From the mother of one of our hero's who gave his live in Afghanistan.

What if I told you I did the same thing your son/daughter is doing and this protest doesn't bother me at all? Of course I would stand but we also signed up to protect everyone's rights, and a peaceful protest is one of them.

I would say thank you for your service and you have a right to your opinion. I also have no problem with peaceful protests but I have a huge problem when that protest crosses the line of respect for our flag and our country. The flag and what it represents are the reasons that those players have the lives that they do and make the money they do.

If they want to help the issue, be active in their communities and work to tear down stereotypes and barriers to understanding. Silence the violent minority who espouses distrust and hatred towards law enforcement and realize that there are people who are manipulating them just to make the very situation they want to go away, worse.

The protest got attention all right, and the overwhelming response is complete disagreement with those who chose to kneel. Just ask the NFL, who is in borderline panic mode of the loss of revenue that the disrespect of their employees is costing the league.
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Appreciate it. Just wanted to know what you would say. Everyone can have an opinion and they can be different. That's what makes America great. Just we need to show respect to people who have different opinions rather than attack them. ( not saying you are, just saying in general )
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Every one of you dumbasses crying about social injustice should attend a graduation from basic training where your kid swears to defend this country from all threats foreign and domestic and to lay down their lives if necessary to do so. When they make this pledge it is done without regard to race, religion, social status or anything other than the citizens of this country represented by the Stars and Stripes. You should have to look a mother, father, brother, sister, wife or child in the eye when they have lost a loved one protecting your freedom and tell them it is ok to disrespect the very thing that honors the ultimate sacrifice their loved one made.

I will be damned if some punk ass athletes and a punk ass like you will dishonor that flag when my kid is one of those very people who has made that commitment to all people of all races and all religions just because they are part of this great country.

Find another way to protest and raise your issues, but do not disrespect our flag and our national anthem. If you want to do that, get the **** out!

Please forgive me all of those who I've been having civil discussions with. None of this is directed at you.

Not sure what I said that triggered you but I'm laughing at you. First I'm far from a dumbass. Also, I don't cry for injustice or about it. I even teach people to not complain and get to work. I teach people to work through it no matter how bad it is. I've never complained you asshole. But I will discuss the issues if someone asks or in a situation like this on a message board. Sometimes we don't have the perspective of others. Doesn't make you bad. I'm having a respectful discussion about it with some in here that may be curious about a different perspective. I'm not being disrespectful or accusing or attacking anyone. That all being said....

I have family that have served and some died or have been wounded. They talk about freedom very differently than you do. They take pride in the fact that they fought so people can be free to protest and they'll say as long as it's peaceful. I think people that burn flags are stupid but my family gave them that right. That's why they fought because we are different and even those I think are stupid have rights. Sounds like your dumbass don't realize that and if you want to be obligated to stand then take your punk ass to a communist country. As for our great country we'll keep protesting and improving our great country as it's always been done. Your dumbass like many others have never liked any kind of protest that doesn't fit your needs. Stop pretending like this method is the issue.

How many times have you gone to bat for veterans and their care? Not just running your bitch ass mouth but actually doing something? You missed plenty of opportunities b/c bill after bill keeps being voted down to deny adequate care including the best one ever just recently. But you were too busy bitching about one insignificant dude kneeling. Many veterans have turned their back on this country because of treatment here at home.

And for the record you fake ass tough guy I myself have never kneeled. But if I ever did it would be for one reason. Just to dare your bitch ass to do something about it. I love this country. Now get the **** out of my country you damn communist piece of shit. And stay out until you learn the true meaning of freedom and why they die protecting all including those they disagree with.

Everyone again please forgive me.
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Dude, It's pretty obvious from your post that you have no idea what white privilege is (but you think you do). White Privilege isn't going to pay your tuition, or get you a job, or make you work less hard for any of the important things in life. Just b/c you are white doesn't mean you get to break the law and the cop just lets you off b/c you are white or you automatically get a job b/c of your skin color. That is NOT what white privilege is. BUT that's what a bunch of people THINK it is (and I assume that you are in this group). Which is why this group doesn't believe in the concept (and you can't blame them for it)... because the above stuff doesn't happen in real life. That's bullshit.

