Internal Police Documents Reveal What Was Obvious – Shooting of Ashli Babbitt Was for “No Good Reason” and Yet Her Killer Walks Free

OK dumbass. remember that if you catch a trespasser jumping into your child's window late at night. Don't pull that trigger because they might be unarmed.
Dumb example. If able, you have the obligation to retreat to your home. If someone enters your home, and you feel your life is threatened, you are allowed to use deadly force.

Last time I checked, the Capital is public property; not the officers' home. The officer must prove he felt his life was in jeopardy to justify his use of deadly force.
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Dumb example. If able, you have the obligation to retreat to your home. If someone enters your home, and you feel your life is threatened, you are allowed to use deadly force.

Last time I checked, the Capital is public property; not the officers' home. The officer must prove he felt his life was in jeopardy to justify his use of deadly force.

1. It's capitol with an o.

2. It's not all public property. You can't just go stroll around everywhere you please, especially when you are shouting about how you want to hang public officials. Don't believe me? Go down to your local court house and try to access the judges chambers while screaming "hang the judges!" I guess we won't be hearing from you again.

3. The officer was behind barricaded and reinforced doors. This dipshit broke through the glass of those doors and tried to climb through, after being warned repeatedly not to do so. I think it is safe to say that he felt he - and the congress folk he was there to protect - were in danger.

4. You are - as usual - misinformed. By definition, a protective officer can use deadly force when they "believe himself or herself to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm." They can also use deadly force to prevent "Serious offenses against persons. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offense against a person(s) in circumstances presenting an imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm (e.g. sabotage of an occupied facility by explosives)."
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Absolutely, 100% WRONG.
This may be your stupidest take ever.

And that is saying something.

We all can watch the live streamed videos. She jumped into the window in an area that was a couple of feet away from being inside the chamber floor. I've been in that exact spot. That was the last defense to letting rioters who were trying to break down the door have access to Representatives.

I don't wish for anyone to die but you know full well if those had been antifa (remember when that was the fake news conservative media lie) storming the capitol, you would've supported shooting all of them as they entered the building.
Who says they would not have? The video shows the swat team leader giving the police officer who shot her a thumbs up after the shooting occurred. See for yourself -
I hadnt seen that video before ... ya I stand by my statement ... If you have marched on the Capitol, broke into the building, and then try and hop through a barricaded door while security is pointing a gun at you .... ya .... you forfeit your rights .... same if you decide its a good idea to attack a police officer or attempt to burn a police station or federal building to the ground.

BUT ....

This looks to be upstairs leading to the Gallery of the House Chamber? If there was security in the Chamber, and armed Capitol Police immediately outside the door, how did we get those images of the QANON Shaman and others on the floor of the Chamber? Why wasnt the Chamber secured?
This may be your stupidest take ever.

And that is saying something.

We all can watch the live streamed videos. She jumped into the window in an area that was a couple of feet away from being inside the chamber floor. I've been in that exact spot. That was the last defense to letting rioters who were trying to break down the door have access to Representatives.

I don't wish for anyone to die but you know full well if those had been antifa (remember when that was the fake news conservative media lie) storming the capitol, you would've supported shooting all of them as they entered the building.
Wow. Your lack of understanding of due process is something I would expect from an elementary school student. Do some research on what that is. Until then, let the adults talk.
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1. It's capitol with an o.

2. It's not all public property. You can't just go stroll around everywhere you please, especially when you are shouting about how you want to hang public officials. Don't believe me? Go down to your local court house and try to access the judges chambers while screaming "hang the judges!" I guess we won't be hearing from you again.

3. The officer was behind barricaded and reinforced doors. This dipshit broke through the glass of those doors and tried to climb through, after being warned repeatedly not to do so. I think it is safe to say that he felt he - and the congress folk he was there to protect - were in danger.

4. You are - as usual - misinformed. By definition, a protective officer can use deadly force when they "believe himself or herself to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm." They can also use deadly force to prevent "Serious offenses against persons. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offense against a person(s) in circumstances presenting an imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm (e.g. sabotage of an occupied facility by explosives)."
Sorry for the typo Larry. It happens from time to time. Fortunately for you, that's about all you have on my statement. You don't know if the officer was in imminent danger. Why you ask? Because this didn't get investigated and heard by a jury. You know, the whole due process thing the Constitution of the United States entitles all of us, Perhaps he was justified. Only a court can decide.

So tell me, what harm was this woman going to do this man? She had no weapon. Why was he so scared to discharge his weapon?

