Donald $hit cans acting AG

She defied his Executive Order. Should have been dismissed. Was an Obama carry over anyway. Part of the draining of the swamp. Not a Savage at all.

No doubt totally agree with you. Its just kind of refreshing to see real action happening. One thing is for sure America will either be in a vastly better place in a years time or might not be around - if the latter at least Clemson will go down as the last National Champs EVER. Haha.
She defied his Executive Order. Should have been dismissed. Was an Obama carry over anyway. Part of the draining of the swamp. Not a Savage at all.

You can't possibly be serious about the 'draining the swamp' thing? There is more proposed special interest in the executive branch than in the past 20 years at least, maybe ever...

This is an example of the media wanting to blow a story out of proportion. Shouldn't be a big deal. Trump has every right to fire Yates and put in a temp replacement. And Congress has every right to thoroughly vet Sessions (who is neck deep in special interest $$, the Abramoff scandal, Promia, and ponzi schemer Alan Stafford).
For a frame of reference I'm over in London right now and the main BBC nightly news at 6pm is 30 mins long - 25minutes of it was related to DJT. Then the weather and sport for 4 minutes. That is unheard of for U.K. This is the ultimate reality show
Gotta say this is entertaining. Whether you agree or not the gloves are off and he is swinging.

Media is at a loss, they have built a career on reading between very fine nuanced lines. President Trump has no grey area. He says what he means and does what he says.

From an honesty perspective it is refreshing, from a global economy and net worth perspective the jury is out.
Gotta say this is entertaining. Whether you agree or not the gloves are off and he is swinging.

Media is at a loss, they have built a career on reading between very fine nuanced lines. President Trump has no grey area. He says what he means and does what he says.

From an honesty perspective it is refreshing, from a global economy and net worth perspective, BLAST US INTO THE SUN.

At least there was a level of professionalism from them that is going to be severely missed the next 4 years.

You might wanna go load up on some SPF 70 because Trump's dickheat is gonna burn your ass up something serious over the next 8 years.
Not going to happen. Not sure he will make it 4 years quite honestly. But hey I hope he succeeds I really do.
Actually forget butchy the Donald is the one that needs a nice coiffed mullet.

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