Now you’re lying.
Congrats on being weak.
me, lying? Not at all. Remember when you said the virus would disappear after the election? How has that worked out?
Remember when you challenged me to an election bet that the loser would not post for a year? Then remember when you came back after the election (which was a clear Biden win) and said "why dont we change it to a bet where we change handles and avatars"? And then remember when you came back later and said you "misunderstood" what we changed the bet to and you would only agree to change your handle or avatar, but not both? You railed on me for months leading up to the election saying I would not be a man of integrity when I lost. Then when you lost, you showed no integrity whatsoever.
Don't ever call me a liar again.
I’d tell you at Wachovia in your New York second.
I’ve been good to my word all along, liar. I was happy to take my 12 month hiatus, and said so. Others suggested this not being the case, I didn’t.
We both know Covid has been an exaggerated narrative used for political purposes all along. I knew it, and said so from the jump. I had it, so did my family. The flu is far worse.
Since you can’t even admit the narrative is a total exaggeration, and has been since the beginning... that makes you a weakling, and a liar... tough guy.
OK, take your 12 months.
Educate me on how this lessens her reputation... if anything, you all should now think more highly of her.
As for the guy who posted this so jolly.. I’d be saving my energy in attempts to improve my financial direction/decisions. I guess laughter is the best medicine.
At some point, someone needs to do an intervention with you, since you can't grasp that the things that happen inside your head are different than the things that happen outside of it. What a ridiculous take.
Since I decided to pay attention to you, I should be enlightened by now, no? Somehow I feel dirty from the mud in the ditch.
There's no way to enlighten a Trump salad tosser. That explains how you can look at a pile of shit and call it an ice cream sundae....and think it's delicious....and want more of it.
Did Trump win today?
The one thing I am certain of, is your liberal life has produced an overwhelming about of success for you, in multiple facets.... I have zero doubt you want for anything further.
I’d like to congratulate you. Never look back.
Weak Liar
Going back on the details now?
So now you won’t take the 12 months? And I am a weak liar? you are lost.
You're very obtuse. He called you on the bet, now man up and honor it.
You spin it with the best of them. We agreed avatar, so if you want to go back on that, say so.. I’ll take the 12 months and you’ll be the liar.
As was said before, your call.
I was going to give you a break but then you started calling me a liar. The last conversation we had you gave me two options: 1) I can change your avatar or handle (but not both) or 2) you will take the 12 months. I would be happy to repost your post if you would like.
I opt for the 12 months, effective immediately.
me, lying? Not at all. Remember when you said the virus would disappear after the election? How has that worked out?
Remember when you challenged me to an election bet that the loser would not post for a year? Then remember when you came back after the election (which was a clear Biden win) and said "why dont we change it to a bet where we change handles and avatars"? And then remember when you came back later and said you "misunderstood" what we changed the bet to and you would only agree to change your handle or avatar, but not both? You railed on me for months leading up to the election saying I would not be a man of integrity when I lost. Then when you lost, you showed no integrity whatsoever.
Don't ever call me a liar again.
It is so funny to me that all trump cult now thinks that republicans that think he is a an idiot r deep state r liberals now aka g w bush who most of u loved trump now says Fox News sucks that’s the network that kisses ass
How about you libs have some patience? The election is far from over. It’s obvious that it was stolen and the plans have been in the works since President Trump took office. So many layers to the fraud. They will get caught or this country will never be the same. Let’s see how things play out in the coming weeks.
It’s truly astounding how all you Trump haters spew the same vile. The language, name calling, aggression, etc is sad and disturbing.
Also, Cocks are Number 1 is absolutely right. President Trump is a boss and always will be. Curious how y’all would describe former Vice President Biden?
Is it obvious? If so you would think that they could have presented some evidence in their 36 appearances in front of a judge so far.
Have you donated to trumps election defense fund?
Is it obvious? If so you would think that they could have presented some evidence in their 36 appearances in front of a judge so far.
Have you donated to trumps election defense fund?
Yes it’s obvious. That’s my opinion. I’m sure you think it’s obvious the we should cancel Thanksgiving, Christmas, and mandate masks. Also, I have not donated to President Trump’s defense fund. I chose to donate to Wood and Powell’s defense fund.
Yes it’s obvious. That’s my opinion. I’m sure you think it’s obvious the we should cancel Thanksgiving, Christmas, and mandate masks. Also, I have not donated to President Trump’s defense fund. I chose to donate to Wood and Powell’s defense fund.
You keep asking the same question, without any response, and I find it funny. So that reminds me... you never answered this..
Do you consider Hunter Biden’s off shore salaries/bonuses to be corrupt in nature?
Why are you still posting? The election is over PA has certified. Is this going to be a case where you claim that Trump actually won and you refuse to honor the bet. If so, I predicted you would do this months ago. I’ll try and find the post.
It’s not over, Jersey Sweat Hog.
Answer the question.
You have really regressed into silly name calling. Unbefitting the Milton georgia elite ruling class.
You should see the street I live on.. and the values continue to escalate. Thanks be to God.
How’s that in the city property value faring?
Also, will you continue to ignore the Hunter Biden question?
I made the mistake of walking into a Walmart in Milton a few years ago, let's just say that I can totally see you fitting in well there.
I dont give a rats ass about Hunter Biden. It is telling that when I ask a question one term president trump fund raising after losing the election to line his pockets, your best response is to ask a question about Hunter Biden who does not hold any public office.
I don’t shop at Walmart, but I hope you found what you were looking for.
Nice spin job. You’re from the northeast, and therefore should be a straight forward guy. I do business in Boston, and my good friends there don’t dodge questions like you. Try to be tough, would you?
I did answer your question, although I dont know why I am bothering to engage with a dead man walking. Your 12 months starts when you concede, so every day you delay is just another day you will be off the site.
Every time you type, I can’t help but envision a rough mixture of Howard Stern and Bill de Blasio.
No need for you to worry about me keeping my word... when it’s over.
If Joe Biden is sworn in, will you call it over? Or do you reserve the possibility of lingering doubt?
I’ve said it all along... if the Trump team cannot produce evidence they’re willing to present to a judge, then let’s move on.
Well so far their failure to present anything to a judge hasn't convinced you. I'm just curious as to when it's "over" in your mind. Inauguration?
I’ll let it play out, and see what becomes of it, either way. Hasty decisions are typically an action of the unwise.
Letting it play out without an exit strategy is also an action of the unwise. That's why my brother would stay in dead in relationships for years.
Honestly... it’s not important enough to me to put that much thought into it. I tend to put my energy into my family, and what an incredible family I’ve been blessed with.