Donald $hit cans acting AG

Haha at this clown making it all 4 years
You can't possibly be serious about the 'draining the swamp' thing? There is more proposed special interest in the executive branch than in the past 20 years at least, maybe ever...

This is an example of the media wanting to blow a story out of proportion. Shouldn't be a big deal. Trump has every right to fire Yates and put in a temp replacement. And Congress has every right to thoroughly vet Sessions (who is neck deep in special interest $$, the Abramoff scandal, Promia, and ponzi schemer Alan Stafford).

Where were you during the Obama years with these accusations? Not saying it's not true, I just find it funny when those of the right and the left blatanly ignore issues of their candidates only to call out those they oppose. Obama had plenty of sketchy shit going on throughout his tenure....if you even argue that I will laugh my ass off
Yes I'll give him that. And without getting Congress, the Dept of Homeland Security, etc. involved. Bypassing everyone. This is a shitshow of tremendous proportions. Pretty much what I expected ... actually worse.
You mean like Obama did over and over again? Barry actually told the other side to take a hike and rammed everything he could down Congress' throat by executive order, even when he legally had no right to do so. Have you been in a coma the past 8 years? If so, welcome back!
It is very difficult to beat an incumbent president....very difficult. Only been accomplished 3 times in the last 100 years, and those were all very unique situations.
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Turned a few million dollars into billions...I'd say that's hard to do without a little bit of brains.

Lol. My favorite argument for him. A few million dollars? Try $200 1974. That was the value of his daddy's company when he became its president in 1974. He's hardly a self made man. Not saying he doesn't possess some talent but let's not pretend he took some small business loan from the local bank and turned it into some kind of dynasty.
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Lol. My favorite argument for him. A few million dollars? Try $200 1974. That was the value of his daddy's company when he became its president in 1974. He's hardly a self made man. Not saying he doesn't possess some talent but let's not pretend he took some small business loan from the local bank and turned it into some kind of dynasty.

He could've invested it into an index fund and done better
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You might wanna go load up on some SPF 70 because Trump's dickheat is gonna burn your ass up something serious over the next 8 years.

He's got a great strategy. Fire those who disagree with him. Not surprised on bit. Nothing about him says that he plays well with others or listens to anyone but himself. Donald will go through more cabinet members than any president in history. I'm kinda surprised he even bothered to have one to be honest.
Lol. My favorite argument for him. A few million dollars? Try $200 1974. That was the value of his daddy's company when he became its president in 1974. He's hardly a self made man. Not saying he doesn't possess some talent but let's not pretend he took some small business loan from the local bank and turned it into some kind of dynasty.
More than Half of Drumpf's so-called net worth is what he says the value of his "brand" is.......that brand is becoming more and more worthless every day.
Professionalism? Seriously?

The last admin bypassed congress and everyone else with almost everything they/he did. This is literally a play right out of Obama's playbook. The only difference is the media coverage. You would think the majority of the nation was up in arms and against this based on the media coverage. In fact, the latest Rasmussen poll shows people overwhelmingly approve.
You Trump supporters cool with kicking the chairman of the joint chiefs and the Director of National Intelligence off the national security council while also adding Steve Bannon? Serious question.
You know the man has been saying for 15 months this was going to happen. I think @Ron Munson would possibly agree with this next statement. You people are getting upset over a 90 freaking day hold on anyone from 7 countries coming into this country until we know exactly who they are. I've been inconvenienced for 15 damn years every time I get on an airplane because of terrorism. Ive been royally inconvenienced every time I step foot on a nuclear site in this country (for my job) for 15 years for the same reason. If 109 people have to be inconvenienced for 90 days In order for country to be more safe then so be it. I'm not racist. Im not anti Muslim. But yesterday madmen walked into a Canadian mosque yelling Allah Akbar and assasinated 6 people of their own religion. My daughter looked at me and said "Dad why did they do that"? She's 4 and it's the first time that my daughter has been influenced or impacted by a news report. It's also the first time I realized that; yes I want my kids to be safe, and if extreme vetting of these people keep an attack from happening then it's worth some folks being inconvenienced for 90 days. It's sad people are spinning this the way they are. These same people will be as disappointed with Americas reaction to this just as they were to Trump getting elected. They continue to ignore why this man was elected and why their side lost.
For a frame of reference I'm over in London right now and the main BBC nightly news at 6pm is 30 mins long - 25minutes of it was related to DJT. Then the weather and sport for 4 minutes. That is unheard of for U.K. This is the ultimate reality show

