Honest Poll: Who won the debate?

Set all bias aside. Who won the debate?

  • Trump

  • Harris

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Full quote. Please note the bold part. This phrase has been twisted and used exhaustively as propaganda by the left. I understand that we have a ton of people not smart enough to understand that though.

"You also had some very fine people on both sides," Trump said in 2017. "You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. You had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally -- you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."

Your quote is not accurate.

He said the first part and then rambled on incoherently about George Washington being a slave owner. It was not until a reporter asked him to clarify what he said in the 1st part that he said the 2nd part.

So yes, he did clarify, but it was not until he was forced to by a reporter.

And cry me a river about politicians words being taken out of context. That is right out of yall's playbook.
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Your quote is not accurate.

He said the first part and then rambled on incoherently about George Washington being a slave owner. It was not until a reporter asked him to clarify what he said in the 1st part that he said the 2nd part.

So yes, he did clarify, but it was not until he was forced to by a reporter.

And cry me a river about politicians words being taken out of context. That is right out of yall's playbook.
Regardless of their farce of a defense, Trump definitely said later: "Stand back and stand by." Which was plastered all over neo nazi and white supremacist websites and cheered about. They all agreed that he acknowledged them as legitimate and that they would obey his next command.
The most liberal of liberal fact checkers has debunked this.
I do not care who "debunked" what he said. My hearing and eyesight are very good. He also said that he will be placing Latinos in concentration camps if elected. I wonder if this will be "debunked" later.
I do not care who "debunked" what he said. My hearing and eyesight are very good. He also said that he will be placing Latinos in concentration camps if elected. I wonder if this will be "debunked" later.

He also proposed using immigrants as gladiators.
Although we have a few outliers (who are obvious) it sounds like a lot of us are seemingly coming to a common ground. I hope that's true.
Some of us take one comment and run with it (guilty, I am) but the fact remains that we have one candidate that had a successful 4 years, less covid, and one that is still in the current administration and has done absolutely nothing she promises to do in the next four years. That scares the shit out of me!
Trump won the debate with facts and its that simple. Truth wins. For anyone giving her points for cute smirks and being allowed to spout lies unchallenged then god bless you. The debate changed nothing related to this election. The most it did is let the haters and looney libs go holler that they got the best of Trump in a rigged debate.
I do not care who "debunked" what he said. My hearing and eyesight are very good. He also said that he will be placing Latinos in concentration camps if elected. I wonder if this will be "debunked" later.
Your eyesight maybe very good but your reading comprehension is not.

You can believe whatever you want, but facts are facts.
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We need change. Not 4 more years of BidenComics

While I don’t think the debate hosts were fair to @realDonaldTrump, @KamalaHarris exceeded most people’s expectations tonight.

That said, when it comes to getting things done, not just saying nice-sounding words, I strongly believe that Trump will do a far better job.

After all, if Kamala can do great things, why hasn’t she? Biden rarely shows up for work, so she’s basically in charge already.

The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change

I think there's little doubt that Harris won it. When Foxnews is spreading it around that way, that's a pretty good indication. And when our own Senator Graham is saying it's a disaster (on Foxnews), that tells you what you need to know.

FWIW, I do think that there's some rightful debate on how big Harris's win was. My wife is a big supporter and she was basically doing a happy dance afterwards and checking behind Trump's podium for brown stains b/c he shit himself so badly.

Personally, I don't think it was that bad. Yes, Harris won (and I voted accordingly), but Trump said and did EXACTLY what everyone thought he would do. He got busted lying a couple of times, but what Trump supporter doesn't already know that he does this all the time. Thinking that is some sort of "win" for Harris is not accurate. Trump supporters don't care if he lies and I'm not sure anyone else does either. It's just what he does.

Anyway, as I said during the debate thread, that debate meant NOTHING. Almost everyone in the country has their minds made up one way or the other.
Agreed. Trump supporters are locked in to their delusions, and don't care about checking their "facts". The neutral FACT CHECKS found one untruth in Harris' statements, and 30 big ones in Trump's.
We need change. Not 4 more years of BidenComics

While I don’t think the debate hosts were fair to @realDonaldTrump, @KamalaHarris exceeded most people’s expectations tonight.

