I understand much of that will not be popular among many. I'm no historian but I do read a lot of middle-age, white-guy history books like many of you on hereI sure hope you're wrong about most of this. I can only speak for myself in saying I will do everything in my power to fight these measures. What a horrible place to live that would make for . Just horrible. I don't think the Feds have done nearly as bad a job as you're stating but they have also said since day one they would support, not implement. I don't know how people keep missing this. In these situations, the Feds should be doing very little other than using resources to support localities and states. Local leadership is far better equipped to have an actual impact in a country this big.
To your last assertion, that is fine that that is your belief. My belief is that how this plays out over 2020 will leave most of America to conclude that we need a much more capable federal safety net. I don't actually believe the federal government can most effectively do that - I'm just saying it will be a honey pot that aspiring politicians will not ignore and the majority of Americans will demand it.
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