Happy Climate Change Day!

Liberals always have to have some kind of cause. This has been the case with them for the last 50 years.

And it's mostly hypothetical. Look at Al Gore, Leo, and all these Climate change activist living in multiple mansions and flying around in private jets. There carbon footprint for one day is larger than the average person will accumulate in their lifetime.

Then take the pipeline protesters for example. After they left the site when their protests failed, they left behind tons a trash, and that is very typical.

Point being, all it is is a cause to them. a way to rally voters, a justification for violence for some, and a way to make themselves feel better. they honestly don't give a shit about the environment. Just like they don't give a shit about illegal immigrants, or anything else. Its all about power and control.
Liberals always have to have some kind of cause. This has been the case with them for the last 50 years.

And it's mostly hypothetical. Look at Al Gore, Leo, and all these Climate change activist living in multiple mansions and flying around in private jets. There carbon footprint for one day is larger than the average person will accumulate in their lifetime.

Then take the pipeline protesters for example. After they left the site when their protests failed, they left behind tons a trash, and that is very typical.

Point being, all it is is a cause to them. a way to rally voters, a justification for violence for some, and a way to make themselves feel better. they honestly don't give a shit about the environment. Just like they don't give a shit about illegal immigrants, or anything else. Its all about power and control.

you cannot call them illegal any longer. Global Warming is Climate change and Illegal Immigrants is Undocumented. Literally saw one that said that she "drew the line at inhumane treatment of vulnerable populations, and at people justifying it by calling them illegals in an attempt to dehumanize them." <----direct quote from FB
I sure hope that everyone is on the same page about pollution and littering. I don't think the two subjects (global warming/general cleanliness) should be combined but rather individual subject areas. The fact is that everyone wants to live without trash and littering. I think the masses are all more likely to work together cleaning up the planet if they leave "global warming/climate change" out of their mission statement. It is 100% possible to believe pollution is a problem without believing in global warming. And that is a goal everyone can work toward together.

Absolutely. The common thread is that humans are negatively affecting the environment in one way or another, and we all need to join forces to reverse the trend.
It’s overpopulation.
But none of us want to leave.
I would totally Captain Shepard (Mass Effect) off this planet if it were possible ....

A buddy of mine sent me a video of a group of drunk Alabama morons running head first, one after another, into a stop sign. My response was 'This is why the cool aliens wont visit us". My buddy's response was "What if they are the aliens?" ...... when I read that, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach and said "that would be the most depressing and disappointing thing ever"
Liberals a scientist said it so I believe it! Also liberals , how can you believe the Bible , a book written by men? Men lie! I guess scientists aren’t men.
Wrote a song about it. Like to hear it, here it goes.

Nice reference. I sure do miss In Living Color.

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Honest question for all of the people ITT who deny that climate change is real:

Let's assume that you are 100% correct; climate change is a liberal myth, and humans are not in any way affecting the levels of the oceans, or the avg global temperature.

Then please explain your POV on the millions of pounds of plastic that are clogging our seas and other water ways. Surely this is an undeniable issue that affects everyone in the world, right?

Caring for the home that we as humans have been given should not be considered a political agenda, IMO.


You are entirely missing the point!!! Flew over your head, climate change is real and has been happening for 4.5 billion years. Nothing new here. Don’t you regressive truth deniers understand history. There have been many periods of extreme heat and cooling.

The pollution angle is a much better argument. You won’t get any disagreement there.

The perpetual myth of a forever constantly heating planet is the biggest scam perpetrated on the mentally feeble.
I too enjoy ignoring peer-reviewed scientific literature and mocking evidence-based facts.

The posters ITT who deny climate change and think it’s just some “liberal hoax” are an embarrassment to the human race but also living proof that not everyone evolves and not everyone is mentally fit for a modern society.

Maybe once everything is screwed beyond repair us liberals can say “I told you so”, just like we have on many other issues and occasions throughout history. are still just a youngun so I’m gonna give you a pass for now...

