How many sheep are still buying global warming?

This is the coldest winter on record and it’s aleady sniwed twice. If you still believe in this propaganda Ive got some bit coins and ocean front property to sell you.

Personally don’t care much about global warming. South Carolina is a shithole, if it is swallowed by the sea it is no big loss. We need to build a wall though in Georgia to keep all of those dirty wetbacks out when it happens.
I guess I'm glad for it, otherwise we'd still be in the Ice Age.

Or maybe the people back then were reckless with their environment.
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Personally don’t care much about global warming. South Carolina is a shithole, if it is swallowed by the sea it is no big loss. We need to build a wall though in Georgia to keep all of those dirty wetbacks out when it happens.
ROFL..>Says the man that lives in a garbage pit (unless you are upstate new york). Then...I still wouldn't give you a plug nickel for it. I do wish people believed that about SC..>Then, maybe those dang yankees would stay out
Though the winter sucks, Chicago is easily one of the top cities in the US. The murders on the south side has hurt national perception, which is unfortunate

Went to Chicago about 4 years ago for work. Was skeptical given all of the murder and weather talk. Was there in September, weather was awesome and had a great time, did not get murdered. Not gonna lie, there were a few places we ventured at night that were a little sketchy but overall I enjoyed it.
The validity of global warming should be debated by scientist. Certainly, a days weather doesn't invalidate the science.

The problem with the debate, is how it has been politicized for economic gain. The essence of conservatism is to preserve. Instead of being sucked into a debate about science, we should be offering solutions geared toward stewardship.
The validity of global warming should be debated by scientist. Certainly, a days weather doesn't invalidate the science.

The problem with the debate, is how it has been politicized for economic gain. The essence of conservatism is to preserve. Instead of being sucked into a debate about science, we should be offering solutions geared toward stewardship.
"But but scientists thought the world was flat!!!"
If you have been following this for years as I have, you have come to the realization that 'Global Warming' is the end all term for all things environmental for liberals. I remember years ago when there was a high number of hurricanes (i.e., Katrina, Rita, etc.) and these people were saying this was due to 'Global Warming', and expect an increasing number and intensity of hurricanes. Well guess what, we went through about a 5, 6, or 7 year period of no hurricanes effecting the US, so then you hear them say that the lack of storms was due to, guess (?), 'Global Warming'. Then you get some area of the US that have drought, 'Global Warming', then they have significant rainfall, 'Global Warming'. You have times where there is higher than average temperatures, and they say this is the beginning of the end, where temperatures will continue to rise and melt all the ice at the poles, due to...'Global Warming'. Then when this doesn't happen, and you get increasing situations where you have record cold, the liberals then go to there en-vogue theme by saying, guess (?), 'Global Warming'. So this is the catch all term. It will be eventually the term that the 'libs' will use for the rise in crime, or the push back to Christian values. We are in an endless cycle of 'Global Warming'!!!
The environment is just an avenue or issue that this particular strain of statist use to push their agenda. Other manufactured issues statist utilize are racism, immigration, wage disparities, health care, etc.
As expected, this thread clearly shows who watches nothing but FOX News and who favors MSNBC. Both sides are a bunch of sheep because nobody listens to the other side or thinks the answer is in the middle.
An analogous issue of debate is over the current economic boom. There is no denying that an economic boom is occurring. What a lot of people are debating is, which administration is the main cause for the boom? The Obama administration, or the current Trump administration?

While both sides want to lay claim to victory, the truth actually lies somewhere in the middle. It's most likely the case that the Obama administration brought the country out of the recession and laid the groundwork for the current administration to build upon, leading to the current boom.

The same can be said for climate change. The facts show the earth is warming. The true debate is to the cause of the warming, and the contribution of humans. The truth likely lies between the two sides. It's possible the earth is going through a warming period, but humans can possibly be contributing to this warming as well.

That's been my point all along. I think debate I certainly healthy - when both sides listen.
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The question of global warming is a scientific question not a political one. On one side of the issue is Fox News and the Republican Party. On the other is virtually every scientific group in the world including the National Academy of Science. With that choice, I'll choose science to believe in.

OP, add 1 to the sheep count.
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I also remember Meryl Streep crying about pesticides on apples and how we were poisoning all of our children or how by the 1990s the oceans were not going to exist the way we knew them in the 70s. It's hard to keep up with which pending disaster we need to wring our hands about
Peanuts kill kids now. Surely you don't think that's a natural phenomenon.
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Shvt man, this whole climate change thing is so confusing...

Hell, the temperature at my house has actually went down significantly since daybreak so all the weather just seems to be fvcked up...

Where's @iceheart08 when you need him? I'm certain he can shed some light on the subject...
I can get on board with man contributing to climate change .... but after spending time in Sao Paulo, Bejing, and Dehli .... the notion that the US is currently the major culprit ????? Ive seen what a billion people looks like shitting in the streets, it doesnt matter if we recycle our coke cans or not.

Bingo- in the last 6 months I’ve been to each of these places and could not agree with you more.
I take solace that the nation’s public policy won’t be decided by polls on TI.

Friggin wild fires occur 12 months a year now in the drought-stricken West yet it snows once in Charleston and the world’s warming trend becomes FAKE NEWS. Male green turtles are essentially non existent in the Southern Hemisphere because females are born when water warms up but hey since they aren’t in Myrtle Beach the fact has no relevance.

