Trump pushed the Israelis into concessions. Does "give them hell" look like releasing thousands of prisoners and withdrawing from every strategic area in Gaza? There was nothing to threaten Hamas with. They were bombed for over a year, and the IDF didn't make any substantive progress. A lot of young men were lost in areas they claimed to have cleared, sacrificed for political reasons.
I saw a soldier on the Israeli news say there is an IED in every building and alley, and Hamas has cameras everywhere, some motion activated. The tunnel system is intact in large parts, and it looks like they anticipated a siege. There is the misconception that Iran gave them everything. More than likely they made most of what they have themselves, and they're able to do it in the tunnels. Complete nightmare
The deal is difficult, but my opinion is that any campaign could not have been considered a success until the hostages were returned home. Mind you, a deal could have been reached a year ago, but the "war war war!! kill everyone in Gaza !!! terrorists must die!!!" crowd insisted otherwise without a plan. Great, they killed more Hamas people (who will simply be replaced) at the price of dead soldiers, a ruined international image, economic loss, and more dead hostages. Tremendous.