GET READY: The Show Is Just Starting – Democrats Rigged the Voting Machines, They Attempted a Steal – And They Got Caught


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Dec 21, 2001


By Joe Hoft
Published November 14, 2020 at 7:10pm

The fireworks are just getting started. The Democrats are in a panic. President Trump has the upper hand.
We are seeing several signs that the Trump legal team is aware of how the election was stolen for Joe Biden.
Lin Wood tweeted today that he has seen the evidence of fraud in the computer voting system:

Since I delivered these remarks on November 6, I have seen overwhelming evidence that massive fraud was in the computer voting system in addition to mail ballots.
They will not get away with it.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 14, 2020
TRENDING: SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden's Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!

Sydney Powell claims that she too has seen the information on the Dominion voting machines and it is ‘staggering’:
Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell says she has “staggering” statistical evidence and testimony to show Dominion voting machines altered ballots”.

Sidney Powell not backing down.
— Lara Logan (@laralogan) November 13, 2020
Do you think Democrats cheated in the election?
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President Trump retweeted a Glen Beck video where an expert on the Dominion voting machines talked about the ability for these machines to be able to change a vote after it was entered into the machine:
They can essentially ingest and then record something differently than what was originally read…It should have never been in there in the first place.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2020

It’s also reported that former Dominion programmers are talking to the Trump team about what they know about the machines as well as the entire code base has been turned over – oh and since the President gets all the top secret information, the President knows what’s going on too:

rumors on deep web that not only are there real whistleblowers from the dev group at Dominion voting systems, but also that the entire code base has been ‘turned over’ (not said to whom) & that Dominion staff is running around shitting all over the floor!
— OffTheGrid (@OffTheG84981731) November 14, 2020

Others on Twitter are reporting this as well:

I’m actually hearing it’s 3 whistleblowers
— Stonewall Jackson (@1776Stonewall) November 14, 2020

Maybe this is why President Trump tweeted out a retweet of our Gateway Pundit report from Tuesday. We were the first to report that millions of ballots had either switched from President Trump to Joe Biden or were lost:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems via @gatewaypundit
— John McLaughlin (@jmclghln) November 12, 2020

What if we had more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election that would back this up?
Stay tuned.


By Joe Hoft
Published November 14, 2020 at 7:10pm

The fireworks are just getting started. The Democrats are in a panic. President Trump has the upper hand.
We are seeing several signs that the Trump legal team is aware of how the election was stolen for Joe Biden.
Lin Wood tweeted today that he has seen the evidence of fraud in the computer voting system:

TRENDING: SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden's Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!

Sydney Powell claims that she too has seen the information on the Dominion voting machines and it is ‘staggering’:

Do you think Democrats cheated in the election?
Yes No
Completing this poll entitles you to The Gateway Pundit news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

President Trump retweeted a Glen Beck video where an expert on the Dominion voting machines talked about the ability for these machines to be able to change a vote after it was entered into the machine:

It’s also reported that former Dominion programmers are talking to the Trump team about what they know about the machines as well as the entire code base has been turned over – oh and since the President gets all the top secret information, the President knows what’s going on too:

Others on Twitter are reporting this as well:

Maybe this is why President Trump tweeted out a retweet of our Gateway Pundit report from Tuesday. We were the first to report that millions of ballots had either switched from President Trump to Joe Biden or were lost:

What if we had more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election that would back this up?
Stay tuned.

“Your honor, I have seen evidence that proves there was massive voter fraud. I just don’t have it with me right now.”
LMAO... I've seen this on how the Clinton's are "affiliated" with the company that makes the voting machines. And by affiliated, I mean that they apparently can completely control the results and switch votes from Trump to Biden. Just a quick question... If Hillary could pull that off, how come she lost to Trump in 2016 by a "landslide"? Asking for a friend...

The butthurt on here is even worse than I imagined. Ain't no snowflake like a Republican snowflake.

So we are getting on toward two weeks from the election and where's the proof. A bunch of Trump's lawsuits went to court on Friday. BIG SURPRISE... Trump went 0-Whatever. EVERY SINGLE THING was thrown out.
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LMAO... I've seen this on how the Clinton's are "affiliated" with the company that makes the voting machines. And by affiliated, I mean that they apparently can completely control the results and switch votes from Trump to Biden. Just a quick question... If Hillary could pull that off, how come she lost to Trump in 2016 by a "landslide"? Asking for a friend...

The butthurt on here is even worse than I imagined. Ain't no snowflake like a Republican snowflake.

So we are getting on toward two weeks from the election and where's the proof. A bunch of Trump's lawsuits went to court on Friday. BIG SURPRISE... Trump went 0-Whatever. EVERY SINGLE THING was thrown out.

Take that and smoke it. This is far from over.

Take that and smoke it. This is far from over.

That's cute that you would quote Trump...If you are taking Trump's word on ANYTHING, you aren't being reasonable. The man lies with every breath. For example, remember those observers being locked out of the counting building in Pennsylvania. Remember Trump telling you that, just like he told you the above load of crap? Well, Trump's lawyers changed the lawsuit on Friday. They are no longer claiming that hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted w/o Republican observers being there. Oddly enough, when it came to being under oath in front of a judge and facing video evidence that the claim was bogus, it turns out that the Republicans WERE in the room after all. Now the lawsuit states that Democrat voters were treated better than Republican voters. So yeah...

And you can tell that the cases being filed all over the country are Trumps, because Trump's lawyers are there pushing the lawsuits. Kind of like tweeting how the election was the most secure in the history of our country... except for the part where the election was rigged.
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