White privilege is not a positive force. Instead, think of it as a LACK of a negative force. As a white guy who has been around for a while (almost 50 years), I know that pretty much whatever situation I happen to be in (if I can control it at all) the results will be dependent on my skills and actions. in other words I always get a level playing field and my success or failure is all on me. It doesn't mean that I don't have to EARN what I get... instead it means that I have a fair shot. In a job interview, I fully believe that if I'm the best candidate, I WILL get the job. If I'm stopped by the police, I KNOW that if I act respectfully and have done nothing wrong (aside from speeding/broken tail light or whatever) the policeman is either going to write me a ticket (or not) and move on. And this kind of attitude effects nearly everything in life. I can stop to help a stranded female motorist and she's not scared of me. Women don't clutch their purses when I get on an elevator with them...

You get the picture... And this type of feedback alters my behavior over time. I'm confident, calm, and collected in job interviews, which makes me look better. I'm at ease when the cops stop me, which puts the cop at ease as well. And so forth. If you approach a situation in a calm and confident manner, you are MUCH more likely to have a positive outcome. On the other hand, if you are wondering if the guy across from you in the interview cares about your skin color (it doesn't matter if he does or not for this purpose), it distracts you from being your best, you aren't going to interview as well. Again, you may or may not get the job, but it's just one more distraction. If you are scared that the cop stopped you (again, it doesn't matter if this feeling is justified or not), you are going to act differently than I do... and the cop is going to respond to that.)
This kind of thing can color your behavior, but not in a good way.

THIS is white privilege. It doesn't mean you didn't struggle b/c you are white or that you somehow didn't earn what you have. It doesn't mean you can't succeed if you are not white. It's a small and subtle thing, but it can effect things.
Dude, It's pretty obvious from your post that you have no idea what white privilege is (but you think you do). White Privilege isn't going to pay your tuition, or get you a job, or make you work less hard for any of the important things in life. Just b/c you are white doesn't mean you get to break the law and the cop just lets you off b/c you are white or you automatically get a job b/c of your skin color. That is NOT what white privilege is. BUT that's what a bunch of people THINK it is (and I assume that you are in this group). Which is why this group doesn't believe in the concept (and you can't blame them for it)... because the above stuff doesn't happen in real life. That's bullshit.

White privilege is not a positive force. Instead, think of it as a LACK of a negative force. As a white guy who has been around for a while (almost 50 years), I know that pretty much whatever situation I happen to be in (if I can control it at all) the results will be dependent on my skills and actions. in other words I always get a level playing field and my success or failure is all on me. It doesn't mean that I don't have to EARN what I get... instead it means that I have a fair shot. In a job interview, I fully believe that if I'm the best candidate, I WILL get the job. If I'm stopped by the police, I KNOW that if I act respectfully and have done nothing wrong (aside from speeding/broken tail light or whatever) the policeman is either going to write me a ticket (or not) and move on. And this kind of attitude effects nearly everything in life. I can stop to help a stranded female motorist and she's not scared of me. Women don't clutch their purses when I get on an elevator with them...

You get the picture... And this type of feedback alters my behavior over time. I'm confident, calm, and collected in job interviews, which makes me look better. I'm at ease when the cops stop me, which puts the cop at ease as well. And so forth. If you approach a situation in a calm and confident manner, you are MUCH more likely to have a positive outcome. On the other hand, if you are wondering if the guy across from you in the interview cares about your skin color (it doesn't matter if he does or not for this purpose), it distracts you from being your best, you aren't going to interview as well. Again, you may or may not get the job, but it's just one more distraction. If you are scared that the cop stopped you (again, it doesn't matter if this feeling is justified or not), you are going to act differently than I do... and the cop is going to respond to that.)
This kind of thing can color your behavior, but not in a good way.

THIS is white privilege. It doesn't mean you didn't struggle b/c you are white or that you somehow didn't earn what you have. It doesn't mean you can't succeed if you are not white. It's a small and subtle thing, but it can effect things.
LOL read this genius post.
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I'll give it a whirl. This paragraph is littered with nonsense.

We know what they're protesting. The problem comes with when and how they're doing it. The national anthem is a time when you stand and honor the troops. That's just what it is. That's why there's military flyovers at the end of many of them. It's very clear that the playing of the national anthem before a football game is a time you stand and respect the military.

Your Rosa Parks analogy makes no sense. Nobody is confusing their intent. We're pissed that they are ignorant enough to choose the 45 seconds per week that people stand and respect people who have fought or are fighting for their freedoms to protest anything.