Hopefully, you won’t be too far gone by the time you hit your 30s to realize all that liberal propaganda you’ve been fed is simply BS...
You are entirely missing the point!!! Flew over your head, climate change is real and has been happening for 4.5 billion years. Nothing new here. Don’t you regressive truth deniers understand history. There have been many periods of extreme heat and cooling.

The pollution angle is a much better argument. You won’t get any disagreement there.

The perpetual myth of a forever constantly heating planet is the biggest scam perpetrated on the mentally feeble.

Ok. My response is that I don't need a scientist to tell me that the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is harmful to humans. I already know that because it's common knowledge that if you sit in a closed garage with a gasoline-fueled car running, you will die. If I'm in the same garage with a fully electric car running, I won't die. That's not really debatable, even if you find the science behind the larger-scale effects of car exhausts to be dubious.

But let's assume you are correct and it's all a scam. Do you feel there is a downside to pushing for the development of truly sustainable energy sources, and getting off of humanity's dependence on fossil fuels?
Ok. My response is that I don't need a scientist to tell me that the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is harmful to humans. I already know that because it's common knowledge that if you sit in a closed garage with a gasoline-fueled car running, you will die. If I'm in the same garage with a fully electric car running, I won't die. That's not really debatable, even if you find the science behind the larger-scale effects of car exhausts to be dubious.

But let's assume you are correct and it's all a scam. Do you feel there is a downside to pushing for the development of truly sustainable energy sources, and getting off of humanity's dependence on fossil fuels?

Genuinely curious (forget about what I do and for whom) do you consider nuclear power as part of a longer term plan toward reduction in dependence on fossil fuels? Because, let’s be clear, the world isn’t getting off dependence on fossil fuels in our lifetime. It will continue to be an ever decreasing part of the power portfolio.
Here’s an excerpt that is a good illustration how our current administration just mocks common sense and basic logic. Trump has ushered us into a time where being totally ignorant and denying all facts is acceptable as long as you’re confident. Scary times.

Lol at government scientists facts.
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Ok. My response is that I don't need a scientist to tell me that the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is harmful to humans. I already know that because it's common knowledge that if you sit in a closed garage with a gasoline-fueled car running, you will die. If I'm in the same garage with a fully electric car running, I won't die. That's not really debatable, even if you find the science behind the larger-scale effects of car exhausts to be dubious.

But let's assume you are correct and it's all a scam. Do you feel there is a downside to pushing for the development of truly sustainable energy sources, and getting off of humanity's dependence on fossil fuels?
Where you going to put all them extra clean batteries when they don’t charge anymore?
When you can't respond to the argument with facts, go for either 1) personal attacks or 2) censorship

Not in favor of moving threads, but responding with facts is pointless to most climate change deniers.

The evidence is overwhelming, yet it does not matter because it is ignored. Usually for the absurd reason that scientists the world over are involved in a conspiracy to get research money. Or some facile look at global temps through time.

Meanwhile, Exxon and other major oil companies know the truth and are spending millions on carbon capture and other tech to combat the problem. They've known the truth for sometime based on their own internal scientists and studies.

But hey, the founder of the Weather Channel said Man plays no role so it must be fake news. Sheesh.
Genuinely curious (forget about what I do and for whom) do you consider nuclear power as part of a longer term plan toward reduction in dependence on fossil fuels? Because, let’s be clear, the world isn’t getting off dependence on fossil fuels in our lifetime. It will continue to be an ever decreasing part of the power portfolio.

1) I agree that we will not achieve these goals in our lifetime. We've got to have the long game in mind.

I learned a phrase in my corporate life that came in very useful in sales situations, but is also very applicable in this case: What is the cost of inaction? In business, it may mean allowing a competitor to eat your lunch and grab your market share. In this context, it means that our great-great-great-grandchildren could live in a trash-filled world with crappy air.

2) Good question on nuclear power. I'd say it's a dog with different fleas.

