The point of gay pride month is to call attention to the issues the LGBT community faces. Paramount among these issues is the amount of violence that gay and especially transgender people face in the US. There have been 26 trans gender people murdered in the US this year. Just last month a man in Detroit targeted a home where gay and transgender people were living and killed 3 people.
The fact that you aren’t aware of this is the exact reason that pride month exists. It’s to help make people aware of it, to help solve the issues that lead to that kind of violence.
More than that, a pride event or pride parade is a place where gay people can go, meet other people who are a part of their community, find acceptance they may or may not be able to find in their own families, and - this is the important part - feel safe.
So, if you’d like to get together with some people and organize a straight pride month, feel free. I’m just curious what your issues would be that you’re trying to call attention to? I’m not aware of anyone who has gone in and shot up a house just because a bunch of straight people lived there having happened in the US recently. Maybe a straight pride month could make me aware of it? How about employers discriminating against straight people? Or businesses refusing to take on straight customers? Or maybe all those closeted straight kids who are terrified their friends and families will reject them need a place they can go to feel safe and feel embraced by other people who are like them.
It’s not about “pride.” It’s about being able to have pride in who you are without threat of discrimination, isolation, or death.