Illegal Immigrants Eating Our Pets? Cats, Ducks, Geese. Now Bald Eagles Too!!!

My dad used to say the same thing about the Mexicans he would hire in SC. He said it got to the point where they would just outwork the hell out of the locals and do much better jobs. He said the only problem he ever had was when they would just abruptly go back to Mexico for weeks at a time to tend to family business. He said that was the only downside, otherwise they worked circles around his local workforce.

My dad used to say the same thing about the Mexicans he would hire in SC. He said it got to the point where they would just outwork the hell out of the locals and do much better jobs. He said the only problem he ever had was when they would just abruptly go back to Mexico for weeks at a time to tend to family business. He said that was the only downside, otherwise they worked circles around his local workforce.

One of the problems with these MAGAs is they don't understand the difference between immigrants here on asylum and Illegals who came into America and aren't registered. They conflate the two groups and demonize both.

It's honestly just fear mongering and playing on racism.

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