Your kneeling in football crap at the end is completely irrelevant too. The military stands at attention during the national anthem. If you're able and you're doing anything less it's disrespectful. If the military as a whole decided that getting on a knee was what they wanted to do during the national anthem then sure, have at it. As it is they're prescribed to stand and so should everyone else that is able. Whether or not kneeling is disrespectful in other aspects of life is completely irrelevant. It's disrespectful during the national anthem. Period.

I don't know the answer for "how" to get more attention to police inequality but I'm not enough of a jackass to think that the right way to do it is to disrespect the people that are in the military. They can say they're not disrespecting the military all they want but the fact of the matter is that the national anthem at football games has been tied to the military for years upon years and deciding to do anything other than stand at attention is disrespectful.

By the way I have no allegiance to Drumpf and think he's a clown. The two matters are not connected.

Dude, the Rosa Parks analogy was the whole point. Let me spell it out for you. There was public transit, there was Rosa Parks, there was a protest. But the protest had nothing to do with Public Transit. She was just an ordinary woman who was tired at the end of a long day and didn't want to move to the back of the bus b/c of her skin color. There was the national anthem, there were NFL players, there was a protest. But the protests didn't have anything to do with the national anthem (or by association, respect to America, the flag, the troops, or Vets)..

Personally, I stand with my hand over my heart for the national anthem and I don't really like the NFL method. But I absolutely believe in their right to do it. And I get that the military stands at attention during the anthem. You and I stand with our hands over our hearts. The NFL players took a knee. Show me an example where taking a knee is a symbol of disrespect. Just because people like you and I think that we should stand doesn't mean that if others don't think the same that they are wrong. If you want to disrespect the flag, turn your back on it, ignore the anthem and just stand (or sit) around talking, spit on the ground, or moon the flag. Any of those things and I'd agree with you. Silently take a knee and listen to the anthem? Nope. It's just a way to bring attention to their cause.
Dude, It's pretty obvious from your post that you have no idea what white privilege is (but you think you do). White Privilege isn't going to pay your tuition, or get you a job, or make you work less hard for any of the important things in life. Just b/c you are white doesn't mean you get to break the law and the cop just lets you off b/c you are white or you automatically get a job b/c of your skin color. That is NOT what white privilege is. BUT that's what a bunch of people THINK it is (and I assume that you are in this group). Which is why this group doesn't believe in the concept (and you can't blame them for it)... because the above stuff doesn't happen in real life. That's bullshit.

White privilege is not a positive force. Instead, think of it as a LACK of a negative force. As a white guy who has been around for a while (almost 50 years), I know that pretty much whatever situation I happen to be in (if I can control it at all) the results will be dependent on my skills and actions. in other words I always get a level playing field and my success or failure is all on me. It doesn't mean that I don't have to EARN what I get... instead it means that I have a fair shot. In a job interview, I fully believe that if I'm the best candidate, I WILL get the job. If I'm stopped by the police, I KNOW that if I act respectfully and have done nothing wrong (aside from speeding/broken tail light or whatever) the policeman is either going to write me a ticket (or not) and move on. And this kind of attitude effects nearly everything in life. I can stop to help a stranded female motorist and she's not scared of me. Women don't clutch their purses when I get on an elevator with them...

You get the picture... And this type of feedback alters my behavior over time. I'm confident, calm, and collected in job interviews, which makes me look better. I'm at ease when the cops stop me, which puts the cop at ease as well. And so forth. If you approach a situation in a calm and confident manner, you are MUCH more likely to have a positive outcome. On the other hand, if you are wondering if the guy across from you in the interview cares about your skin color (it doesn't matter if he does or not for this purpose), it distracts you from being your best, you aren't going to interview as well. Again, you may or may not get the job, but it's just one more distraction. If you are scared that the cop stopped you (again, it doesn't matter if this feeling is justified or not), you are going to act differently than I do... and the cop is going to respond to that.)
This kind of thing can color your behavior, but not in a good way.

THIS is white privilege. It doesn't mean you didn't struggle b/c you are white or that you somehow didn't earn what you have. It doesn't mean you can't succeed if you are not white. It's a small and subtle thing, but it can effect things.
I know plenty of poor whites that would argue that they suffer from from being black then too, because I guarantee they have to deal with all of that.
I know plenty of poor whites that would argue that they suffer from from being black then too, because I guarantee they have to deal with all of that.

