Very ugly. This has shit to do with the Addled One winning... apparently. The blindest SOBs in the world are celebrating.
I don't know what you mean there, I'm just saying that you can't keep printing money and going further in debt, and this devalues the currency. That is simple economics. Now, politically speaking that ties in to this, is if you raise taxes, end fossil fuels without reliable and economically (financially) alternatives, allow mass illegal immigration, and pay for them economically, education, healthcare, and legally, and that is benefits that many legal citizens in this country don't have, you can't sustain this country's economy and jobs (employment).
During this political season, I have seen political add after political add pushing wind and solar power as the future. I saw commercials with windmill farms in the background, with one windmill only slightly turning, and all the others not moving an inch!!! This is power that is intermittent, just as solar is. We could have been so much further ahead in this technology had the government pushed more for alternatives in the past. I remember in 1972, when Israel was at war with the Arab countries, Saudi Arabia shut down our oil import, I was sitting in a line of traffic with my uncle waiting to get gas, because only odd and even number plates could get gas at a particular time. There was a hustle to improve battery cars and alternative fuels, but as soon as the war was over, and the oil flowed in again, everyone went back as it was before. That is decades worth of lost technology that we lost on.
Now today, we have a movement that is all going in a direction that will bury our economy. Whether it is months, years or a decade, this country will be insolvent going in this direction. We are already one of the best and cleanest industrial nations, but this movement wants to make us a shinning example (New Green Deal) and drive this economy into the ground, while all the real polluters continue to pollute? Frankly, all this demonstrates is that we have some of the stupidest people and economists in the world living here.
So bottom line, you might be best to move your stocks over to investments in silver, gold, and platinum.