The Libs are starting to panic about the Epstein client list.
The popular narrative is that Trump is on the list, but he scrubbed his involvement from the files.
If the FBI had even a shred of evidence of this, it would have been released prior to 2016, and everyone knows it.
These are also the same people who spent the last 10+ years saying that human trafficking and pedophilia are a conspiracy theory, that Epstein island is not real, and that anyone who believes in this stuff is a tinfoil hat wearing nutjob.
Now they are the experts on the situation? How adorable.
Trump is literally the most vetted and investigated man in world history. Mueller looked under every single rock for almost Trump’s entire first term, the FBI raided Trump’s home, and every single thing he has ever done has been investigated.
Do the Libs really think the FBI/CIA/DNC have evidence that Trump was engaged in these sort of crimes, and they covered it up? Why would they have to gin up a bunch of phony crimes if they had proof about Epstein island?
Why wouldn’t Joe Biden or any of the Dems call for these files to be released?
Why would Trump bring it up in 2015 if he was on the list?
The Libs have no idea what’s coming.