Have no words Perry Noble

This and several other posts are spot on
Believe Perry loves the Lord and tigerj summed him up pretty well. He has made mistakes and personal demons(which he was open about) from his past resurfaced. He slid back into substance abuse and has paid for it by losing his church. However, the church he started continues to help others as he did for many years. One reason for his church's success was he was NOT judgemental and accepted people from all walks of life as they were and tried to help them.

There is a lot of jealousy and hate out there towards him. People should pray for him and that he conquers his issues. But again to call him a false profit is just incorrect.

He re-wrote the ten commandments. What more can one do to be a false "profit"?
Serious Q: Let's say that I am godless and a liberal (I am not either one, but still), yet I am a nice person, pay my taxes, give to the United Way, never been convicted of anything, raise foster kids on occasion and even volunteer regularly at the local animal shelter and soup kitchen....Would you still dislike a person like that just because he/she has liberal views?

I like you @andcam, but did I read that right? You don't consider yourself a liberal?
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I don't have an issue with "keeping it real" or "being yourself to avoid being a hypocrite." I can see his angle with this mindset and it can be refreshing to not act "churchy" around people.

My concern is that transformation through Christ makes you loathe things like vulgar language. It just comes off as not having a reverence for God and not wanting to transform into who God wants us to be. It is defiance and that is counter to wanting to change.

Paul's use of the word was done to describe just how filthy something was and I doubt it was seen as a cuss word 2000 years ago.

Just because Jesus exhibited righteous anger in the temple does not make it okay to lose it in every day situations. There is a difference between righteous anger and human anger.

Is it a sin to cuss? I don't know as I'm not the ultimate judge. Is it displeasing to God to use off color language? Something inside of me says it disappoints him and is not Christ-like, especially in a leadership position where you have influence over many.
Serious Q: Let's say that I am godless and a liberal (I am not either one, but still), yet I am a nice person, pay my taxes, give to the United Way, never been convicted of anything, raise foster kids on occasion and even volunteer regularly at the local animal shelter and soup kitchen....Would you still dislike a person like that just because he/she has liberal views?
God doesn't see liberals or conservatives he sees sinners in need of a savior and your works will not get you any closer to heaven than hell. In fact all your good doings are filthy rags and hell is full of good people. The problem is we look at ourselves, but our creator is far greater and perfect. We are pathetic, even our good deeds are self motivated. Sin is deceitful and the devil uses it well to keep us from humbling ourselves and realizing we are nothing without God and His amazing son Jesus Christ.
Best thing Dabo ever did was jettison Perry from the program. Not sure why our football program was in bed with him for so long in the first place
He re-wrote the ten commandments. What more can one do to be a false "profit"?
You do realize the ten commandments were written to be broken. The commandments was a mirror for mankind to realize their short comings compared to God and his perfection. If keeping the commandments would have been sufficient, why did God ordain sacrifices. The commandments are not sacred, the one that fulfilled them is sacred. He was born under them laws, yet never broke any of them, unlike us. He never had a sin nature being born of the Spirit, but he was flesh and felt our troubles. He didn't sin, yet he bore sin for us all. People don't know the holiness of God today or what it really cost to give them a chance to escape hell. Many will go to hell claiming to know Jesus. I grew up knowing the name and believing it, but I was converted as in stopped dead in my tracks one night at 21 years old. It ruined my party life for the better.
I understand what you are saying, but a deeper understanding of the message of Grace has NOTHING to do with trying to 'live right'.
This way of thinking is the Law, and Jesus never, EVER preached on people 'living right".
In fact, that was the message of the Pharasees - the one group of people Jesus repeatedly went head-to-head with!!! Jesus NEVER attacked a sinner!! He attacked tbe Pharsees - the very ones who attacked sinners !!
The Gospel of Grace is NOT about trying to be good !!!

Instead, it is about changing the way you think.
"We are renewed through the changing of our minds."
You are NOT changed by "trying to be good".
You will always, always fail if that is your goal.
You can NEVER be good enough.
I like you @andcam, but did I read that right? You don't consider yourself a liberal?

Libertarian....thx for the kind words!
You do realize the ten commandments were written to be broken. The commandments was a mirror for mankind to realize their short comings compared to God and his perfection. If keeping the commandments would have been sufficient, why did God ordain sacrifices. The commandments are not sacred, the one that fulfilled them is sacred. He was born under them laws, yet never broke any of them, unlike us. He never had a sin nature being born of the Spirit, but he was flesh and felt our troubles. He didn't sin, yet he bore sin for us all. People don't know the holiness of God today or what it really cost to give them a chance to escape hell. Many will go to hell claiming to know Jesus. I grew up knowing the name and believing it, but I was converted as in stopped dead in my tracks one night at 21 years old. It ruined my party life for the better.

That's only one example. He has twisted a lot of other teachings to fit his message.