No sir, they do not. They suffer from being poor. Statistically speaking that's much worse than being brown. Poor is a great equalizer... It doesn't care if you are white or brown, a man or a woman, old or young. Poor deals out the suckage regardless. You (obviously) make less money. you have poorer health, worse quality of life, and are more likely to experience food and shelter insecurity. It's a whole different thing... white privilege is a very subtle thing. There's nothing subtle about being poor... you have it tougher in life. Period.
No sir, they do not. They suffer from being poor. Statistically speaking that's much worse than being brown. Poor is a great equalizer... It doesn't care if you are white or brown, a man or a woman, old or young. Poor deals out the suckage regardless. You (obviously) make less money. you have poorer health, worse quality of life, and are more likely to experience food and shelter insecurity. It's a whole different thing... white privilege is a very subtle thing. There's nothing subtle about being poor... you have it tougher in life. Period.
Well, where's the NFL protest for that shit. That's much worse.
You live near Clemson?
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What did your friends say? This could be good.

We got into a heated argument about the protesting and I kind of snapped and said to them, "Fvck y'all, y'all are pathetic Americans. Go live somewhere else." They responded with "fvck you, you're a b*tch, you're a pvssy," those types of things. I've know them for a long time, but they weren't my close friends.
We got into a heated argument about the protesting and I kind of snapped and said to them, "Fvck y'all, y'all are pathetic Americans. Go live somewhere else." They responded with "fvck you, you're a b*tch, you're a pvssy," those types of things. I've know them for a long time, but they weren't my close friends.

So if someone disagrees with your viewpoint on the players kneeling, they are pathetic Americans? Trying to understand.
As I thought. Empty threats

I wouldn't construe telling you you're pathetic to your face as a threat, but ok. Still doesn't change the fact that you are indeed pathetic and that I've already done in real life what you're saying I wouldn't do.
I wouldn't construe telling you you're pathetic to your face as a threat, but ok. Still doesn't change the fact that you are indeed pathetic and that I've already done in real life what you're saying I wouldn't do.
The only thing you've done in your life is be a major disappointment to your parents. Quit wasting my time unless you decide to nut up
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The only thing you've done in your life is be a major disappointment to your parents. Quit wasting my time unless you decide to nut up

Please, boy, like you'd drive 500 miles to meet up with me. I don't want to beat someone's ass who has little dick syndrome that badly.
In short, yes, absolutely.

Don't agree with you here. Being a vet and talking to others that I served with, a lot of them are not opposed to them kneeling. Not all but a lot of them are. Now they wouldn't do it themselves but we all agree that we signed up to protect everyone's rights not just people who agree with us. I guess I'm a pathetic American. Ha
Don't agree with you here. Being a vet and talking to others that I served with, a lot of them are not opposed to them kneeling. Not all but a lot of them are. Now they wouldn't do it themselves but we all agree that we signed up to protect everyone's rights not just people who agree with us. I guess I'm a pathetic American. Ha

Blows my mind. Maybe I should have included a qualifier in my statement to exclude those veterans who have served in combat.

I have a large military family, and have a few friends who are serving and all of them and their friends who have served or are serving are incensed by this kneeling bullshit. For the record, I plan on joining the Marines after I get fully healthy and am able to finish up my last few hours for my degree from Clemson.
Well, where's the NFL protest for that shit. That's much worse.

Probably the same place as the rest of the country's protest...

There's a large segment of the country that fully believes that if you are poor, you deserve it and that all poor people are "victims' and just want a hand out.
Dude, the Rosa Parks analogy was the whole point. Let me spell it out for you. There was public transit, there was Rosa Parks, there was a protest. But the protest had nothing to do with Public Transit. She was just an ordinary woman who was tired at the end of a long day and didn't want to move to the back of the bus b/c of her skin color. There was the national anthem, there were NFL players, there was a protest. But the protests didn't have anything to do with the national anthem (or by association, respect to America, the flag, the troops, or Vets)..

Personally, I stand with my hand over my heart for the national anthem and I don't really like the NFL method. But I absolutely believe in their right to do it. And I get that the military stands at attention during the anthem. You and I stand with our hands over our hearts. The NFL players took a knee. Show me an example where taking a knee is a symbol of disrespect. Just because people like you and I think that we should stand doesn't mean that if others don't think the same that they are wrong. If you want to disrespect the flag, turn your back on it, ignore the anthem and just stand (or sit) around talking, spit on the ground, or moon the flag. Any of those things and I'd agree with you. Silently take a knee and listen to the anthem? Nope. It's just a way to bring attention to their cause.
The Rosa Parks thing still makes no sense. She confronted an injustice directly by refusing to move to the back of the bus. There is no parallel between that and what's going on in the NFL.

