Georgia goes to hand counting ballots...


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 9, 2005
Stupid idea, but win for Republicans. If they lose, they will say their hand picked counters were crooked. If they win they will say hand counting prevented fraud...

You could solve the issue with statistically planned audits of the scanned ballots to verify results, but whatever.
Stupid idea, but win for Republicans. If they lose, they will say their hand picked counters were crooked. If they win they will say hand counting prevented fraud...

You could solve the issue with statistically planned audits of the scanned ballots to verify results, but whatever.

What's funny is the hand counts in Nevada gave Biden a bigger win ... Those damn Cyber Ninjas.
Honestly surprised there hasn't been more political violence when you have Republicans doing stuff like this and what Lindsey Graham is trying to pull in Nebraska to undermine our elections.

Stupid idea, but win for Republicans. If they lose, they will say their hand picked counters were crooked. If they win they will say hand counting prevented fraud...

You could solve the issue with statistically planned audits of the scanned ballots to verify results, but whatever.
Didn’t GA hand count last time and it showed that the machines were pretty much right on?
Didn’t GA hand count last time and it showed that the machines were pretty much right on?
Yes and it did. And guess what? Trumpians didn't believe it. As is pointed out above, if they hand count ballots and Trump loses again, they'll just say how it was rigged some other way. Just like the Cyber Ninjas in Arizona... as soon as they showed Biden won, Trumpians were talking about how corrupt everything was. You have to realize, Trump and his Trumpians will NEVER accept a loss as legitimate. NEVER. So no matter what lengths anyone goes to to "prove" it to them, they will not believe it.
Stupid idea, but win for Republicans. If they lose, they will say their hand picked counters were crooked. If they win they will say hand counting prevented fraud...

You could solve the issue with statistically planned audits of the scanned ballots to verify results, but whatever.

Wonder why machines are NOT BEING USED

OH WAIT Could it be nah nothing bad every happens with machines
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Wonder why machines are NOT BEING USED

OH WAIT Could it be nah nothing bad every happens with machines
I ran down this rabbit hole in 2000 as a comp sci major. its a nothing burger the machines are full proof now. I don't know how aware you are about asynchronous encryption and storing data securely at rest but its for sure full proof. Also, they print paper ballots that can be reviewed.

So anyway, you are wrong to worry. I realize radicalized folks will not follow what im saying and just listen to twitter. But as someone who actually did the research, I thought i would share.
Wonder why machines are NOT BEING USED

OH WAIT Could it be nah nothing bad every happens with machines
Because the republicans are trying to create a narrative around this. You could use statistical sampling and count a few to verify accuracy of the machines if you want.

Hand counting has much bigger errors.

Are you saying that you will support the results no matter what they are since they are hand counted?
Stupid idea, but win for Republicans. If they lose, they will say their hand picked counters were crooked. If they win they will say hand counting prevented fraud...

You could solve the issue with statistically planned audits of the scanned ballots to verify results, but whatever.

I read a whole story about what is happening in GA and it is crazy.

The GA election board has five members: two magas, one conservative Republican, and two dems. The conservative Republican would not vote the way the magas wanted, so they started a smear and harassment campaign against him until he finally resigned. He was replaced with another maga, giving them the voting majority.

They quickly made rule changes, including one that said ANY local elections official could choose not to certify the results if they felt there was fraud. Evidence would not be necessary; they only had to FEELTrump loses, GA will refuse to certify and, therefore, that there was fraud.

The goal of this goes beyond just GA. The goal is that if trump loses, GA will refuse to ceritufy and therefore not send electors to DC. The goal is to hold up the certification of the national election.

The state of GA recently challenged this in court. So now, the board is doing this hand-counting bullshit as another ploy to delay the certification should Trump lose.

When Trump visited GA recently for a rally, he recognized these three mega board members by name and praised them for their work. Odd, right? For a presidential candidate to be praising the work of local election officials prior to an election?

The is some dirty, dirty shit. trump will not accept a defeat. He is going to do anything he can, again, to overturn the results should he lose.

Both the dems and pubs have teams of 60+ lawyers ready for the inevitable legal battles.
I read a whole story about what is happening in GA and it is crazy.

The GA election board has five members: two magas, one conservative Republican, and two dems. The conservative Republican would not vote the way the magas wanted, so they started a smear and harassment campaign against him until he finally resigned. He was replaced with another maga, giving them the voting majority.

They quickly made rule changes, including one that said ANY local elections official could choose not to certify the results if they felt there was fraud. Evidence would not be necessary; they only had to FEELTrump loses, GA will refuse to certify and, therefore, that there was fraud.

The goal of this goes beyond just GA. The goal is that if trump loses, GA will refuse to ceritufy and therefore not send electors to DC. The goal is to hold up the certification of the national election.

The state of GA recently challenged this in court. So now, the board is doing this hand-counting bullshit as another ploy to delay the certification should Trump lose.

When Trump visited GA recently for a rally, he recognized these three mega board members by name and praised them for their work. Odd, right? For a presidential candidate to be praising the work of local election officials prior to an election?

The is some dirty, dirty shit. trump will not accept a defeat. He is going to do anything he can, again, to overturn the results should he lose.