Quick....go surf MSNBC to come up with your answer.

We have hundreds of thousands of folks crossing our southern border. Are C&P officers able to off them too? Nope, they can't even whip their own damn horses without Grandpa Joe getting in a hissy.
Sorry for the typo Larry. It happens from time to time. Fortunately for you, that's about all you have on my statement. You don't know if the officer was in imminent danger. Why you ask? Because this didn't get investigated and heard by a jury. You know, the whole due process thing the Constitution of the United States entitles all of us, Perhaps he was justified. Only a court can decide.

So tell me, what harm was this woman going to do this man? She had no weapon. Why was he so scared to discharge his weapon?

Quick....go surf MSNBC to come up with your answer.

We have hundreds of thousands of folks crossing our southern border. Are C&P officers able to off them too? Nope, they can't even whip their own damn horses without Grandpa Joe getting in a hissy.

New research shows that the most outspoken people often know the least, but think they know the most.

If there was ever a statement that encapsulated you, this is it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you have no idea what due process means.

This was investigated. No charges were filed as a result of the investigation. If there had been charges filed, then THE OFFICER would be entitled to due process and a jury trial.

How did he know she didn't have a weapon? Isn't that the excuse used every time a police officer shoots an unarmed person?

Correcting your constant barrage of ignorance all the time is getting boring. Go read a ****ing book or something man.
New research shows that the most outspoken people often know the least, but think they know the most.

If there was ever a statement that encapsulated you, this is it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you have no idea what due process means.

This was investigated. No charges were filed as a result of the investigation. If there had been charges filed, then THE OFFICER would be entitled to due process and a jury trial.

How did he know she didn't have a weapon? Isn't that the excuse used every time a police officer shoots an unarmed person?

Correcting your constant barrage of ignorance all the time is getting boring. Go read a ****ing book or something man.
Wow Larry. If ignorance is bliss, you have to be one of the happiest people I know. I sense your butthurt over your repeated failure provide some sort of logical argument. Please don't get too frustrated. I respect that you try even though you fail so much.

"How did he know she didn't have a weapon?" LMAO Really? That's your argument? Okay...then I guess every mass murder out there can use that defense, "I thought those people all had weapons." I'm pretty sure if a cop is going to use deadly force, "I wasn't sure" isn't going to stand up too well in the debrief.

The US Attorney "investigated" and elected not to pursue this. It should have gone to a Grand Jury not just dismissed. He very well could have been acquitted there, but we will never know. God knows he thinks of himself as a hero. "I saved countless lives." BS. He was shitting his pants during a chaotic situation, panicked and pulled a trigger. How many other police officers did that on that day? No other officer was in a similar stressful situation? He gets to live with the knowledge that he killed an unarmed woman. Hope he sleeps well at night.

Sorry to bother you dude. Go back to watching Rachel. I'm secure in the knowledge that I won't change your views. Some folks just can't be fixed.
Wow Larry. If ignorance is bliss, you have to be one of the happiest people I know. I sense your butthurt over your repeated failure provide some sort of logical argument. Please don't get too frustrated. I respect that you try even though you fail so much.

"How did he know she didn't have a weapon?" LMAO Really? That's your argument? Okay...then I guess every mass murder out there can use that defense, "I thought those people all had weapons." I'm pretty sure if a cop is going to use deadly force, "I wasn't sure" isn't going to stand up too well in the debrief.

The US Attorney "investigated" and elected not to pursue this. It should have gone to a Grand Jury not just dismissed. He very well could have been acquitted there, but we will never know. God knows he thinks of himself as a hero. "I saved countless lives." BS. He was shitting his pants during a chaotic situation, panicked and pulled a trigger. How many other police officers did that on that day? No other officer was in a similar stressful situation? He gets to live with the knowledge that he killed an unarmed woman. Hope he sleeps well at night.

Sorry to bother you dude. Go back to watching Rachel. I'm secure in the knowledge that I won't change your views. Some folks just can't be fixed.

Correcting your constant barrage of ignorance all the time is getting boring.
Sorry for the typo Larry. It happens from time to time. Fortunately for you, that's about all you have on my statement. You don't know if the officer was in imminent danger. Why you ask? Because this didn't get investigated and heard by a jury. You know, the whole due process thing the Constitution of the United States entitles all of us, Perhaps he was justified. Only a court can decide.

So tell me, what harm was this woman going to do this man? She had no weapon. Why was he so scared to discharge his weapon?

