I'm a Nebraska Fan

What legitimate reasons can you list for withholding information from the public? What do people who got a certain number of votes, know better than the rest of society? Remember they work for us. Why should the employee be able to withold information from the employer?
The Nashville police didn't want the info released until their investigation was over. Why should a nosy citizen's interest supercede law enforcement's interest in keeping it private until they're ready? TBH, I don't care either way so get your questions answered elsewhere.
The Nashville police didn't want the info released until their investigation was over. Why should a nosy citizen's interest supercede law enforcement's interest in keeping it private until they're ready? TBH, I don't care either way so get your questions answered elsewhere.
The investigation is over and they will still not release the tranny manifesto.

The public has a right to know why these people are turning violent.
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The investigation is over and they will still not release the tranny manifesto.

The public has a right to know why these people are turning violent.
Dont forget the Vegas shooter or the leftist that shot up the Republican softball practice or the antifa guy that shot up the church in TX and many more...
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I honestly think it’s a moot point whether the shooter was republican or democrat. He clearly had a mental illness. No one in their right mind, democrat or republican, is going to shoot someone. The dude was sick! I’m sure we can all agree with that.
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I honestly think it’s a moot point whether the shooter was republican or democrat. He clearly had a mental illness. No one in their right mind, democrat or republican, is going to shoot someone. The dude was sick! I’m sure we can all agree with that.
Agreed, I think it's likely he was looking for notoriety more than anything else.

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