If you have been following this for years as I have, you have come to the realization that 'Global Warming' is the end all term for all things environmental for liberals. I remember years ago when there was a high number of hurricanes (i.e., Katrina, Rita, etc.) and these people were saying this was due to 'Global Warming', and expect an increasing number and intensity of hurricanes. Well guess what, we went through about a 5, 6, or 7 year period of no hurricanes effecting the US, so then you hear them say that the lack of storms was due to, guess (?), 'Global Warming'. Then you get some area of the US that have drought, 'Global Warming', then they have significant rainfall, 'Global Warming'. You have times where there is higher than average temperatures, and they say this is the beginning of the end, where temperatures will continue to rise and melt all the ice at the poles, due to...'Global Warming'. Then when this doesn't happen, and you get increasing situations where you have record cold, the liberals then go to there en-vogue theme by saying, guess (?), 'Global Warming'. So this is the catch all term. It will be eventually the term that the 'libs' will use for the rise in crime, or the push back to Christian values. We are in an endless cycle of 'Global Warming'!!!