Hearing hospitals in York and Jasper are at capacity. WOW

Well, the Russian Collusion thing was very clearly not fake nor a conspiracy considering that Mueller found copious amounts of evidence for it

From Time Magazine: "Mueller spent almost 200 pages describing “numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.... Mueller also wrote that the “investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.”

As for a conspiracy to "loot all the walmarts" - you can bemoan the fact that some of the peaceful BLM protests turned violent (as I do), but where exactly is the conspiracy, considering every major Democrat condemned that violence? IF you're looking for conspiracies to commit acts of violence, you need to look at Trumpists.

As for COVID - if Trump had taken it seriously, as all of us evil libs were screaming for him to do back in March, he'd likely have seen his job ratings rise and won the election easily. It's a pretty shitty conspiracy that we made up that gave Trump the easy opportunity to win re-election if he'd just have done his job.

Finally, "harvesting all these ballots that we know is illegal." If you can point me to ANY evidence of illegal ballot harvesting to benefit Biden, I'll leave this board on the spot. But you can't.

Want to try again, goob?

Ladies and Gentlemen. I present to you Exhibit A
Well, the UK is run by the closest thing to Trump in Europe, so it's not surprising that they are one of the few European countries to have more deaths per capita than the US.

Compare the US, at 108 deaths per 100,000 people to Germany at 42 or Canada at 43. They're doing more than twice as well as us.

I suggest you grow up and join us in reality, rather than just regurgitating Trumpist propaganda.

First, I genuinely think it’s cool that you’ve found something to pour your life and efforts into. Clearly, I wish it wasn’t the Democratic Party, and clearly I don’t think it’s the most useful or resourceful use of time or effort but I think there are a lot of folks who’d rather binge Netflix than put in the apparent effort you have to become (for lack of a better term) a left leaning apologist. I will say, in the same way trump supporters have turned radical right into a religion, it appears you are very much wrapped up in the gospel of the left. no real point there, just something that I’ve always found interesting about people wanting to gravitate towards a tribe or worldview of no actual eternal consequence.

Anyways, let’s say I were to use your metrics, which I am, that you posted per jhu .
We’re going to go all in on the per capita stat, bc that seems to be the metric you are beholden to in regards to an effective Gov response. as such, we’ll completely disregard the different variants that are most certainly at play in the vastly different people groups that make up the vastly different countries on the list.

By your own metrics, most Asian countries, quite a few African countries, most of India,New Zealand (who we know has not don’t a very fine job with social distancing) blow Canada and even Germany out of the water.
Of course we know you’ll come back and say “but the capacity to collect data is lacking in those countries”. Which is exactly my point. Exactly why you can’t use per capita. How many other countries are receiving additional dollars from their Gov fir covid cases? How many have seen an unprecedented drop in other common illnesses in the past year?

anchorage Alaska is the most dangerous place in our country on a per capita basis ffs. To be sure, I’m not mad at you. I think it’s noble that you’re willing to put some much effort in. I just wish you’d think a little more about what you’re saying before being so absolute.

Edit to change cdc to jhu
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The Colorado Hospital Association is a client of mine, so I feel pretty confident that I have at least some sense. Guess what, they are not cheering on more COVID patients. That is not how they make money.

Cool. The question I answered was related to whether or not most people understand running a business and basic economics. Didn't mean to suggest that hospitals were cheering every time they get another COVID patient.
Cool. The question I answered was related to whether or not most people understand running a business and basic economics. Didn't mean to suggest that hospitals were cheering every time they get another COVID patient.

That is very much what some in this thread have suggested. If that was not you, my apologies for lumping you in with them.
First, I genuinely think it’s cool that you’ve found something to pour your life and efforts into. Clearly, I wish it wasn’t the Democratic Party, and clearly I don’t think it’s the most useful or resourceful use of time or effort but I think there are a lot of folks who’d rather binge Netflix than put in the apparent effort you have to become (for lack of a better term) a left leaning apologist. I will say, in the same way trump supporters have turned radical right into a religion, it appears you are very much wrapped up in the gospel of the left. no real point there, just something that I’ve always found interesting about people wanting to gravitate towards a tribe or worldview of no actual eternal consequence.

Anyways, let’s say I were to use your metrics, which I am, that you posted per jhu .
We’re going to go all in on the per capita stat, bc that seems to be the metric you are beholden to in regards to an effective Gov response. as such, we’ll completely disregard the different variants that are most certainly at play in the vastly different people groups that make up the vastly different countries on the list.

By your own metrics, most Asian countries, quite a few African countries, most of India,New Zealand (who we know has not don’t a very fine job with social distancing) blow Canada and even Germany out of the water.
Of course we know you’ll come back and say “but the capacity to collect data is lacking in those countries”. Which is exactly my point. Exactly why you can’t use per capita. How many other countries are receiving additional dollars from their Gov fir covid cases? How many have seen an unprecedented drop in other common illnesses in the past year?

anchorage Alaska is the most dangerous place in our country on a per capita basis ffs. To be sure, I’m not mad at you. I think it’s noble that you’re willing to put some much effort in. I just wish you’d think a little more about what you’re saying before being so absolute.

Edit to change cdc to jhu

Yes. Most Asian countries DID blow Europe (and us) out of the water. They are the ones who took it the MOST seriously from the start. Do you not understand that you're making my point for me? Look at South Korea. They had their first case the same day that we had ours and they immediately launched a whole-society response to beat the pandemic. Our government spent the next year insisting that there was not a problem.

And New Zealand has not done a fine job with social distancing? What the literal F are you talking about? They had some of the most strict social distancing policies the earliest. That's literally why they've succeeded.