That said, when it comes to getting things done, not just saying nice-sounding words, I strongly believe that Trump will do a far better job.

After all, if Kamala can do great things, why hasn’t she? Biden rarely shows up for work, so she’s basically in charge already.

The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change

LOL Elon needs trump to kill the ev tax credits so he does not run another one of his businesses into the ground that year. Tesla sales are down by 50% and he is in danger of being ousted from his own company.
LOL Elon needs trump to kill the ev tax credits so he does not run another one of his businesses into the ground that year. Tesla sales are down by 50% and he is in danger of being ousted from his own company.
Tesla sales are down by 50% compared to what?
(They had a record week of sales in china last week and when I’m driving around here at home I see more and more teslas everyday. Seen about 5 cyber trucks so far here in SC. Cybertuck is profitable by end of year. You want to know what the big 5 can’t do? Make a profitable EV.

And his pay package was just approved by 73% of shareholders in a vote.

He is t going anywhere. Except maybe to Mars.
That's literally what I've been saying. Never,ever bury your opponent as awful,terrible,dumb etc. When they beat you, what does it make you?
It was clear she was the smarter of the two, plus she was more prepared and gave us confidence that she could do the job. Trump famously wasn't interested in reading his daily briefings and was dismissive of the heads of the intelligence agencies and it looks like he dismissed the advice of the people who tried to prep him for this debate as well. And now that we know that people like Laura Loomer have his ear, how could anyone be stupid enough to vote that derangible back into office?
It was clear she was the smarter of the two, plus she was more prepared and gave us confidence that she could do the job. Trump famously wasn't interested in reading his daily briefings and was dismissive of the heads of the intelligence agencies and it looks like he dismissed the advice of the people who tried to prep him for this debate as well. And now that we know that people like Laura Loomer have his ear, how could anyone be stupid enough to vote that derangible back into office?
Nah... Trump has a plan for that. He's done it his whole life. When you brag about how great you are and you get your ass kicked, just declare victory, blame any and everyone else (even though you just said you won), and insult the competition again. His supporters believe it and that's all that matters. Just keep saying it until everyone believes it.

Take the 2020 election. No evidence of cheating ever showed up in court, on the contrary, several examples of Trump and company lying about it have showed up in court. BUT Trump keeps saying it and most Republicans believe it. You don't need evidence.
Nah... Trump has a plan for that. He's done it his whole life. When you brag about how great you are and you get your ass kicked, just declare victory, blame any and everyone else (even though you just said you won), and insult the competition again. His supporters believe it and that's all that matters. Just keep saying it until everyone believes it.

Take the 2020 election. No evidence of cheating ever showed up in court, on the contrary, several examples of Trump and company lying about it have showed up in court. BUT Trump keeps saying it and most Republicans believe it. You don't need evidence.
He also said polls showed he won the debate 92-7, 90-10 and 80-20. No matter that they were online junk polls from outlets like NewsMax on X, he'll just keep repeating it and his supporters will believe it's true. Heck, we just saw @TigerRagRob claiming yesterday that he won based on a twat from Insurrection Barbie. 😅 No evidence needed besides the statement.
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Nah... Trump has a plan for that. He's done it his whole life. When you brag about how great you are and you get your ass kicked, just declare victory, blame any and everyone else (even though you just said you won), and insult the competition again. His supporters believe it and that's all that matters. Just keep saying it until everyone believes it.

Take the 2020 election. No evidence of cheating ever showed up in court, on the contrary, several examples of Trump and company lying about it have showed up in court. BUT Trump keeps saying it and most Republicans believe it. You don't need evidence.
Totally equal justice under the law.


