

You also then have wealthier areas of SC having to contribute a larger share to support poor areas of SC that receive a larger share of federal funding today. So in other words, instead of the burden of supporting poor areas being spread across the US tax base, it will be concentrated on the higher earners in SC. No thank you.

We can remove the DOE but keep federal funding for education in place. That’s the only way this works.
Fair enough but I would prefer my money stay in SC and help support struggling South Carolinians than it being sent to “Ukraine” or to some whack jobs in blue states
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Fair enough but I would prefer my money stay in SC and help support struggling South Carolinians than it being sent to “Ukraine” or to some whack jobs in blue states

Sure. But do you really think there will be lasting, sustainable tax cuts to offset state tax hikes? The pendulum swings both ways over time and the left has made it exceptionally clear that they think I should pay higher taxes than I do today. At some point they will get their way. And then I’ll still have higher SC taxes to deal with on top of it.

No thank you.
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Hard pass on the tax hike. But here are results from Google on education funding. Where are you getting 75%? This says 15%. State (1st) and local taxes (2nd) represent ~82%.

State funding
  • In 2021–2022, state sources provided about 52% of district funding

  • The state provides education aid to districts after subtracting the expected local contribution
Local funding

  • School districts are expected to contribute about 30% of the total cost of public education
  • The local share percentage is multiplied by a district-specific index to determine how much funding each district should raise locally

Federal funding

  • In 2021–2022, federal sources provided about 15.2% of public school funding
  • This was higher than the US average of 13.7%

Special education funding and title one funding. Also school lunch programs.

Let me find specific facts. I don't have it in front of me right now at work.
Special education funding and title one funding. Also school lunch programs.

Let me find specific facts. I don't have it in front of me right now at work.

It does appear that I was wrong on the 75% for all funding, it appears to be 15%+ as you stated.

I think I was confusing Special Education funding which is a much higher amount as a percentage.

My Bad, I was wrong.
I presume the states will be in charge now. Not sure if results will improve, but I am fine with trying a different path.

The President can’t eliminate the department through executive order, it has to go through Congress. Of course, there’s lots of things happening right now that require congressional approval and congress is just sitting on their hands. Its setting up a massive battle where the courts say “you can’t do this” and Trump says “watch me” and then lower level people in the administration have to decide if they’re willing to defy court orders and potentially face criminal charges or not since they don’t have immunity like the President does. The President, of course, has a plan for this and is removing bureaucrats who might but the law above him and replacing them with unqualified loyalists.
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I’m not against this, but I do hope there is a solid plan post DOE.
Spoiler alert: there is not.

And that’s probably by design. Create a vacuum that can then be filled by the Christian Nationalist ideologues that are currently telling the Trump admin what to do.
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It does appear that I was wrong on the 75% for all funding, it appears to be 15%+ as you stated.

I think I was confusing Special Education funding which is a much higher amount as a percentage.

My Bad, I was wrong.

All good. A very simple and logical way to address would be for parents to make up the 15%. $2B / 800K students = $2500 per year. I would much rather pay that than pay high federal taxes or increased state taxes while the kids are in school. It also shifts a small portion of costs toward those utilizing the services.
Score! I was missing Christian Nationalist on my weekly TI bingo card.
Its mind bottling how you simply refuse to see things that are happening right in front of you and refuse to believe the President and his team when they’ve told you over and over again what they intend to do. They have explicitly laid out a plan to abolish the DOE so that they can do away with restrictions on religion in the classroom, including allowing teachers to refuse to teach curriculum if they determine it is “contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.”
The President can’t eliminate the department through executive order, it has to go through Congress. Of course, there’s lots of things happening right now that require congressional approval and congress is just sitting on their hands. Its setting up a massive battle where the courts say “you can’t do this” and Trump says “watch me” and then lower level people in the administration have to decide if they’re willing to defy court orders and potentially face criminal charges or not since they don’t have immunity like the President does. The President, of course, has a plan for this and is removing bureaucrats who might but the law above him and replacing them with unqualified loyalists.
No worries. Trump will just issue blanket pardons a couple days before the end of his term. Literally no one is worried about facing criminal charges. Try your threats somewhere else, but they won't work when you guys just did the exact same thing.