Both the dems and pubs have teams of 60+ lawyers ready for the inevitable legal battles.
Dear @fatpiggy @TigerGrowls etc,
This is what people mean when they say: DJT is a threat to democracy
This is real, its happening, you can read about it now. Then watch as it plays out in real time. So when MAGA says: "HURR DUURRR THE GA ELECTION WAS RIGGED" and then they send the whole process into a tailspin because Kamala wins more than 270, excluding GA. You can come back here and understand, you were warned.
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Dear @fatpiggy @TigerGrowls etc,
This is what people mean when they say: DJT is a threat to democracy
This is real, its happening, you can read about it now. Then watch as it plays out in real time. So when MAGA says: "HURR DUURRR THE GA ELECTION WAS RIGGED" and then they send the whole process into a tailspin because Kamala wins more than 270, excluding GA. You can come back here and understand, you were warned.
Let us know when you hold a contested primary.

Until then, Fvck off

The people literally had no say so in the direction of the Democratic Party
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I read a whole story about what is happening in GA and it is crazy.

The GA election board has five members: two magas, one conservative Republican, and two dems. The conservative Republican would not vote the way the magas wanted, so they started a smear and harassment campaign against him until he finally resigned. He was replaced with another maga, giving them the voting majority.

They quickly made rule changes, including one that said ANY local elections official could choose not to certify the results if they felt there was fraud. Evidence would not be necessary; they only had to FEELTrump loses, GA will refuse to certify and, therefore, that there was fraud.

The goal of this goes beyond just GA. The goal is that if trump loses, GA will refuse to ceritufy and therefore not send electors to DC. The goal is to hold up the certification of the national election.

The state of GA recently challenged this in court. So now, the board is doing this hand-counting bullshit as another ploy to delay the certification should Trump lose.

When Trump visited GA recently for a rally, he recognized these three mega board members by name and praised them for their work. Odd, right? For a presidential candidate to be praising the work of local election officials prior to an election?

The is some dirty, dirty shit. trump will not accept a defeat. He is going to do anything he can, again, to overturn the results should he lose.

Both the dems and pubs have teams of 60+ lawyers ready for the inevitable legal battles.
What’s funny is this time they can delay, and Biden will still be president until he passes away and then….
The main thing this should do is to eliminate fraud by way of just changing votes in the software. It still can't account for fake ballots.
Let us know when you hold a contested primary.

Until then, Fvck off

The people literally had no say so in the direction of the Democratic Party
A contested primary huh? The primary was held at the convention, I can get you videos if you need to rewatch. Look, I get your point but it's just simply a weak one. The people don't care about it and Kamala is the candidate and if you believe the polls she's beating DJT.

Move on from that and deal with what I asked. Stop whataboutism this debate. Be honest and up front. Okclem was cancelled, probably by Amy or cabo, so you are in a safe space
They were alternate electors and it was a legal constitutional process that got derailed due to the false flag operation known as J6.
False flag? These insurrectionists have had trials .... It's all public knowledge now. You ignoring reality is your deficit. Also to my original point stands he sent fake electors. Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean it didn't happen.
They were alternate electors and it was a legal constitutional process that got derailed due to the false flag operation known as J6.
How was it a false flag when Trump invited them there and the violent ones that got arrested were all Trumpers? You know how it wouldn't have been a false flag? By not lying to his minions for two months, enraging them and inviting them to the Capitol, that's how. Think about how badly your brain has to be warped to believe any other scenario.
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How was it a false flag when Trump invited them there and the violent ones that got arrested were all Trumpers? You know how it wouldn't have been a false flag? By not lying to his minions for two months, enraging them and inviting them to the Capitol, that's how. Think about how badly your brain has to be warped to believe any other scenario.
Fbi agents dpic. We're there some rowdy Trump supporters?....yes. That's why you bring the national guard in.
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Fake news. You are the one exposed.
That's not how actual serious discussion works. You are behaving like a child. Refute the narrative with substance. Trump will lose because Americans will wake up to the idea that politicians manufacturing the reality is deadly.

The facts are that Trump did send fake electors
That's not how actual serious discussion works. You are behaving like a child. Refute the narrative with substance. Trump will lose because Americans will wake up to the idea that politicians manufacturing the reality is deadly.

The facts are that Trump did send fake electors
No....that's the narrative that you choose to believe. We have went over this many times and I provided the facts then.
Fbi agents dpic. We're there some rowdy Trump supporters?....yes. That's why you bring the national guard in. have one guy you accused of being FBI though he wasn't and you ruined his life. There are no other real accounts of FBI agents instigating the crowd and you know it. But if you're going to invite tens of thousands of angry incels to the capitol, why would it be odd or wrong to have undercover FBI agents in the crowd? It's Washington DC for god's sake at a time they were counting the electoral votes so why wouldn't you want to surveil that type of crowd to understand what's happening on the ground in real time?
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No....that's the narrative that you choose to believe. We have went over this many times and I provided the facts then.
Umm as stupid as this sounds. Are you completely incapable of assimilating information? You are attempting to drag me down into a realm where only your feelings are real. I'm listing actual facts. You need some facts in your life.
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A contested primary huh? The primary was held at the convention, I can get you videos if you need to rewatch. Look, I get your point but it's just simply a weak one. The people don't care about it and Kamala is the candidate and if you believe the polls she's beating DJT.

Move on from that and deal with what I asked. Stop whataboutism this debate. Be honest and up front. Okclem was cancelled, probably by Amy or cabo, so you are in a safe space
The people do care about it. Independents care about it.

Kamala would never have won an open and contested primary. She finished dead last in 2020z

Voters have NO say so in the direction of the Democratic Party. You will get a far left buffoon and like it.
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The people do care about it. Independents care about it.

Kamala would never have won an open and contested primary. She finished dead last in 2020z

Voters have NO say so in the direction of the Democratic Party. You will get a far left buffoon and like it.
Have you seen the independent polls. Kamala is winning
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