We get it. You know more about this than... checks notes... Every political scientist in the history of the discipline. You win. You have beaten me in a war of intellects and we should all bow down to your deductive reasoning skills.
You know it as well as I do.
So now you believe conservatives are the ones that believe in big government and not liberals????? Ok fine.
Let's try this another way.
So we know dictatorships are on one end of the political spectrum, right? Up till an hour ago, all political scientists on the planet agreed that dictatorships were the far left, but you think they are on the far right.
So dictators are on one extreme of the political spectrum, that still means anarchists are on the other.
Still with me?
So since you are now saying that dictators are far right, that means anarchists are far left.
Has to be in order for your logic to hold.
So I've already established that anarchists are people like Jim Jones, David Koresh, militia.
What have you libs always called the MAGA movement?
A cult.
What have you called Trump?
A cult leader.
So by YOUR logic......Trump and the MAGA cult is FAR LEFT.
See how ridiculous you are being?
Dictatorships are far left, cults are far right.
Nazism and fascism are far left.
Big government.
Use your God-given brain.