Shoulda spoken up when you had the chance, now its too late.
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All good. A very simple and logical way to address would be for parents to make up the 15%. $2B / 800K students = $2500 per year. I would much rather pay that than pay high federal taxes or increased state taxes while the kids are in school. It also shifts a small portion of costs toward those utilizing the services.

Are you suggesting that they pay tuition of $2500? For every student? No matter the economic situation?

Not many folks have $2500 just lying around.
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Its mind bottling how you simply refuse to see things that are happening right in front of you and refuse to believe the President and his team when they’ve told you over and over again what they intend to do. They have explicitly laid out a plan to abolish the DOE so that they can do away with restrictions on religion in the classroom, including allowing teachers to refuse to teach curriculum if they determine it is “contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.”

Where is religion in the classroom on your priority list? Because I honestly don’t give a shit.
Where is religion in the classroom on your priority list? Because I honestly don’t give a shit.
Where does “the first amendment of the US Bill of Rights” fall on my priority list? I’d say pretty high.

I do enjoy how quickly you went from “Ti BiNgO cArD” to just admitting you don’t really care if your children are taught that the earth is 7,000 years old and are forced to pray when they go to school.
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Where does “the first amendment of the US Bill of Rights” fall on my priority list? I’d say pretty high.

I do enjoy how quickly you went from “Ti BiNgO cArD” to just admitting you don’t really care if your children are taught that the earth is 7,000 years old and are forced to pray when they go to school.
No, anyone who has defended the Biden admin censoring Americans on Twitter does not prioritize the first amendment highly. What a crock of shit.
The President can’t eliminate the department through executive order, it has to go through Congress. Of course, there’s lots of things happening right now that require congressional approval and congress is just sitting on their hands. Its setting up a massive battle where the courts say “you can’t do this” and Trump says “watch me” and then lower level people in the administration have to decide if they’re willing to defy court orders and potentially face criminal charges or not since they don’t have immunity like the President does. The President, of course, has a plan for this and is removing bureaucrats who might but the law above him and replacing them with unqualified loyalists.

Apparently either you or I am ill informed.

I was under the impression that the DOE was formed by an EO and can be closed by an EO

In 1978 USA was # 1 in world with no DOE

Today we are # 26 in world after spending trillions

Sound like a good investment to you

We shall see where this goes
Do you think that removing federal support for education will make your state education tax bill go down?
Yes, do you understand basic economics? Do you pay both Federal and State taxes on education? Eliminating one would be good and not necessarily raise the other with fiscal responsibility.
That’s a principle hard for most liberals to understand, especially when I hear them spew we can’t afford to eliminate certain programs that are funded by tax payers.
I’ll let you look up why we CAN afford to eliminate certain programs.
Where does “the first amendment of the US Bill of Rights” fall on my priority list? I’d say pretty high.

I do enjoy how quickly you went from “Ti BiNgO cArD” to just admitting you don’t really care if your children are taught that the earth is 7,000 years old and are forced to pray when they go to school.

I went to Catholic school and have yet to have anyone try to teach me that the earth is 7,000 years old.

Do you even have kids? Or are you like the childless cat ladies JD Vance accurately pointed out as having less invested in topics such as this?

My concern about the Judeo-Christian values that this country was built upon matriculating through public schools is negligible.
Because we are all participating members of this thing called society.

Right right. That’s the 82% of funding through state and local taxes. Plenty of participation here.

Or are you suggesting that since everyone participates in society, we should ensure every able bodied adult pays a material amount toward education? Huge fan of that requirement.
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Right right. That’s the 82% of funding through state and local taxes. Plenty of participation here.

