Harris/Trump Debate

MAGA dumbassery on full display tonight. Such a shame when we had candidates that could have absolutely wiped the floor with her tonight. Trump lost bigly, as he would say.
It’s so emasculating to keep supporting Haley. It’s a really pathetic look. She lost and she lost soundly. It was not close. Just trying to help a fellow poster out. You do you.
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I dont support bad deals either. I dont care how you label the bill. Whats in the bill is what matters...
There has never been a better deal. Trump wouldn't be able to get a better one either.

The border would have been measurably better with the bill than without it.
no deal is better than a bad deal...
Not in this case. Don't you ever complain about the deportation system moving slowly again or fentanyl or not enough agents. It would have addressed all of these things and shut down the border completely at that time of the vote.

How is not addressing those issues better than addressing them?
Not in this case. Don't you ever complain about the deportation system moving slowly again or fentanyl or not enough agents. It would have addressed all of these things and shut down the border completely at that time of the vote.

How is not addressing those issues better than addressing them?
The only logical explanation for your ongoing desire for message board cache, is that you’re paid by the post.

Do you post on multiple message boards? Simple question.
Shut it dude. You've lost the respect of the board tonight.
Let me fill you in.. I don’t think any differently of you now, than I ever did. You’re a prime example of a person who’s priorities went array long ago, and now sit in a life position, which simultaneously makes me laugh, shake my head, & feel pity for you.

You’ll be doing the same thing a decade from now, in the same sad existence.

My hope for you is that you realize this.
I had to record the debate and just watched it. Trump won the debate. Its hard to lose when the truth is on your side. Yes ABC was helping scamala but Trump came out on top.
At the same time, what is her plan?

Seems like the plan that’s been in place.
Her policies were released on her website today. She has had no policy briefings. There is no detail.

Her policies mean nothing because she is a Socialist and will say anything. She flipped on dozens of policies and Bernie Sanders told us everything you need to know.

But she clearly won the debate.
Do you think all of the right hates people of color? That's what some on the right think.

How does that feel?
Race is a minor issue in USA. We have the most diverse population in the world. Race issues are observed on the left and right on the fringe.

But Dems do like to politicize race. It is a normal Communist tactic.
I will never believe that harris didn’t know every question on the docket & the exact order the questions would be asked.

She was given several more additional opportunities for rebuttal than Trump was as well. Additionally, she was not treated equally to Trump by the moderators as they obviously bailed her out several times.

She kicked his ass tonight.

In my opinion it wasn’t an apples to apples competition, but regardless she won decisively.

He took the bait & got his ass kicked. I feel sure he was told to redirect & keep it about her & her stupidity & her administration & her past practices.
His Yankee narcissistic ass failed miserably. Hate to see it. Embarrassingly, this surprised me. Baffled by the fact that he seemed to be trying to rally his base instead of highlighting hers. Very disappointed. Praying he overcomes this. 🤦🏻‍♂️
I will never believe that harris didn’t know every question on the docket & the exact order the questions would be asked.

She was given several more additional opportunities for rebuttal than Trump was as well. Additionally, she was not treated equally to Trump by the moderators as they obviously bailed her out several times.

She kicked his ass tonight.

In my opinion it wasn’t an apples to apples competition, but regardless she won decisively.

He took the bait & got his ass kicked. I feel sure he was told to redirect & keep it about her & her stupidity & her administration & her past practices.
His Yankee narcissistic ass failed miserably. Hate to see it. Embarrassingly, this surprised me. Baffled by the fact that he seemed to be trying to rally his base instead of highlighting hers. Very disappointed. Praying he overcomes this. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Disagree strongly with your analysis. Lets bring them over and debate next on Fox.
Her policies were released on her website today. She has had no policy briefings. There is no detail.

Her policies mean nothing because she is a Socialist and will say anything. She flipped on dozens of policies and Bernie Sanders told us everything you need to know.

But she clearly won the debate.
Trump won the debate. Truth always wins.
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if you care about the working class and the middle class, you should probably not vote for the candidate who wants to give tax breaks for the megarich and corporations. you should probably vote for the candidate who wants to actually help union workers and the working/middle classes.
Tax breaks for businesses are good for economic growth. We want there to be investment in the USA.

I would prefer a flat tax with a $10- $15,000 deduction for individuals (may $7k per child). The tax rate could be somewhere in the 17% range and take care of all government costs. That is a flat tax for all source of income (including stock market gains).

Already the top 1% of income earner pay 50% of the taxes.

The problem is that the government spends to much money and spends it on BS things like the Department of Education.

If you want big government, higher taxes, and Socialism, vote Harris.

If you want limited government, lower taxes, and capitalism, vote Trump.

It is really just that simple.
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lol yes let's have a debate on Fox News where they literally had to pay ~$750 MILLION DOLLARS because they repeated Trump's lies ad infinitum.

seems legit

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