How do you think Nazi Germany started? It wasn't full on genocide from day 1. First it was wearing the star of David so you could be identified. Seems trivial so people mostly shrug it off. Then it was Jews can't own businesses. Then they couldn't shop or enter buildings. Then it was, "Well, let's just move them into ghettos. Then it was camps." Then, well, you know how the story ends. And all the while the German people stood by and watched, some even cheered. Let's remember that the Nazi Party did not win a majority of the 1932 election but a plurality (37%). Once in power Hitler basically killed off anyone who was his "enemy". Most Germans were not Nazis but because of fear of noncompliance many kept their eyes closed and their mouths shut. So, our GI's show up 12 years later and of course can't believe what they are seeing. And what do they ask the German people? " How did it come to this? How can you just stand there and let this happen?" In truth many didn't know. It has all started so small.
Yeah, I know--it could never happen here. Just an FYI, there were lot's of Nazi's and Nazi sympathizers in the US during WW2. Lots...Henry Ford used to send them funds and materials to help their cause (Ford received the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Hitler in 1937). The moment you start dehumanizing others for your own sake you then dehumanize yourself. I don't have any issue with trying to make our country safe. I tried to do so myself when I served in the AF...but I think we are going about it the wrong way. I get this feeling though that many folks think that after we do this and build some damn wall that suddenly magic will happen and the US will be Shangri La. LOL. No. We have bigger problems with crimes committed by Americans..some crimes just as bad if not worse. To me this is like burning the haystack just to find the needle when all that was needed was a magnet. Evil exists everywhere. I have a better chance of being attacked by a shark then by a refugee or terrorist. The terrorists have quite frankly dreamed of this moment and The Donald and his Trumpanatics have given it to them on a silver platter. Now they know that America is completely terrified of them to the point where we want to build walls and shut out parts of the world because of the 0.0000003% chance the Muslim boogeyman might come knocking at your door.
You want to extreme vet them? What the hell does that even mean? Has anyone even asked? "We used to vet you but now we are going to EXTREME vet you!" Sounds like a very broad term to me almost more like "interview" or "interrogate". You want to create enemies? Start this type of practice and see how it works. Read about the Standford Prison Experiment and see what happens. Start assuming guilt and see how that works out. You have a 4 year old. If you assume she has done something wrong and she hasn't, what happens? Does she blow it off or is she upset? Do people take that type of thing quietly or do they revolt... because in truth 99% of the people coming from these places are innocent. Start making them feel guilty and less than human and see what happens. Start assuming they are guilty by some loose association. "Well they are from the same country so..." " I went to Clemson and Ben Tillman founded Clemson so...? How freaking sad is that? It always starts small.
Just so you know I am not attacking you. I hope I am dead freaking wrong and that 90 days will come and all will be forgotten. You seem like a nice person who just wants what's best for his family. I am just aggravated that this whole thing has come to this. I fought for this country as did most of my family and I hate to see that we have reached this point. I just hope that years from now someone isn't stopping by my neighborhood and asking me, " How did this all happen?"