The science is quite settled that the planet is warming. No doubt on that and many many many organizations independent of the govt and even independent of the United States have settled that score already. It is getting warmer whether you or I like it or not. And it really is not a very hard thing to understand that it is getting warmer. You look at temps and compare it to previous temps. Anybody who can read a line graph or even compare two linear numbers on a greater than, less than basis can do other words, most 2nd graders can see that the planet is getting warmer when they are presented with the temp data in a chart. There is no debate. It is just raw data. Easy as Pie. I don't need grant money to say that. You dont need grant money to not say it. Just check the data. No interpretation required. Really. It is that simple. I promise.
It is funny that you talk about Climate change being all about politics, btw. NASA is a non political entity. Their director is required to have no political affiliations. None of its funding is dependent on it saying climate change is happening or not. None. Not one cent. NASA also has national and international credibility when it comes to science. So when NASA says the Earth is warming and bad stuff is happening you might want to listen .....for your own good. But it is not just NASA: Last I checked over 400 International organizations have corroborated that the earth is warming and an International Coalition of countries with diverse political leanings came to the conclusion that man is contributing to it. This is bigger than some guy in a lab at the Univ of MI whose grant is controlled by someone at the EPA funding Climate research saying it is happening. Furthermore, just so you know, the Federal govt does not write grants conditioned on someone saying Climate change is happening. The federal govt does not write grants that way. They just dont. But it sure sounds good to think it, though.
I listed Florida earlier as a place to go start asking about Climate change. Many of their mayors are GOP and many have been skeptical of Climate change......until just the last few years!! Something odd has been happening the last 15 years in Florida: the sea is rising and encroaching on the low lying areas. The mayors are feeling it firsthand. Why? Because they are the ones having to help find the money for new sea walls to protect critical infrastructure along with investments made by their citizens. Close to 200 Billion has already been spent in the EU to offset rising global waters especially in the low lying areas such as Holland, parts of Belgium, Italy and Norway. Are they spending that money bc they are dumb or foolish or because the are tied up with liberal politics? No. They are spending it because they are suffering from rising sea levels, new flooding and more severe storms. These ppl are simply reacting to reality, not playing politics.
So, again, it is not up for me to convince you that the science is real. I only have to point to the thermometers which show, on average, rising temps and those temp level increases correspond perfectly to higher levels of carbon in the atmosphere. But even if Carbon is not the cause of still must be dealt with because it is having far more impact than some dying polar bears. I only wish it was just dying polar bears when you consider that over the last 20 years areas the size of the state of Nevada (and some larger) in the ocean are completely dying out entirely....which, again, can be linked to rising temps and sea levels. As those areas of death grow. fishing stocks will go down,food prices will rise and more people will grow hungry.
Now, to answer your question about the ideal earth temp. The average it has increased between 1905 and 2005 is about .8 degrees celsius. The humans and the lifeforms that currently inhabit the planet would be best served if the average temp would go back to the 1905 levels. Unfortunately, it appears that the average temp will probably rise another .5 or so within the next 30 to 40 years (probably a lot higher than that actually) and more severe weather patterns will happen, more flooding of coastal zones will happen and ocean dead spots and so on will most likely grow exponentially.