George Floyd Revisited

Speaking of Minneapolis ......actual tax payer paid official and an actual real life BIGOT. Might be time to stop worrying about all of these white supremacists we keep hearing about and focus on the pro-terrorist people.

So can you explain why they didn't just take him in instead of knee to the throat for 10 minutes?

I believe that he died from the drugs but I share the view that if he was distressed and essentially dead when he was on the ground why was the knee to the neck necessary

His resistance to arrest led to the fighting police which eventually led to his unnecessary death or possibly he was going to die anyway from the Fentanol overdose

This case has problems

Lets just riot in 600 cities and do billions in damages instead of getting answers and fixing the problem
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Speaking of Minneapolis ......actual tax payer paid official and an actual real life BIGOT. Might be time to stop worrying about all of these white supremacists we keep hearing about and focus on the pro-terrorist people.

Classic marxisim except applied to race not just economics. Oppressors and oppressed. Anything the oppressed does is ok as long as it's done to the oppressors.
I believe that he died from the drugs but I share the view that if he was distressed and essentially dead when he was on the ground why was the knee to the neck necessary

His resistance to arrest led to the fighting police which eventually led to his unnecessary death or possibly he was going to die anyway from the Fentanol overdose

This case has problems

Lets just riot in 600 cities and do billions in damages instead of getting answers and fixing the problem
Yeah, shame he didn't get a trial and went straight to prison.
Yeah, shame he didn't get a trial and went straight to prison.

Yea, no lack of objectivity or pressure to convict in that trial. Cop messed up and deserved punishment, but it also wasn't cold-blooded murder.

The lesson here is:
  • Don't do hard drugs
  • Don't commit crimes
Had Floyd avoided both of these he would be alive today.

Of course we focused on systemic racism instead of practicing good behavior to keep yourself out of these situations.
I've a little different take here. As a general rule, I'm more supportive of the police until I see substantial reason not to be. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but turning this guy into a hero didn't make any headway with me either. BUT...This is a CLEAR case where the police were over the line. I don't care what color Floyd was, I don't care what crime he committed, or what drugs he was on. Once a person has been subdued by the police, that person is in their care.

Tucker Carlsen can spin all he wants, but I saw the cams on Floyd, just like I saw the live footage from the Capital.

Some times Tucker is full of shit.. this is one of those times.

Floyd was in police custody and an officer had a knee on the man's neck while the guy was not struggling and saying he couldn't breath. The guy died in police custody. That should be looked at, period. I'm not jumping to any conclusions... let the process work itself out. And it did.

There was a trial where a jury went though ALL the evidence, not just the stuff cherry picked by the media (on both sides). They came back with a murder conviction. I'm going with the jury decision until I get good info that something was wrong there.
Yea, no lack of objectivity or pressure to convict in that trial. Cop messed up and deserved punishment, but it also wasn't cold-blooded murder.

The lesson here is:
  • Don't do hard drugs
  • Don't commit crimes
Had Floyd avoided both of these he would be alive today.

Of course we focused on systemic racism instead of practicing good behavior to keep yourself out of these situations.
The lesson here is, don't abuse criminals to the point of killing them.

Do drugs and you deserve to die, kill a man and you didn't get a fair trial. You won't get to hear Floyd's side of the story. I wonder why
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I've a little different take here. As a general rule, I'm more supportive of the police until I see substantial reason not to be. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but turning this guy into a hero didn't make any headway with me either. BUT...This is a CLEAR case where the police were over the line. I don't care what color Floyd was, I don't care what crime he committed, or what drugs he was on. Once a person has been subdued by the police, that person is in their care.

Tucker Carlsen can spin all he wants, but I saw the cams on Floyd, just like I saw the live footage from the Capital.

Some times Tucker is full of shit.. this is one of those times.

Floyd was in police custody and an officer had a knee on the man's neck while the guy was not struggling and saying he couldn't breath. The guy died in police custody. That should be looked at, period. I'm not jumping to any conclusions... let the process work itself out. And it did.

There was a trial where a jury went though ALL the evidence, not just the stuff cherry picked by the media (on both sides). They came back with a murder conviction. I'm going with the jury decision until I get good info that something was wrong there.
He was killed by the police in police custody. Saying he "died" is naive
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He was killed by the police in police custody. Saying he "died" is naive
George Floyd’s death is no different than many people who died of COVID.

Are there people in perfect health who died from COVID and people in perfect health would have also died in the same scenario as Floyd? Yes.

Are the vast majority of COVID deaths due to other poor health conditions compounded with COVID? Yes.

I don’t know what percentage of perfectly healthy people who would have survived under Chauvin’s knee but it’s not 100% and it’s also not 0%. The police contributed to his death but his medical and health condition was a significant factor. I see a Manslaughter conviction, not 2nd degree.

Life is nuanced but that’s too hard for the general public to want to understand.