Or are you suggesting that since everyone participates in society, we should ensure every able bodied adult pays a material amount toward education? Huge fan of that requirement.
I'm responding to you suggesting you shouldn't have to pay for supporting education through taxes because it seems like your kids don't use public school services.

Pretty simple.
I went to Catholic school and have yet to have anyone try to teach me that the earth is 7,000 years old.

Do you even have kids? Or are you like the childless cat ladies JD Vance accurately pointed out as having less invested in topics such as this?

My concern about the Judeo-Christian values that this country was built upon matriculating through public schools is negligible.
I wouldn’t put Catholics, generally speaking, the Christian Nationalist camp. I have issues with the Catholic Church, obviously, but it has long accepted science as integral to the educational process and has included it in their curriculum.

Why does not having kids make me not invested in educatiion? 1) My taxes still go to public education (and if the conservatives get their way, my tax dollars will also go to fund private christian schools) and 2) I’d prefer not to be surrounded by uneducated mouth breathing morons when I’m elderly. Until my taxes are no longer used to fund education or until we as a society don’t depend on others around us having at least a minimal amount of basic education, then kids or not I’m invested in it.

And teaching a religion in the class room with state dollars is the exact opposite thing that this country was founded on. Its literally the very first thing in the Bill of Rights.

Lastly, I do not have cats.
It does appear that I was wrong on the 75% for all funding, it appears to be 15%+ as you stated.

I think I was confusing Special Education funding which is a much higher amount as a percentage.

My Bad, I was wrong.
So does knowing the % is multiple times lower ease some of your angst? Serious question. Not asking bc I want to necessarily reduce funding, I don't. Wife has been a spec ed teacher for 30+ yrs.
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Where does “the first amendment of the US Bill of Rights” fall on my priority list? I’d say pretty high.

I do enjoy how quickly you went from “Ti BiNgO cArD” to just admitting you don’t really care if your children are taught that the earth is 7,000 years old and are forced to pray when they go to school.
I do not want this either, even as a Christian. I surely understand your objection to being forced to do something you do not believe in. Curious if you object to having to call biological males girls or vice versa if you do not believe that to be possible?
I do not want this either, even as a Christian. I surely understand your objection to being forced to do something you do not believe in. Curious if you object to having to call biological males girls or vice versa if you do not believe that to be possible?
I understand the point that it is biologically not possible for a male to become a female and vice versa (though of course there are people who are intersex etc) but as a general rule, obviously one cannot change sex.

However, gender dysphoria is a real medical condition which is often treated by having the affected person transition to live life as another gender. So, to me, it should be treated almost along the same lines as a disability. You wouldn’t go knock someone out of a wheel chair and tell them they were born with the ability to walk so they must always walk, so I feel that someone who is transitioning should be treated with that same respect.

And honestly, to me, that’s what it comes down to - respect. I don’t really understand why its so hard to just call someone what they wish to be called. If your name is Dave, but I refuse to call you that and instead insist on calling you Bill, well - I’m an asshole. And that’s kind of where I come down on it.

In terms of compelled speech, obviously a private company can do pretty much anything they want. With a government office, I feel like every workplace - even public jobs - have policies and regulations around professionalism and respect in the workplace, and to me that’s where this falls. Again, just as if you insisted on calling a co-worker by the wrong name or telling a handicapped co-worker that they should walk, I think that intentionally and repeatedly calling someone by the wrong pronouns is disrespectful and unprofessional.

You know, its just the same as when I have an employee who requests a Sunday off so he can attend his kid’s baptism. I don’t refuse that, i don’t say well based on my personal opinion about religion I’m not going to approve that, I don’t belittle them, I say ok cool and grant them the time off. It would be unprofessional and disrespectful for me to intentionally mock someone’s religion and I don’t think that would or should be tolerated in the workplace and I think the same is true of pronouns.