That's interesting! BE CAREFUL over there in Londonistan.
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You know the man has been saying for 15 months this was going to happen. I think @Ron Munson would possibly agree with this next statement. You people are getting upset over a 90 freaking day hold on anyone from 7 countries coming into this country until we know exactly who they are. I've been inconvenienced for 15 damn years every time I get on an airplane because of terrorism. Ive been royally inconvenienced every time I step foot on a nuclear site in this country (for my job) for 15 years for the same reason. If 109 people have to be inconvenienced for 90 days In order for country to be more safe then so be it. I'm not racist. Im not anti Muslim. But yesterday madmen walked into a Canadian mosque yelling Allah Akbar and assasinated 6 people of their own religion. My daughter looked at me and said "Dad why did they do that"? She's 4 and it's the first time that my daughter has been influenced or impacted by a news report. It's also the first time I realized that; yes I want my kids to be safe, and if extreme vetting of these people keep an attack from happening then it's worth some folks being inconvenienced for 90 days. It's sad people are spinning this the way they are. These same people will be as disappointed with Americas reaction to this just as they were to Trump getting elected. They continue to ignore why this man was elected and why their side lost.
The guy in the mosque shooting was white, here is an excerpt from an article about him... "Mr. Bissonnette was well known to people who monitor far-right groups in Quebec, where he frequently commented on sites speaking about immigration and Islam. He was a particularly vocal supporter of Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far right, when she visited the city last year." I don't know where you got your information that it was another muslim but it was not.
You know the man has been saying for 15 months this was going to happen. I think @Ron Munson would possibly agree with this next statement. You people are getting upset over a 90 freaking day hold on anyone from 7 countries coming into this country until we know exactly who they are. I've been inconvenienced for 15 damn years every time I get on an airplane because of terrorism. Ive been royally inconvenienced every time I step foot on a nuclear site in this country (for my job) for 15 years for the same reason. If 109 people have to be inconvenienced for 90 days In order for country to be more safe then so be it. I'm not racist. Im not anti Muslim. But yesterday madmen walked into a Canadian mosque yelling Allah Akbar and assasinated 6 people of their own religion. My daughter looked at me and said "Dad why did they do that"? She's 4 and it's the first time that my daughter has been influenced or impacted by a news report. It's also the first time I realized that; yes I want my kids to be safe, and if extreme vetting of these people keep an attack from happening then it's worth some folks being inconvenienced for 90 days. It's sad people are spinning this the way they are. These same people will be as disappointed with Americas reaction to this just as they were to Trump getting elected. They continue to ignore why this man was elected and why their side lost.
Seriously though. Where do people hear stuff like this when the truth is the exact opposite?
You know the man has been saying for 15 months this was going to happen. I think @Ron Munson would possibly agree with this next statement. You people are getting upset over a 90 freaking day hold on anyone from 7 countries coming into this country until we know exactly who they are. I've been inconvenienced for 15 damn years every time I get on an airplane because of terrorism. Ive been royally inconvenienced every time I step foot on a nuclear site in this country (for my job) for 15 years for the same reason. If 109 people have to be inconvenienced for 90 days In order for country to be more safe then so be it. I'm not racist. Im not anti Muslim. But yesterday madmen walked into a Canadian mosque yelling Allah Akbar and assasinated 6 people of their own religion. My daughter looked at me and said "Dad why did they do that"? She's 4 and it's the first time that my daughter has been influenced or impacted by a news report. It's also the first time I realized that; yes I want my kids to be safe, and if extreme vetting of these people keep an attack from happening then it's worth some folks being inconvenienced for 90 days. It's sad people are spinning this the way they are. These same people will be as disappointed with Americas reaction to this just as they were to Trump getting elected. They continue to ignore why this man was elected and why their side lost.

He's got a great strategy. Fire those who disagree with him. Not surprised on bit. Nothing about him says that he plays well with others or listens to anyone but himself. Donald will go through more cabinet members than any president in history. I'm kinda surprised he even bothered to have one to be honest.

This is very typical CEO behavior. You can't have people hired under previous leadership refusing to do what you have directed them to do. This woman knew she would be fired when she issued the statement.
Seriously though. Where do people hear stuff like this when the truth is the exact opposite?

I didn't say what color he was. I said and will repeat all reporting has said he was yelling Allah Akbar while he was shooting. I said he killed people of his own religion. I didn't say he was a Muslim, or white, or black, or any color. Please read the post.
I didn't say what color he was. I said and will repeat all reporting has said he was yelling Allah Akbar while he was shooting. I said he killed people of his own religion. I didn't say he was a Muslim, or white, or black, or any color. Please read the post.
Well he killed muslims and he is not muslim. He is a right wing nutjob that has been posting on the internet about how much he hates muslims so you are wrong.
Well he killed muslims and he is not muslim. He is a right wing nutjob that has been posting on the internet about how much he hates muslims so you are wrong.

Never said he was a Muslim. And again you seem to miss the over all point of the post. You can't argue to original points of the post. But because you don't like it, you nitpick certain aspects of it pertaining to a mans religion who killed people in another country.
You don't address the fact that a 4 year old American girl was disturbed by this. You don't seem interested in the basis of the argument. So you find something that you can disagree with. You rest in that safe place. If that makes me wrong. So be it.
@CSRA.Tiger the paragraphs are for you. Long night. Sorry for the head biting.
Never said he was a Muslim. And again you seem to miss the over all point of the post. You can't argue to original points of the post. But because you don't like it, you nitpick certain aspects of it pertaining to a mans religion who killed people in another country.
You don't address the fact that a 4 year old American girl was disturbed by this. You don't seem interested in the basis of the argument. So you find something that you can disagree with. You rest in that safe place. If that makes me wrong. So be it.

m'fer go change some diapers.
Never said he was a Muslim. And again you seem to miss the over all point of the post. You can't argue to original points of the post. But because you don't like it, you nitpick certain aspects of it pertaining to a mans religion who killed people in another country.
You don't address the fact that a 4 year old American girl was disturbed by this. You don't seem interested in the basis of the argument. So you find something that you can disagree with. You rest in that safe place. If that makes me wrong. So be it.
@CSRA.Tiger the paragraphs are for you. Long night. Sorry for the head biting.
I am really sad for her but come on man. The part of the story where it was going to be a muslim committing a mass murder was kind of the crux of the issue at hand.
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If only we could say that about is brain. Ego yes. Brain no.
Nothing wrong with his brain. An insubordinate action like that requires swift and decisive action. Cannot have everyone in the government doing what they want to do. That is called anarchy!
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