You know, after the debate I was watching the round table discussion on CNN and they were discussing the effects of the debate long-term. The Republican, who was a strategist said he thought the most important event of the day, was not the debate, but the Swift endorsement. I almost laughed, thinking he was kidding, then he said, " I'm serious, she is immensely powerful with a huge audience and has a very loyal following across party lines who typically aren't very motivated voters. They will come out for her and it was dumb to attack her"

Dude seemed to know what he was talking about about.
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I mean it was very obviously Harris. She was solid, not fantastic (tripped over some stuff), but she didn't have to be fantastic. She just had to be a generic, non-senile Democrat who could act as a foil to Trump and show how old and crazy Trump is.

Trump was awful. No one on the right (except like Newsmax) was talking about how great Trump did. All the talk post debate was about how Trump was 3v1'd, how the moderators were unfair, how they need to sue ABC, how Kamala was wearing an earpiece, etc etc etc. Nothing about how great they thought he was. All the reporting from his campaign post-debate was "oh crap he did awful, what a disaster".

Everyone knew Kamala would bait Trump into talking about stupid stuff. Her campaign told the media she would do that. She goaded him into blathering about crowd sizes. His campaign had a plan to hit Kamala on immigrant but he isn't capable of doing that. Instead, he ranted about immigrants eating dogs and cats. For most Americans they won't know wtf he's talking about. Only people who are plugged into RW media or see what they say will know what he meant. He has always been undisciplined. He has always been a terrible debater. The only debate he won was because Biden is more senile than him sometimes.
Trump wisely opts out of another rigged debate. Kamla will have to hit the campaign trail and toss word salads in order to get her message out. The more people that hear her nails on a chalk board voice and see her god awful personality the worse her numbers will be. Sorry, just the truth.
Trump wisely opts out of another rigged debate. Kamla will have to hit the campaign trail and toss word salads in order to get her message out. The more people that hear her nails on a chalk board voice and see her god awful personality the worse her numbers will be. Sorry, just the truth.

Trump wisely opts out of another rigged debate. Kamla will have to hit the campaign trail and toss word salads in order to get her message out. The more people that hear her nails on a chalk board voice and see her god awful personality the worse her numbers will be. Sorry, just the truth.

You mean he pussed out?

Wait. You mean his advisors finally talked him out of making a complete fool of himself... Again.
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You know, after the debate I was watching the round table discussion on CNN and they were discussing the effects of the debate long-term. The Republican, who was a strategist said he thought the most important event of the day, was not the debate, but the Swift endorsement. I almost laughed, thinking he was kidding, then he said, " I'm serious, she is immensely powerful with a huge audience and has a very loyal following across party lines who typically aren't very motivated voters. They will come out for her and it was dumb to attack her"

Dude seemed to know what he was talking about about.
I believe it could be true because she's a phenomenon unlike anything we've seen other than maybe the Beatles and Michael Jackson but she may be more popular than both of them combined before it's all said and done. She's got something like 285 million followers on Instagram and is breaking award show records left and right. Whether we understand it or not, she is a powerful influence on her followers who will crawl over broken glass to do her bidding. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen but it's real.

Stephen A. Smith: Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement matters​

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Trump wisely opts out of another rigged debate. Kamla will have to hit the campaign trail and toss word salads in order to get her message out. The more people that hear her nails on a chalk board voice and see her god awful personality the worse her numbers will be. Sorry, just the truth.
He needs a good debate performance against her more than she needs another smackdown against him but he knows she made a fool out of him so he's tucking his tail and running like a dog in Springfield.

Is this gonna be like all of those affidavits that just disappeared in court in Arizona and other places about election cheating?

You are such an idiot.

Let's think about this for a second?

What question was asked that anyone wouldn't have known was coming and been prepared for? I could have written the questions that they were going to ask before the debate. What question did they ask him that was hard?
Not so fast my friends!

Premature celebration!!

There weren't any tough questions asked so it shouldn't matter either way. We all know that even if Donald knew the questions beforehand, he still would have behaved like a belligerent primate and he would have gone off script regardless.

Laughing at you! 🤣