I'd have to go back and read the bible a little more before I can believe your statement on the commandments.
This website could stop covering recruiting tomorrow but I would still pay $100/year as long as you guys are allowed to argue about Perry Noble once a week
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Go read 1 John chapter 4

I did and I didn't get much out of it. Maybe a false prophet is a bit harsh. His interpretations of scripture is very different from anyone I've ever heard.

Consider this scripture from Romans 16

17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
That's only one example. He has twisted a lot of other teachings to fit his message.

I'd have to go back and read the bible a little more before I can believe your statement on the commandments.
Trust me I'm not defending him. The Bible says those that are righteous can judge. You have to make a biblical judgement and compare scripture with scripture when you do this though. According to scripture II Corinthians 5:17 it's a different world when Jesus knocks you down. And I've never been able to defend my sin or twist the ten commandments to make the Bible line up with my sinfulness once I was born again.
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I study the original Koine Greek that the early Bible was written in, and at one time was reading that Greek from Bibles that I have that are only written in that language, with no English, and I have some interlinear Bibles as well. I have studied and debated in the world of manuscripts (called textual criticism) and in the associated field of hermeneutics, but the person above commenting about the Bible by saying "Bible translators have done their best to 'clean things up' as much as possible so the Bible can be 'family friendly'" is speaking from total ignorance. Sometimes it is best to try and stay in your lane, where the ride is more familiar. You never know who could be reading the things posted on this forum. You might start talking about nuclear science from the far reaches of your butt, yet there might be a nuclear scientist and physicist watching. Just saying.
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That's only one example. He has twisted a lot of other teachings to fit his message.

I'd have to go back and read the bible a little more before I can believe your statement on the commandments.

I study the original Koine Greek that the early Bible was written in, and at one time was reading that Greek from Bibles that I have that are only written in that language, with no English, and I have some interlinear Bibles as well. I have studied and debated in the world of manuscripts (called textual criticism) and in the associated field of hermeneutics, but the person above commenting about the Bible by saying "Bible translators have done their best to 'clean things up' as much as possible so the Bible can be 'family friendly'" is speaking from total ignorance. Sometimes it is best to try and stay in your lane, where the ride is more familiar. You never know who could be reading the things posted on this forum. You might start talking about nuclear science from the far reaches of your butt, yet there
might be a nuclear scientist and physicist watching. Just saying.
I call it dumbing God down while we out smart ourselves to hell. It was a sermon of mine when I actually preached 10 years ago.
I did and I didn't get much out of it. Maybe a false prophet is a bit harsh. His interpretations of scripture is very different from anyone I've ever heard.

Consider this scripture from Romans 16

17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

If you read 1 John 4 the statement of what a false profit is very simply stated in about two sentences and is easy to understand

Concerning your scripture:

So you think Noble represents Satan and is deliberately trying to deceive people?

Newspring teaches Jesus is the son of God, he lived on earth as a man, and died for our sins. and that you receive salvation by believing and confessing this. He also taught that your sins are forgiven by the shedding of Christ's blood. You also receive the Holy Spirit which resides within you and knows the will of God. ALL THAT is also the teaching referred to in your passage verse 17.
I don't know a whole lot about the Bible, or the teachings of Jesus, but I do know this...judge not lest ye be judged.
So if the f-word didn't exist in biblical times, is it sinful to use it now?
I don't know a whole lot about the Bible, or the teachings of Jesus, but I do know this...judge not lest ye be judged.

Congrats. You picked one of the most misused and misinterpreted bible verses in today’s world. Judging as used in that verse means condemning someone to hell, i.e., treating someone as an outsider who is unworthy of experiencing the love and forgiveness of God.

Judging as used in that verse does NOT mean calling sin sin, stating that someone needs to repent, or stating that someone’s interpretation of scripture is grossly incorrect. In short, that verse does not preach tolerance, which is not a Christian virtue.
Ok, thanks. But my question was based on them being non-christian but still a very solid and productive citizen....could you like a person like that?
Sure, I think people like that are doing the Lord’s work. So they will have eventually be drawn to him.
Congrats. You picked one of the most misused and misinterpreted bible verses in today’s world. Judging as used in that verse means condemning someone to hell, i.e., treating someone as an outsider who is unworthy of experiencing the love and forgiveness of God.

Judging as used in that verse does NOT mean calling sin sin, stating that someone needs to repent, or stating that someone’s interpretation of scripture is grossly incorrect. In short, that verse does not preach tolerance, which is not a Christian virtue.
So I used it correctly then, thanks for validating.
A) I wish people would stop posting about Perry Noble on this board

B) Don't do drugs kids
Unless I missed it, no one in this thread has "judged" Perry Noble. In fact, one person said he was in need of repentance, which is the opposite of judging. Calling out heresy or false prophecy is likewise not judging.
Ummmmm wow, OK then.

