I voted for Obama in 2008.

You mean like the complicated decision to call a muslim, who kills multiple people in the name of his god, a radical, islamic terrorist? Oh wait! That's right. That concept is too complicated for Obama.
Palin can see Russia from her front porch.
I literally sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of someone dumber just to rib you a bit...and I couldn't. And I'm a conservative.

Surely there is someone dumber. Surely.

For those wishing to name someone, let's confine it to someone who was almost in a position of real power. Surely there is someone.

Found one:
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I truly think we missed something with Romney losing. I think he would have been good. And his vp choice was 9.5/10. I remember my wife and I on vacation for our anniversary. We both were sick as could be (kids are germ farms), so I watched the vp debate as romantically as I could. I have never wanted to hit a politician like I wanted to hit Biden that night. B
So calling the guy that
1) Copied Mr. Wizard
2) Became a paid shill for the Climate Apocalyp$e
3) Wants to throw people who don't obey or convert in prison for not believing something that doesn't exist...
isn't a real scientist means you're as dumb as a down-syndrome monkey?

Bill Nye says that we should throw “climate deniers” in jail
I'm not espousing anything Bill Nye said. I am saying that Palin should know her limitations, and she far exceeded them with this comment.
What a stupid ass comment. Where did you graduate college from? I bet it wasn't Harvard. You may not like his politics, but at least he's an intelligent person. Sarah Palin has the intelligence level of a chimpanzee with downs syndrome.
Then why doesn't he act intelligent more often? You are saying that Harvard qualifies him for senator or president, right? What a joke!!
I literally sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of someone dumber just to rib you a bit...and I couldn't. And I'm a conservative.

Surely there is someone dumber. Surely.

For those wishing to name someone, let's confine it to someone who was almost in a position of real power. Surely there is someone.

At first I thought of Louie Gohmert but then I realized Palin is dumber
I'm sure you quoted it accurately, but Peggy Noonan was wrong. Reagan was very smart. Just because he could be self-effacing and gracious doesn't mean he was dumb. I am old enough to have voted for Reagan and remember the narrative about how he didn't have any ideas and just leaned on his advisors. Then, after he was out of office, books were published like "Reagan in His Own Hand" that shows how he had been writing and speaking for years on all manner of important topics and governing philosophies. It was just like when Reagan didn't want to embarrass Gorbachev when he put on a cowboy hat backwards - he was too decent of an individual to thoroughly embarrass all the hacks who had no idea how prolific in thought and letter he was.
I liked Reagan and voted for him. He could speak eloquently but he pretty much slept through his 8 years as president!
Sounds like a " i'm rubber and you're glue" comment." You must have nice parents to allow you to have an account in fourth grade!

You must be a Hillary supporter, for you make about as much sense as her trying to convince she did not know that a portion of her emails were top secret. Either she is a stupid liar or just plain stupid. Both descriptions fit her.

By the way, I have a doctorate degree. You?
For all of you Obama supporters, I have one question. If he is the world class thinker that you claim, why has he refused to release his academic records? If I were a wizard, I'd like everyone to know about it.
If you are comparing him to her as more presidential, then good luck!! What makes anyone more presidential?
Do you really think Palin is as knowledgeable and worldly as Obama? Please stop trying to defend her.
For all of you Obama supporters, I have one question. If he is the world class thinker that you claim, why has he refused to release his academic records? If I were a wizard, I'd like everyone to know about it.
Not defending Obama, but do you think they were comparable to Bush's?
Do you really think Palin is as knowledgeable and worldly as Obama? Please stop trying to defend her.
My point was that neither of them is presidential material to me!! If you want to think of them as least presidential, then Palin wins, by a nose!
Conservatives don't claim that Bush is a genius. That's the difference. We all hear how smart Obama is, yet he refuses to release his school records. The simple question remains. Why would a brilliant person refuse to release these records?
For all of you Obama supporters, I have one question. If he is the world class thinker that you claim, why has he refused to release his academic records? If I were a wizard, I'd like everyone to know about it.

