Wrong.gif The bill crafted and passed by the House of Representatives details the amounts and process by which the stimulus was to be sent. The Senate made a few small adjustments, but as Sen. Graham said, it was more important to get the stimulus out quickly than it was to get the process perfected which would have added weeks to the process. If you are advocating that they should have taken longer then the economy would have certainly been well down the road to a depression. Quick action on the stimulus and agressive action by the Fed have keep the economy afloat. The President was presented with the same options a president has on any bill that is sent to the Oval from Congress. Sign it and put the plan to action or Veto and send it back to Congress for revision, override or tabling it. The Treasury was bound to produce the checks by the process outlined in the bill that was approved. Your attempt to paint this as a failure of the "Administration" is both flawed and inaccurate.
Hate is Hate. Call your comtempt what it is. You may not like Trump, but at least be intellectually honest about it.