And another thing, I think you're misinformed about that verse anyway, or at least the concept behind the verse. Jesus said, and I paraphrase, "don't worry about the speck in someone else's eye when you have a whole plank in your eye". That ties into the principle of forgiveness and not judging.

People like to point out the sins of others because it makes them feel better about their own sins. "Hey, at least I'm not doing anything as bad as what that guy is doing". But God doesn't view sin that way, there is no sin better or worse than another.

That might not have been the only thing Jesus meant when he said not to judge people, as you pointed out, but it most certainly was one of the things that he meant, and it's exactly what most of the people ITT are doing.

Heresy and false prophesy, LOL! You'll never convince me that a posting member of TI has the authority to make such claims and judgements, especially with the handle LOUDMOUTH, in fact, now I really think I'm getting trolled here. But let's just say you're right for a second...I'd much rather go before God and admit that I was wrong, but only because I was trying to do what Jesus would have done, than to brag about knowing the guy was a phony, and saying that I tried to tell everyone.

I will be forgiven because I forgive.
I don't think that the Bible was necessarily concerned about specific words, some that did not exist at that time, but harmful words in general:

18“But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. 19“For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. 20“These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.”

Ephesians 4:29New American Standard Bible (NASB)
29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.

As much Bible study as I have done, though most is in the field of eschatology and manuscripts (textual criticism), I like many people struggle at times, and probably do not get as ruffled at times like I do on this site. I am working to get better at it, but there are a few downright evil and insulting people on this site, some that it is in their sole existence to be vile and push people to get to their level of existence. May they are mostly a bunch of immature kids or young teenagers, I don't know, but they try at every moment or level to throw gasoline on a fire, trying to invoke a reaction to get their jollies. I hope to continue to get stronger to resist these certain people, though that doesn't keep them from continuing to try.

I am likely to revisit the studies and book outline I was constructing of the Book of Revelation. I have much unfinished work here, and need to refresh what I researched in the past. So it is in the field of eschatology that I will say that I am the most adept.
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Always surprised at how some people are quick to put down 'liberals' without ever knowing what they believe in (e.g., "Godless liberals").

I've been called liberal by some people on TI (and only on TI, by the way) yet I attend church regularly, even have served in leadership positions at my parish. So I am not Godless. Does my regular attendance make me a liberal or conservative?

I am pro-life. Want to see everything possible done to reduce abortions (would not send women who have abortions to jail, however). Am anti death penalty. For those mothers who choose to keep their baby, I think the government must do what it can to help support that decision and provide for the welfare of the mother and child. That's a consistent pro-life theme. Do my pro-life stances make me a liberal or a conservative?

I am not happy paying lots of taxes (although I don't think my tax rate will actually fall under the recent tax cut plan) yet I also see that bridges, roads and airports are falling apart and need tax dollars to fix them. Does that make me liberal or conservative?

One thing I will say that I am firmly opposed to: the prosperity Gospel. If it were true, a lot of Christians in places like India would be the wealthiest, not the poorest people on earth because, Goodness knows, they pray just as religiously as evangelical Americans yet are still waiting for their fancy home and cars.
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I cuss just like he does. I know it is wrong and I would never try and justify it.

He is ruining his testimony. Cussing or drinking a beer is not unforgivable. When you're a pastor and and you reach millions of people it is a big deal.

to you I guess it is but not to everyone. We are in the Bible belt so its probably not smart, but cussing is just stupid to me that its so frowned upon. Was the "F" word even around in biblical times? and if not who decides what is and is not a cuss word? So someone can say crap and its all good but if they say shit they are going to hell?

Don't get me wrong I am a Christian. I do not cuss in front of my kids because i do realize its a bad example of expressing yourself and inappropriate for mixed company and in public and in general just looks trashy in the wrong company. I think its just the hard line stance of condemning someone to the pit of hell for eternity because. I just do not see it as "sin" per say as much as just not polite. jmo
to you I guess it is but not to everyone. We are in the Bible belt so its probably not smart, but cussing is just stupid to me that its so frowned upon. Was the "F" word even around in biblical times? and if not who decides what is and is not a cuss word? So someone can say crap and its all good but if they say shit they are going to hell?

Don't get me wrong I am a Christian. I do not cuss in front of my kids because i do realize its a bad example of expressing yourself and inappropriate for mixed company and in public and in general just looks trashy in the wrong company. I think its just the hard line stance of condemning someone to the pit of hell for eternity because. I just do not see it as "sin" per say as much as just not polite. jmo

You kind of made the same point I did. That's not gonna send him to hell. It's just not a good look for one of the biggest religious leaders in our state and it could turn people off.

What if Dabo loved to go to casinos and openly bet on nfl games? He's probably not doing anything wrong by the ncaa but it's definitely not a good look.
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yikes. We all fall short, but the blatant misleading of godly principle is shocking and alarming. Dude has some screws loose
Take one to know one, my dad always used to say.