Now that I have had my smart ass post I want to extend a hand to ask we start working at having common civil rules despite having ideology differences
First is no violence is acceptable between people
No collateral damage like attacking family or children of the person you are disagreeing with
Safety and security for all.
Then decorum and civility that needs to be the rule with no hate mongering fear mongering name calling fake projection and gaslighting
Stick to transparency accountability and responsibility in making an argument or point
As an example this week Whoopi Goldberg said the Baker would not make the 150 cakes for her because she implied the baker was racist and hated her politics
The facts and correct answer was the bakery was having equipment issues and would not accept an order they might not be able to fill
A second member of the VIEW called and asked if the baker could make the cakes with the condition the baker might not be able to fill the order but would try
The baker got 50 made but her equipment failed and had to be replaced
So the fact that 50 were made for this second lady conditioned on equipment was used to bash the baker for not taking a FIRM ORDER FOR 150 by Whoopi Goldberg
Then Whoopi instead of appreciating the effort went off the ranch and told millions of people that the bakery was a POS
OK Forward to reality the community rallied around the bakery
Whoopi Goldberg is the classic case of what liberals, left wingers and really off the rails Democrats are doing
Mob insanity and using division politics to grab power instead of selling good policy as the reason to vote for me
I am so hopeful this election has now destroyed that strategy and we will move to a renewed effort at using truth and basic human principles to make our world better
None of us walk a perfect path
Lets at least make an effort
You are warned LOL
I am expecting better from us all