Perhaps he doesn't like to brag about his personal achievements. Wonder how many other Presidents release their academic records. By release, I don't mean leaked.
To my knowledge, virtually all presidential candidates have released such academic info, just as they release medical info.
Conservatives don't claim that Bush is a genius. That's the difference. We all hear how smart Obama is, yet he refuses to release his school records. The simple question remains. Why would a brilliant person refuse to release these records?

Seriously, Bush v Obama in a game of scrabble - my money is on Obama.
To my knowledge, virtually all presidential candidates have released such academic info, just as they release medical info.

Per, not so. Only W, and his were leaked. That is according to 30 seconds of research with The Google so my bad if wrong.
I, for one, was leaning towards McCain. He was the only nominee who had served in a war, and knew first hand the impact of the lives of the soldiers who fought and bled for the US.

He was the only one who spoke out against torturing/water boarding prisoners of war. He was the only candidate that understood the ideals that the USA used to stand for.

He was the only candidate that wasn't blindly beating the war drum, and the Rep. primary voters got behind his message.

However, upon receiving the nomination, he flipped on all of the issues that set him apart from the other nominees. He adopted the views and values of "the Republican Establishment" and began to beat the war drum too.

This flip lost voters like me. His numbers began to struggle, and in a desperate attempt to 'lock up the female voting block,' the party (not McCain) selected Palin as the VP nominee. That single handedly put the nail in the coffin for his campaign.

Looking back, the selection of Palin mirrors the rise of "Reality TV" that was, as still is, huge in the TV industry. She was the "Real Houswives of Politics" selection. Unfortunately for McCain, the American voter was so adept at the false sense of 'reality' created by these shows, the American voter could see right through Palin's pandering to "Joe Sixpack."

Viewed through the lens as of today, it may have been the 'beginning of the end' of the Republican Establishment. They trotted out Romney four years later who just looked like a sleazy wall st. exec. Now they're all eating a big fat Trump d*ck sandwich, because they have elevated themselves to the point where they can't relate to the average American voter.

As a truly independant voter who searches for integrity in a leader, it's a shame that the power of this country rest in the hands of parties that are so self serving. They love their party more than the USA. You add to that the fact that these parties have ZERO CONSTITUTIONAL OBLIGATION to the actual voter within their party. (As seen by the awesome delegate controversy that both parties find themselves in.)

To register as a Rep. or Dem., you are pledging yourself to a CORPORATION, wrapped in red, white, and blue, and disguised as an official government entity. Hopefully, through the age of information, we are seeing the death throes of the two party system in American politics.

#Bi-PolarTiger2016 #ORANGEPARTY
You must be a Hillary supporter, for you make about as much sense as her trying to convince she did not know that a portion of her emails were top secret. Either she is a stupid liar or just plain stupid. Both descriptions fit her.

By the way, I have a doctorate degree. You?
I also have a doctorate, so GoFY. Yours is probably from University of Phoenix in underwater cow tipping.

And I voted for Bernie. You are probably voting for Trump, I suppose?
Doesn't like to brag? Are you joking? The guy is a freaking narcissist! Notice how many times he says me,myself and I. Guy is a total failure!
It's a shame this country doesn't offer better candidates than the $hit show called Hillary/Trump/Obama/Palin and the rest of the corrupt aholes who have ran the last few elections.

The POTUS is a mockery and a joke now.
Yea, an intelligent person who thought there are 57 states. But I forget , all dems are brilliant and all repub are Dumb. Just remember, total democrat control Equals Detroit, Mich. That is what his policies do!!!
More people are on the Govt Teat than ever!

You can't and those who liked your comment can't possibly think the problems of Detroit were caused by Obama or you can't possibly think period.
So calling the guy that
1) Copied Mr. Wizard
2) Became a paid shill for the Climate Apocalyp$e
3) Wants to throw people who don't obey or convert in prison for not believing something that doesn't exist...
isn't a real scientist means you're as dumb as a down-syndrome monkey?

Bill Nye says that we should throw “climate deniers” in jail

Jailing is a little harsh- they should just have to repeat all their schooling. The science behind it is really not as difficult as the deniers would lead you to believe.