It's WAY up there near the top, for sure. I agree with you.
I have a sister in London and a cousin in Berlin. Berlin has all but eliminated the COVID issue. I get that Germany is much smaller than us as a country and all that. I get it. But, despite the fact that they've all but eliminated it, everyone still wears a mask when they go out. Imagine that..... We are the only country in the western world that is raising hell about mask wearing and it's insane.
We require people to wear shoes when they go into stores, and no one says a word about that. No one has a problem with it. It makes perfect sense to all. No one wants mine, or anyone's nasty dirty feet all over the floor in a public place. But we ask someone to wear a mask when they go into the CVS for 5 minutes and you'd think we're asking for a first born child.
We were worried the last few days that our 18 month old may have COVID. She's had a 103 temp for two days (Mon & Tues) and tested negative for strep, and a few other things. So we did the drive through to get her tested two days ago. Got the results back today that she was negative for COVID and her fever has gone, thank goodness. But, I haven't gone anywhere for the last few days because if she had it, I likely would have had it. And the idea that I go to a store, or anywhere for that matter, and give it to someone else that could die from it is unthinkable to me. I couldn't dream of being indifferent about that.
But the idea that masks do nothing is just ridiculous. If a grocery store had 100 people in it and ALL were wearing masks, you're telling me that the capability of transmission, etc would be no different than if that same store had the same 100 people and NONE were wearing masks? That's ridiculous. Sorry.
Regardless of what side we are all on on this, I bet everyone on this site teaches/taught their kids to cover their mouths when they cough. Why have we done that all these years and generations? Many reasons....It's common courtesy, it prevents your spit and saliva from exploding out into the air around you, and it's an effort to at least "try" to limit what you're projecting out there. It just makes sense and we all do this.
I just don't understand how this mask situation is any different. And to be clear, I'm not saying we have to wear masks in all situations (even when outside, etc). i just don't see why it's a big deal for 5-10 minutes in a grocery store, etc if it increases the chances of helping to protect just one other soul out there.
For Trump to say "science shouldn't get in the way of this" is laughable at best.
I've seen some dumb stuff the last few years. This is up there.