Obviously there are the big concerns about a large-scale meltdown, but those incidents are so very few and far between. Especially with modern technology. I think - at present - nuclear power is a "better" option than fossil fuels, yes. But you are still creating a by-product via the energy production. One that must be stored and contained very well, and for a very long time, lest it negatively affect the planet.

Solar and wind seem to have the least impact, but those will need to be improved big-time to satisfy the energy needs of the present and future.

Complex issues with no easy answers.
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Let me don’t like what we’re saying so you want the thread removed...

Typical liberal behavior...

Because if this was a thread started by a liberal with a liberal bias it would have gotten removed. This thread is full of people who are just embarrassing themselves (@jimbob1019, included) and I'd just like to see some consistency with the moderation of the board.
Because if this was a thread started by a liberal with a liberal bias it would have gotten removed. This thread is full of people who are just embarrassing themselves (@jimbob1019, included) and I'd just like to see some consistency with the moderation of the board.
Relax and laugh at the thread. It’s all good.
I'd just like to see some consistency with the moderation of the board.

Would be nice. Let's all unite and chuckle at the fact that the abortion thread - where people are literally telling others to "cut your dick off" - can span 5 pages and remain on the WEZ, but this gets booted to the Round Table within 2.

I'm in favor of pushing all non-Clemson related stuff here, if that's what it takes. Would just like to see that consistency.
I won't go as far as Johnhugh, but I am close with 3 prominent Clemson researchers that have studied the effects of sea level rise on the coast of SC for decades. The sea level is rising. The data is there. The sea level in Georgetown County has risen 8 inches in 60 years, and the rate of rise is increasing.

The direct reason for why it is rising is undeniable - it is ice cap melt. The reason why the ice cap is melting - I'll leave to you.

The really funny thing is that most of the people on this board making fun of the science on climate change got their own "science nuggets" straight from the ass of Trump with a few sprinkles added by Fox..
Ok. My response is that I don't need a scientist to tell me that the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is harmful to humans. I already know that because it's common knowledge that if you sit in a closed garage with a gasoline-fueled car running, you will die. If I'm in the same garage with a fully electric car running, I won't die. That's not really debatable, even if you find the science behind the larger-scale effects of car exhausts to be dubious.

But let's assume you are correct and it's all a scam. Do you feel there is a downside to pushing for the development of truly sustainable energy sources, and getting off of humanity's dependence on fossil fuels?
Unfortunately the electric cars still pollute unless you charge them at a hydro/nuclear/wind fed charging station. Maybe pollute more than a gas car if your electricity comes from coal. So we have to fix both issues. The source and the end.
There must be a sweet spot the earth can handle. I hope that is natural gas plus some population control since it is doable immediately.
The earth will win. Either we get a handle on things or it will recover when we are Stone Age. Or gone.
Ok. My response is that I don't need a scientist to tell me that the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is harmful to humans. I already know that because it's common knowledge that if you sit in a closed garage with a gasoline-fueled car running, you will die. If I'm in the same garage with a fully electric car running, I won't die. That's not really debatable, even if you find the science behind the larger-scale effects of car exhausts to be dubious.

But let's assume you are correct and it's all a scam. Do you feel there is a downside to pushing for the development of truly sustainable energy sources, and getting off of humanity's dependence on fossil fuels?
No, I encourage exploring alternative fuels. However, we should not destroy economies and quality of life in the process until it is economical.

Re: Climate change, I see you have shifted your argument. Wise move grasshopper. That is a losing cause. Pollution is the route you want to go. Not climate change. You will lose every time. Again, 4.5 billion years of climate change to either extreme—most of which predates humans.
I too enjoy ignoring peer-reviewed scientific literature and mocking evidence-based facts.

The posters ITT who deny climate change and think it’s just some “liberal hoax” are an embarrassment to the human race but also living proof that not everyone evolves and not everyone is mentally fit for a modern society.

Maybe once everything is screwed beyond repair we liberals can say “I told you so”, just like we have on many other issues and occasions throughout history.
At least these tired, old arguments between the left and the right arent changing!

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