Are you opposed to Muslims from other countries coming to America and living and then becoming US citizens?
If they immigrate legally, which I assume is a prerequisite of becoming a US citizen (but never can tell what a liberal in office might do), and they assimilate into the American way of life, then sure, I have no problem with it. The problem I have is when people from "there" come "here", and then try to make "here" more like "there". If there was so great, why'd you come here? We like here the way it is, and if you don't like here, nobody made you come here and nobody is forcing you to stay. Go back there and leave us alone. That goes for Muslims and everybody.
I don't generalize Muslims as terrorists, the same way I don't generalize Catholics as pedophiles. There are evil Muslims just like there are evil Catholics. There are only evil people, and people who try to be good. That's it, all of the other labels that people put on themselves, or people put on other people are counterproductive and bad.
African American for example. I can't say that there aren't any African Americans in this country, because I'm sure at some point, at least one African citizen immigrated to America and became a citizen, thereby making him or her an African American, but just being black does not make you an African American. I'm not an Irish American, or a European American, I've never even been to Europe, the same way that most black people have never been to Africa. We're all just regular ol' Americans. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can make some actual progress.