There may be disputes about the degree and cause of warming but do yourself a favor and don’t cite two months of winter weather to try to validate your opinion as fact.
ROFL..>Says the man that lives in a garbage pit (unless you are upstate new york). Then...I still wouldn't give you a plug nickel for it. I do wish people believed that about SC..>Then, maybe those dang yankees would stay out

SC is a welfare state.
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It was 65 Monday. In Seattle. In January. The warmest January day in recorded history in Seattle. I guess if being cold in South Carolina proves it's a myth this proves it's real?
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I’m sure the 97% of climatologists who say climate change is real are all wrong.

Our political climate is a disaster. Republicans are the anti-science party and democrats are the anti-economy party.
Also +1 for the fvcking idiot crowd

I always get a kick out of those "internet tough guys" who want to throw around powerful words, but are too demure to actually spell them out, like your mom might check your account later.

You are not mad at me, but you are at war with yourself. You are an anomaly! You rush with all the rage of the ocean, land with a mighty CRASH upon the shore and then slink back into the ocean. You, my friend, are a THE REBEL (that has a healthy respect for the rules). You are a unicorn. You are too good for this world.

FIND YOUR COURAGE, step out of the shadows of just being simply a bada$$, embrace your destiny, and be THE BADASS that the world needs!!!
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This is the coldest winter on record and it’s aleady sniwed twice. If you still believe in this propaganda Ive got some bit coins and ocean front property to sell you.

Go ask the mayors and the residents in Florida if Global warming is real. They are spending billions to save their coastal investments. One cold winter does not prove or disprove anything. Anyone who has had a basic stats class could understand that. You must have been an English or a Poli Sci major so you probably dont get it. Just do a google search on aberrations and linear trend lines and it will help.
An analogous issue of debate is over the current economic boom. There is no denying that an economic boom is occurring. What a lot of people are debating is, which administration is the main cause for the boom? The Obama administration, or the current Trump administration?

While both sides want to let claim to victory, the truth actually lies somewhere in the middle. It's most likely the case that the Obama administration brought the country out of the recession and laid the groundwork for the current administration to build upon, leading to the current boom.

The same can be said for climate change. The facts show the earth is warming. The true debate is to the cause of the warming, and the contribution of humans. The truth likely lies between the two sides. It's possible the earth is going through a warming period, but humans can possibly be contributing to this warming as well.

That's been my point all along. I think debate I certainly healthy - when both sides listen.

Depends on whose "facts" you are reporting...

University of Alabama-Huntsville climate scientists John Christy and Richard McNider found that by removing the climate effects of volcanic eruptions early on in the satellite temperature record it showed virtually no change in the rate of warming since the early 1990s.

“We indicated 23 years ago — in our 1994 Nature article — that climate models had the atmosphere’s sensitivity to CO2 much too high,” Christy said in a statement. “This recent paper bolsters that conclusion.”

Christy and McNider found the rate of warming has been 0.096 degrees Celsius per decade after “the removal of volcanic cooling in the early part of the record,” which “is essentially the same value we determined in 1994 … using only 15 years of data.”
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A model supported by scientific data points. Unless you disagree with atmospheric science, then that is not debatable.

I am by no means giving license to impune or make fun of anyone, regardless of their thoughts or beliefs. I am simply saying that the data show that the earth is in a warming pattern. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, I even mentioned that there is room for debate as to the cause of these warming patterns. Most people want to dispute the warming of the earth, when the actual issue is what is the cause. Two separate issues.

You are correct. There IS ZERO FREAKING DOUBT THE EARTH IS WARMING. NONE. It is the cause that is more of the discussion.
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"But but scientists thought the world was flat!!!"
No scientists did not believe the earth was flat. A few early Popes did but the ancient Greeks 500 BC knew better. As long as this whole climate debate question is political, there will never be agreement. It is in fact about science. I doubt there is a single climate scientist who is a member of TI. But if there is one he/she has the knowledge base to talk about the subject. I am not a scientist but it is a fact that the scientific world is almost unanimous in its belief. I will go with that rather than Fox News.
No scientists did not believe the earth was flat. A few early Popes did but the ancient Greeks 500 BC knew better. As long as this whole climate debate question is political, there will never be agreement. It is in fact about science. I doubt there is a single climate scientist who is a member of TI. But if there is one he/she has the knowledge base to talk about the subject. I am not a scientist but it is a fact that the scientific world is almost unanimous in its belief. I will go with that rather than Fox News.
I was inserting a common reply before it was used ITT
Thanks for the reminder OP. I need to crank up the Shelby and charge the battery plus contribute to ozone depletion.

Global warming cant get here fast enough iyam.
You are correct. There IS ZERO FREAKING DOUBT THE EARTH IS WARMING. NONE. It is the cause that is more of the discussion.

Two major volcanoes — El Chichon in 1982 and Pinatubo in 1991 — caused global average temperature to dip as a result of volcanic ash, soot and debris reflecting sunlight back into space.

Those eruptions meant there was more subsequent warming in the following years, making the rate of warming appear to be rising as a result of man-made emissions or other factors, Christy said.

“Those eruptions happened relatively early in our study period, which pushed down temperatures in the first part of the dataset, which caused the overall record to show an exaggerated warming trend,” Christy said.
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