Donald Trump gives plan to end the deep state

He provides some detail here. I am in full support of this plan. Trump is going to drop the hammer!!

This is why they HATE him. They cannot allow this to happen. This would wreck all of their (Repub/Dem) gravy trains. We can get on board with this, or go with "Cackling Kamala". I know numerous politicians on both sides of the isle I would like to see have to pay for their crimes against this country.

Reporter to CK: What will you do to bring down prices?
CK: I grew up a middle class kid....then word salad...never answers the question.

"On day one", she will flip 180 degrees on every belief she has ever had for 59 years...except abortion. She doesn't need day one. She's been VP for 3 1/2 years. Now we're supposed to believe she has switched all of her beliefs in 3 months.

Nah, this ain't real. Nothing out of CK's mouth is true.

Trump 2024.