Please tell me you didn't graduate with a political science degree. What in God's name does the 2020 census have to do with the electors for the presidential race? The reapportionment of congressional seats - and thus the electoral college - won't become effective until 2022. It has no impact on the EVs of the states in 2020. That was established in 2012 following the 2010 census.
Such looney theories are found on TI.
You don't say? Dude, get off my lawn! I wasn't saying it in that way. Some people here really must be deaf, dumb and blind. Instead of presumption, try asking if you didn't understand why I said that. My point was that as we stoke such deep divisions in this country things like that are going to come to light over time and be used to stoke deeper divisions. The problem isn't on one side. I have seen myriad lies and distortions being passed around on the right the last 36 hours. It isn't one side. There are people who are deeply invested in creating division in our nation and making it so we don't see each other as brothers and sisters under the same flag. Hell, we don't even see each other as human a lot of the time. I wanted whoever won this election to win resoundingly. That's not going to happen and that's really unfortunate.
I will say if you want to help, why don't you start with yourself?