But back to the point...the crux of our disagreement seems to be that you don't seem to feel that kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful. I do and so does what seems to be the vast majority of the military. Is it mooning the flag-level disrespectful? No, but it's still disrespectful IMO. If we can't agree on that point then there's just not going to be a middle ground here.
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Oh, I have! How in the hell did Barack Obama ever get to be President of the United States with such a "feeling" of being disadvantaged in such a society?
People today are born with an opportunity and resources to succeed in America. The problem is to achieve higher income and success you have to work and sacrifice to get to the top so this entitled generation will try and bitch their way to the top.
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An open letter to the NFL players,

You graduated high school in 2011. Your teenage years were a struggle.

You grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Your mother was the leader of the family and worked tirelessly to keep a roof over your head and food on your plate. Academics were a struggle for you and your grades were mediocre at best. The only thing that made you stand out is you weighed

225 lbs and could run 40 yards in 4.2 seconds while carrying a football.

Your best friend was just like you, except he didn’t play football.

Instead of going to football practice after school, he went to work at McDonalds for minimum wage. You were recruited by all the big colleges and spent every weekend of your senior year making visits to universities where coaches and boosters tried to convince you their school was best.

They laid out the red carpet for you. Your best friend worked double shifts at Mickey D’s. College was not an option for him. On the day you signed with Big State University, your best friend signed paperwork with his Army recruiter. You went to summer workouts. He went to basic training.

You spent the next four years living in the athletic dorm, eating at the training table. You spent your Saturdays on the football field, cheered on by adoring fans. Tutors attended to your every academic need. You attended class when you felt like it. Sure, you worked hard. You lifted weights, ran sprints, studied plays, and soon became one of the top football players in the country. Your best friend was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. While you were in college, he deployed to Iraq once and Afghanistan twice. He became a Sergeant and led a squad of 19 year old soldiers who grew up just like he did. He shed his blood in Afghanistan and watched young American's give their lives, limbs, and innocence for the USA.

You went to the NFL combine and scored off the charts. You hired an agent and waited for draft day. You were drafted in the first round and your agent immediately went to work, ensuring that you received the most money possible. You signed for $16 million although you had never played a single down of professional football. Your best friend re-enlisted in the Army for four more years. As a combat tested sergeant, he will be paid

$32,000 per year.

You will drive a Ferrari on the streets of South Beach. He will ride in the back of a Blackhawk helicopter with 10 other combat loaded soldiers.

You will sleep at the Ritz. He will dig a hole in the ground and try to sleep. You will “make it rain” in the club. He will pray for rain as the temperature reaches 120 degrees.

On Sunday, you will run into a stadium as tens of thousands of fans cheer and yell your name. For your best friend, there is little difference between Sunday and any other day of the week. There are no adoring fans.

There are only people trying to kill him and his soldiers. Every now and then, he and his soldiers leave the front lines and “go to the rear” to rest. He might be lucky enough to catch an NFL game on TV. When the National Anthem plays and you take a knee, he will jump to his feet and salute the television. While you protest the unfairness of life in the United States, he will give thanks to God that he has the honor of defending his great country.

To the players of the NFL: We are the people who buy your tickets, watch you on TV, and wear your jerseys. We anxiously wait for Sundays so we can cheer for you and marvel at your athleticism. Although we love to watch you play, we care little about your opinions until you offend us. You have the absolute right to express yourselves, but we have the absolute right to boycott you. We have tolerated your drug use and DUIs, your domestic violence, and your vulgar displays of wealth. We should be ashamed for putting our admiration of your physical skills before what is morally right. But now you have gone too far. You have insulted our flag, our country, our soldiers, our police officers, and our veterans. You are living the American dream, yet you disparage our great country. I am done with NFL football and encourage all like minded Americans to boycott the NFL as well.

National boycott of the NFL for Sunday November 12th, Veterans Day Weekend. Boycott all football telecast, all fans, all ticket holders, stay away from attending any games, let them play to empty stadiums. Pass this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our military, some of whom come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
This lady’s letter is kind of racist.

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