It’s like A Few Good Men. 99% of people survive that Code Red but Private Santiago medical condition and rag down his throat killed him.

(And these nuances alone due to personal varying DNA is why the whole you must take the vaccine was preposterous. Some people were actually better off NOT taking a vaccine like other vaccines they don’t take.)
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George Floyd’s death is no different than many people who died of COVID.

Are there people in perfect health who died from COVID and people in perfect health would have also died in the same scenario as Floyd? Yes.

Are the vast majority of COVID deaths due to other poor health conditions compounded with COVID? Yes.

I don’t know what percentage of perfectly healthy people who would have survived under Chauvin’s knee but it’s not 100% and it’s also not 0%. The police contributed to his death but his medical and health condition was a significant factor. I see a Manslaughter conviction, not 2nd degree.

Life is nuanced but that’s too hard for the general public to want to understand.

It’s like A Few Good Men. 99% of people survive that Code Red but Private Santiago medical condition and rag down his throat killed him.
I'm not buying this at all. You are comparing apples and oranges. Maybe Floyd would have died from <insert reason here> within minutes. But he didn't. He died from suffocation from a knee on the neck.

It's like a person with stage 4 cancer that walks out of treatment and gets hit by a truck. The truck killed that person, NOT cancer. Sure, the person would have been dead soon, but the truck killed them.

In Floyd's case, the cops killed him. From what I've seen of the evidence, I didn't get the sense that the cops planned this or that they meant to kill him. But they did. I wouldn't have had a fit if a manslaughter conviction was returned, but that does seem light to me.
I'm not buying this at all. You are comparing apples and oranges. Maybe Floyd would have died from <insert reason here> within minutes. But he didn't. He died from suffocation from a knee on the neck.

It's like a person with stage 4 cancer that walks out of treatment and gets hit by a truck. The truck killed that person, NOT cancer. Sure, the person would have been dead soon, but the truck killed them.

In Floyd's case, the cops killed him. From what I've seen of the evidence, I didn't get the sense that the cops planned this or that they meant to kill him. But they did. I wouldn't have had a fit if a manslaughter conviction was returned, but that does seem light to me.
Of course all people hit by truck will die independent of other conditions.

However, are you willing to say that everyone who had COVID died of COVID? If you are, it’s because you run a medical billing department to get paid more.

I’m not trying to exonerate the police. They are 100% responsible for him dying THAT DAY. It was excessive force of a technique used.

But to say every person would die in that particular circumstance is also not true.

We hear all the time the reason why a person survived an incident was because of the good shape they were in. At the same time, being in poor shape is a contributing factor when a person dies.

Again, the police cause his death THAT DAY. But Floyd’s condition certainly increased his chances for death. And that’s a fair statement to make.
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Of course all people hit by truck will die independent of other conditions.

However, are you willing to say that everyone who had COVID died of COVID? If you are, it’s because you run a medical billing department to get paid more.

I’m not trying to exonerate the police. They are 100% responsible for him dying THAT DAY. It was excessive force of a technique used.

But to say every person would die in that particular circumstance is also not true.

We hear all the time the reason why a person survived an incident was because of the good shape they were in. At the same time, being in poor shape is a contributing factor when a person dies.

Again, the police cause his death THAT DAY. But Floyd’s condition certainly increased his chances for death. And that’s a fair statement to make.
I prepared to say if a Dr and a Coroner say that a patient died of COVID, they died of COVID. Were there cases of fraud? You bet. There always are, COVID is no different. BUT just assuming that everyone just put COVID on the cause of death, when it wasn't COVID is BS. You got any proof (as in people getting charged with fraud) of this?

Again, you can be old, unhealthy, or sick. But if you get COVID and die from it, then COVID killed you. Just like the truck above. So sure, underlying conditions made getting COVID much more serious, but COVID (just like the cops above) kill the person THAT DAY.
I'm not buying this at all. You are comparing apples and oranges. Maybe Floyd would have died from <insert reason here> within minutes. But he didn't. He died from suffocation from a knee on the neck.

It's like a person with stage 4 cancer that walks out of treatment and gets hit by a truck. The truck killed that person, NOT cancer. Sure, the person would have been dead soon, but the truck killed them.

In Floyd's case, the cops killed him. From what I've seen of the evidence, I didn't get the sense that the cops planned this or that they meant to kill him. But they did. I wouldn't have had a fit if a manslaughter conviction was returned, but that does seem light to me.

Where was it proven he died of suffocation? Pretty sure the autopsy said cardiac arrest. It also said he had fentanyl and methamphetamines in his system and no life threatening injuries.

Your cancer/truck analogy is totally off on this one. While the cops’ actions very likely contributed to the cardiac arrest, the illegal drugs most certainly played a major role as well.