Maybe you are thinking of Sweden, which took the "herd immunity" approach which was an utter failure, as their own king is now acknowledging!

As for the rest of your ridiculous ad hominem attacks - I do what I do because I love our country. After the 2000 election, I gave up a lucrative career as an engineer to start over from the bottom and get into politics because I believed that GW Bush would be the worst modern president (a prediction that was born out until Trump) and I wanted to elect leaders that would make America stronger and better. I'm extremely proud that I have had some success in helping electing real leaders that do just that - including president-elect Biden.

I think you must have a very confused definition of the word "apologist." I have degrees in physics and engineering from MIT and Stanford, so I assure you that I am not wrapped up in the gospel of anything. Unlike Trumpists, I am happy to re-evaluate my views and change them when evidence shows I've been wrong. And I'm happy to criticize the leaders I support when they misstep. I did it with Obama and I'll do it with Biden. Folks on the left of the party attack me as a "neoliberal shill" because I have the temerity to criticize their approach. I'm not the one out here trying to justify the disastrous US approach to COVID. That is the definition of being an "apologist."

Goodness knows that Democrats aren't perfect. I think we desperately need a new generation of congressional leadership and I think our party has generally not been serious enough about brining more accountability to government and government spending. But most Democrats are fighting for what they think is best for the country, and doing it based on science and evidence. On the other hand, most Republicans either just don't care about the country and put their own political power first, or are just unthinking ideologues who regurgitate the right-wing echo chamber talking points without taking a second to think about them.

It appears that you are the latter, given your responses above about Asia and New Zealand and your insistence that Democratic voters are only out for "handouts." That's certainly better than the former - and it means there is still hope for you yet. All you have to do is care enough to take the time to examine your own convictions.
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Yes. Most Asian countries DID blow Europe (and us) out of the water. They are the ones who took it the MOST seriously from the start. Do you not understand that you're making my point for me? Look at South Korea. They had their first case the same day that we had ours and they immediately launched a whole-society response to beat the pandemic. Our government spent the next year insisting that there was not a problem.

And New Zealand has not done a fine job with social distancing? What the literal F are you talking about? They had some of the most strict social distancing policies the earliest. That's literally why they've succeeded.

Maybe you are thinking of Sweden, which took the "herd immunity" approach which was an utter failure, as their own king is now acknowledging!

As for the rest of your ridiculous ad hominem attacks - I do what I do because I love our country. After the 2000 election, I gave up a lucrative career as an engineer to start over from the bottom and get into politics because I believed that GW Bush would be the worst modern president (a prediction that was born out until Trump) and I wanted to elect leaders that would make America stronger and better. I'm extremely proud that I have had some success in helping electing real leaders that do just that - including president-elect Biden.

I think you must have a very confused definition of the word "apologist." I have degrees in physics and engineering from MIT and Stanford, so I assure you that I am not wrapped up in the gospel of anything Unlike Trumpists, I am happy to re-evaluate my views and change them when evidence shows I've been wrong. And I'm happy to criticize the leaders I support when they misstep. I did it with Obama and I'll do it with Biden. Folks on the left of the party attack me as a "neoliberal shill" because I have the temerity to criticize their approach. I'm not the one out here trying to justify the disastrous US approach to COVID. That is the definition of being an "apologist."

Goodness knows that Democrats aren't perfect. I think we desperately need a new generation of congressional leadership and I think our party has generally not been serious enough about brining more accountability to government and government spending. But most Democrats are fighting for what they think is best for the country, and doing it based on science and evidence. On the other hand, most Republicans either just don't care about the country and put their own political power first, or are just unthinking ideologues who regurgitate the right-wing echo chamber talking points without taking a second to think about them.

It appears that you are the latter, given your responses above about Asia and New Zealand and your insistence that Democratic voters are only out for "handouts." That's certainly better than the former - and it means there is still hope for you yet. All you have to do is care enough to take the time to examine your own convictions.
Where did I say anything about handouts? Literally everything you just said is a regurgitation of leftist speaking points.. minus the MIT/Stanford part (congrats).

Re: Asia (minus South Korea, I was talking about Taiwan, China etc, which to be fair I wasn’t clear about so you can throw in a South Korea) we’re talking about militant communist leadership. Who control literally every facet of life and certainly propaganda to a pretty extreme extent. So we can absolutely assume they control the number of covid deaths reported. ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS - THIS IS THE SAME COUNTRY THAT BRED AND TRAINED WOMEN FROM 2 or 3 WITHOUT CONSENT TO BE GYMNAST FOR THE ****ING OLYMPICS AT AS YOUNG AS 12 TO 13. You’re seriously hitching your wagon to how they “presumably” did things for covid and then suggesting you want what’s best for this country?!

Same with Africa, however you want to label it is fine, it’s semantics. We know what actually goes on in an Egypt which is essentially a version of theocracy....

While you’re right that New Zealand has been a bit xenophobic in terms of their border control and shutdown. I know first hand that the actual restrictions in that country were a far cry from what is being celebrated as “strict” protocols. And I’m willing to budge on New Zealand bc hey, maybe my friends are lying asshole anarchist that want to see the world burn and absolutely don’t want to tell me the truth That’s certainly an option.

the rest I’m not going to respond to, bc it’s about you and how you went to mit and you’re willing to be corrected and stuff that isn’t actually finite because there is zero evidence that any of that is true. Continue the good fight my friend.

edit to say:
When you make any statement that starts with “most republicans don’t care about the country” you lose all credibility with anyone not on your side/reasonable human being. That’s politics 101. Actually, that’s just human nature 101. Blanket statements are for the uneducated and quite frankly, cult leaders. I suggest taking whatever test you need to take to get those engineering licenses in good standing.
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