Free thought and open discussion
Freedom to practice whatever religion you'd like (obviously no human sacrifice 🤣)
Being cognizant of what we put back in the earth (toxic dumping and such)
I LOATHE the fact we've been driven into a team sport. There's no more open discussion... It's all shallow talking points that never go beneath the surface level.
We're a melting pot with tons of different ideas of how to run the country, but we've turned into one side versus the other while folks with moderate positions get shouted down by either side.
We're headed in a dangerous direction and it's fueled mostly by the MSM keeping us from realizing how much we all have in common. They don't portray the good in society anymore, but just fuel division and hatred towards fellow Americans.
I remember reading stories of couple getting divorced because they found out their spouse voted for Trump. How on earth have we allowed politics to become a religion like this?
Thank you for your response. I'm going to quote your post just for the sake of less typing. I have always been a conservative, but I do not disagree with anything in your post until the last "paragraph". I'll get to that in due time.
Free thought and open discussion- 1st amendment should prevail here. Unless you are putting someone in harms way by your speech, it should be allowed. You should not be allowed to threaten someone (this is even subjective in my mind), or "yell fire in a crowded theatre".
Freedom to practice whatever religion you'd like (obviously no human sacrifice 🤣) - Again, first amendment. One of my neighbors is a pastor/preacher of a church (have no idea what religion). All I know is he, nor his congregation causes me any harm. Him, and his family seem to be fine people even though they may not believe what I believe.
Being cognizant of what we put back in the earth (toxic dumping and such) - This should never be allowed. I don't agree with any type of pollution and my passenger floor board would show you as much. I'm not throwing trash out my window, but you have to look no further than the East Palestine Ohio train derailment situation to see that there are serious problems. There is no accountability for situations like this. There should be people stripped of their wealth and in prison for this.
I LOATHE the fact we've been driven into a team sport. There's no more open discussion... It's all shallow talking points that never go beneath the surface level. That's the way the MSM wants it. It's all propaganda. They lie on national TV with no remorse.
We're a melting pot with tons of different ideas of how to run the country, but we've turned into one side versus the other while folks with moderate positions get shouted down by either side. Again, that's the way "they" want it. If we're fighting against one another we're not paying attention to other things they are doing.
We're headed in a dangerous direction and it's fueled mostly by the MSM keeping us from realizing how much we all have in common. They don't portray the good in society anymore, but just fuel division and hatred towards fellow Americans. I've been saying this for around 20 years. It's much worse than what they report, which is always biased. It's what they choose not to report. If a story doesn't fit the democrat narrative, it never makes it off the "cutting room" floor.
I remember reading stories of couple getting divorced because they found out their spouse voted for Trump. How on earth have we allowed politics to become a religion like this? I understand your premise, but anyone who gets married to someone without some set of common beliefs from the "get go" was doomed to fail.
Those are my thoughts and I look forward to talking with you again on the next segment of classical liberal/conservative. LOL