A better analogy is that a drugged up dude was recklessly playing in traffic and a drunk driver hit him. Both parties are at fault.
Where was it proven he died of suffocation? Pretty sure the autopsy said cardiac arrest. It also said he had fentanyl and methamphetamines in his system and no life threatening injuries.

Your cancer/truck analogy is totally off on this one. While the cops’ actions very likely contributed to the cardiac arrest, the illegal drugs most certainly played a major role as well.

A better analogy is that a drugged up dude was recklessly playing in traffic and a drunk driver hit him. Both parties are at fault.
Well, I know that there are a bunch of media/posts that say that "new information" came out from Floyd's autopsy. But the autopsy hasn't been changed since it first came out. The "information" is on the 2nd page of the autopsy and always has been. The title of the autopsy is the cause of death and is still named: CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST COMPLICATING LAW ENFORCEMENTSUBDUAL, RESTRAINT, AND NECK COMPRESSION. The coroner ruled it a homicide.

The autopsy did say other things were wrong with him and did at the time of the autopsy and at the trial. But the cause of death has not changed.

Well, I know that there are a bunch of media/posts that say that "new information" came out from Floyd's autopsy. But the autopsy hasn't been changed since it first came out. The "information" is on the 2nd page of the autopsy and always has been. The title of the autopsy is the cause of death and is still named: CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST COMPLICATING LAW ENFORCEMENTSUBDUAL, RESTRAINT, AND NECK COMPRESSION. The coroner ruled it a homicide.

The autopsy did say other things were wrong with him and did at the time of the autopsy and at the trial. But the cause of death has not changed.

That does not indicate suffocation as the cause of death. The bold is heart related, not air restriction related- Just FYI.
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So weird that you'd want Chauvin exonerated. So f'ed up...
Would you rather live next door to Chauvin or George Floyd? Serious question......let's assume the incident didn't happen. Who would you rather have as your neighbor?
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Wait, so a mexican mafia member and long term FBI informant tried to kill Chauvin because of ........wait for it......Black Lives Matter? So Mexicans now stand in solidarity with Blacks in prison? And the FBI did the interrogation and not the actual prison staff or local police?

I am running out of tin foil at this point

Trump so easily could have turned so many votes for himself if he had the leadership skillset to have handled the the Covid Crisis and the George Floyd killing, which were gimmes for any other Presidents. But he will never be accused of having a Presidential mindset.....cant even look Presidential...
I prepared to say if a Dr and a Coroner say that a patient died of COVID, they died of COVID. Were there cases of fraud? You bet. There always are, COVID is no different. BUT just assuming that everyone just put COVID on the cause of death, when it wasn't COVID is BS. You got any proof (as in people getting charged with fraud) of this?

Again, you can be old, unhealthy, or sick. But if you get COVID and die from it, then COVID killed you. Just like the truck above. So sure, underlying conditions made getting COVID much more serious, but COVID (just like the cops above) kill the person THAT DAY.
I just want to make sure you are comfortable with this line of thinking…..

55 year old man with stage 4 cancer, cirrhosis of the liver gets a bad 48 hr cold and dies. Cause of death is a cold. 🙄

There is a reason when someone dies in the middle of the night of “natural causes” at 85 years old they state the person had Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, and Diabetes as contributing factors. Why?

But give me a FVCKIN break if this same person dies and they had a standard viral infection where 99% survive and of those 99% of those who die of that 1% had contributing factors. It’s a complete fabrication of the truth.
Why defend the cops involved? They had the cuffs on him and held him down for almost 10 minutes. Why not pick him up and take him to jail?
I would agree with the 10 minutes but if you ever watched mma you should know it's very hard to cut off someone's air. This whole thing went political and at that point it's the truth be damned imo.
I just want to make sure you are comfortable with this line of thinking…..

55 year old man with stage 4 cancer, cirrhosis of the liver gets a bad 48 hr cold and dies. Cause of death is a cold. 🙄

There is a reason when someone dies in the middle of the night of “natural causes” at 85 years old they state the person had Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, and Diabetes as contributing factors. Why?

But give me a FVCKIN break if this same person dies and they had a standard viral infection where 99% survive and of those 99% of those who die of that 1% had contributing factors. It’s a complete fabrication of the truth.
I am absolutely comfortable with it... Let's take your example and change it just a little. A 55 year old man with stage 4 cancer and cirrhosis of the walks into a bank. The bank is being robbed and the robber shoots him in the chest. Two days later the man dies in the ICU. Does the bank robber NOT get charged with murder? Does the man's death certificate say he died of cancer or cirrhosis? Of course not, because the bullet to the chest killed him.

Same thing here.
I would agree with the 10 minutes but if you ever watched mma you should know it's very hard to cut off someone's air. This whole thing went political and at that point it's the truth be damned imo.
But no one on MMA is kneeling on anyone's neck for 10 minutes.

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