Im not trying to end the event. I want to turn it into a district wide Wall Street Event that includes all kids.,
The part that rubbed me the wrong way was that 3 days earlier i took the day off of work and participated in career day. I took several computers to the school and set them up. Took the time to print out and display several items like stock charts etc. Paid for them. Spoke to and answered questions, from kids of all color, for about 5-6 hours.
And then 3 days later i get an email in my inbox for "Black Wall Street" day. What a slap in the face.
I emailed the district superintendent asking to host a "White Wall Street" day and was denied.
The good news is that it is easy to file a complaint with the office of civil rights. My complaint has been filed.
The timing of the letter that went out from the DOE was impeccable. They CCSD board dismissed my concerns less than 4 hours prior, and then that letter went out stating emphatically that the program is illegal.
I have asked for
1) The event to become a WALL STREET day for the whole district
2) It be privately funded and held on private property and not promoted with district dollars.
I'll let you know the outcome.