I think it matters how you treat other people and what bothers me most is I see a pattern where more and more we’re refusing to even recognize that transgender people are, in fact, real people with value just like anyone else.
I'm responding to you suggesting you shouldn't have to pay for supporting education through taxes because it seems like your kids don't use public school services.

Pretty simple.

How so? I was referring to making up the 15% should federal funding go away.

Please note I paid in excess of 6 figures just in state and local taxes last year. Not to mention an exorbitant amount of federal taxes. I assure you I support more than my fair share of education funding.
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How do? I was referring to making up the 15% should federal funding go away.

Please note I paid in excess of 6 figures just in state and local taxes last year. Not to mention an exorbitant amount of federal taxes. I assure you I support more than my fair share of education funding.
Did someone ask what you paid in taxes?
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I understand the point that it is biologically not possible for a male to become a female and vice versa (though of course there are people who are intersex etc) but as a general rule, obviously one cannot change sex.

However, gender dysphoria is a real medical condition which is often treated by having the affected person transition to live life as another gender. So, to me, it should be treated almost along the same lines as a disability. You wouldn’t go knock someone out of a wheel chair and tell them they were born with the ability to walk so they must always walk, so I feel that someone who is transitioning should be treated with that same respect.

And honestly, to me, that’s what it comes down to - respect. I don’t really understand why its so hard to just call someone what they wish to be called. If your name is Dave, but I refuse to call you that and instead insist on calling you Bill, well - I’m an asshole. And that’s kind of where I come down on it.

In terms of compelled speech, obviously a private company can do pretty much anything they want. With a government office, I feel like every workplace - even public jobs - have policies and regulations around professionalism and respect in the workplace, and to me that’s where this falls. Again, just as if you insisted on calling a co-worker by the wrong name or telling a handicapped co-worker that they should walk, I think that intentionally and repeatedly calling someone by the wrong pronouns is disrespectful and unprofessional.

You know, its just the same as when I have an employee who requests a Sunday off so he can attend his kid’s baptism. I don’t refuse that, i don’t say well based on my personal opinion about religion I’m not going to approve that, I don’t belittle them, I say ok cool and grant them the time off. It would be unprofessional and disrespectful for me to intentionally mock someone’s religion and I don’t think that would or should be tolerated in the workplace and I think the same is true of pronouns.

I think it matters how you treat other people and what bothers me most is I see a pattern where more and more we’re refusing to even recognize that transgender people are, in fact, real people with value just like anyone else.
All of your disrespect examples are completely backwards. You say it should be treated in the same way as those with disabilities. You don't tell people who can't walk they can walk- that is the point. Me telling a disabled(can't walk) person they are abled(can walk) would be the same as calling a guy a girl. Neither are true. In your example you equate stating something factually true is the same as stating something factually false.

Also, calling people by the wrong name is stupid. I'm am not advocation calling a biological male only male proper names. If he wants to call himself Karen, I have no problem referring to him as Karen. That is not the same as calling him a she/her, etc. There are many people who have names I think are ridiculous, but I would call them by their name.

How you treat your employees is not the equivalent. Let's turn the tables on that one. If one of your employees ask you to say the blessing at a meal, are you going to do that out of respect for their religion or politely refuse?
See? We agree, calling someone something they don’t want to be called is stupid and disrespectful and generally mean spirited.
Calling someone by the wrong name and not calling them what they want to be called is not the same. If your neighbor wants to be refereed to as "Mr. President" or "your honor, or some other erroneous tittle should we all be obligated to call them that? No, we should not.

Is this your attempt at not answering the question about saying a blessing at a meal to show your respect for others?
Did someone ask what you paid in taxes?

You said this:

I'm responding to you suggesting you shouldn't have to pay for supporting education through taxes because it seems like your kids don't use public school services.

And obviously that's not what I was suggesting considering ~82% of funding comes from state and local taxes that I didn't mention adjusting. My kids do go to public school and my point is that I support not only my own children's expenses, but my contributions support many other SC children as well.
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