Quick....go surf MSNBC to come up with your answer.

We have hundreds of thousands of folks crossing our southern border. Are C&P officers able to off them too? Nope, they can't even whip their own damn horses without Grandpa Joe getting in a hissy.
all crimes go to a jury. hmm. you learn something new everyday.

hey, what happens when there isn't enough evidence to prosecute?
all crimes go to a jury. hmm. you learn something new everyday.

hey, what happens when there isn't enough evidence to prosecute?

dont bother. You could explain it to him a hundred times and not make a dent. He is truly the most uninformed man in America.
Doesn't work like that... Instead, show me ONE example of where an unarmed black man was killed by the cops and you stood up for him HALF as much as you did for this white woman... We are all waiting.
Since when does color matter when discussing unnecessary killings? Why even bring race into it?
Since when does color matter when discussing unnecessary killings? Why even bring race into it?
I'm saying that race was already in it.... OP has been uniformly supportive of the police when it came to unnecessary killings when the person being killed was a brown person... Including the Floyd case where Floyd was lying on the ground, not struggling, but was still choked to death. In this case the police were trying to hold a barricade over the doors to congress against people who were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" until Congress could be evacuated. Where's the support there?
I'm saying that race was already in it.... OP has been uniformly supportive of the police when it came to unnecessary killings when the person being killed was a brown person... Including the Floyd case where Floyd was lying on the ground, not struggling, but was still choked to death. In this case the police were trying to hold a barricade over the doors to congress against people who were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" until Congress could be evacuated. Where's the support there?
You are basically calling me a racist. We are on an anonymous messageboard so go for it. I am a man and do not need to prove anything to you. I was absolutely in support of a trial in the Floyd situation and that occurred. I also stated my opinion that it was manslaughter at the most because Floyd had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system which causes a big problem with breathing. Babbit is not even getting a trial. You need to pay attention before running your big mouth bozo!!
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I'm saying that race was already in it.... OP has been uniformly supportive of the police when it came to unnecessary killings when the person being killed was a brown person... Including the Floyd case where Floyd was lying on the ground, not struggling, but was still choked to death. In this case the police were trying to hold a barricade over the doors to congress against people who were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" until Congress could be evacuated. Where's the support there?
I obviously haven’t read everything the op has ever posted but in this instance you played the race card not the op. Again a senseless killing is just that. It doesn’t matter about race unless you make it about race. In this instance that is exactly what you did.
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You are basically calling me a racist. We are on an anonymous messageboard so go for it. I am a man and do not need to prove anything to you. I was absolutely in support of a trial in the Floyd situation and that occurred. I also stated my opinion that it was manslaughter at the most because Floyd had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system which causes a big problem with breathing. Babbit is not even getting a trial. You need to pay attention before running your big mouth bozo!!

Well you did mention that you had black friends so you obviously arent a racist.
dont bother. You could explain it to him a hundred times and not make a dent. He is truly the most uninformed man in America.

dont bother. You could explain it to him a hundred times and not make a dent. He is truly the most uninformed man in America.
Scrolling back through back through this two page tread, I have found 6 posters that qualify for most uninformed. @dual_tiger is not one of them but you are @nytigerfan.
And if he does work night security at Walmart does that make him a lesser person than you in your mind?
hate posting at 3 am? Or do you work night security at Walmart like @TigerGrowls ?
I’m thankful for all hard working Americans. I admire those that work hard to provide for their families and better themselves whether it be be business owners, salaried employees, hourly shift workers, etc. I’m not a night security guard. If that was the case, I would still hold my head up high.

You are part of the problem and not the solution. I’m part of the probably too arguing with you. Your arrogant and pompous attitude is a learned behavior. Pretty much every post you make, you belittle people with cross language and hate that have differing opinions. We all need more humility, some more than others.
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“The Video Was Quite Clear, IT WAS MURDER!” – GOP Lawmaker and Former Sheriff Speaks Out on Ashli Babbitt Murder by Capitol Police (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 25, 2021 at 7:34pm

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) served 30 years in law enforcement and 21 years in the US Army Reserve. Troy Nehls served as Fort Bend, Texas Sheriff for 8 years from 2012 to 2020.
On Monday Rep. Nehls joined Greg Kelly on Newsmax to discuss the Jan. 6 protest and riot. Nehls told Greg Kelly US veteran Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Capitol Hill Police Officer Lt. Mike Byrd on January 6th.
Rep. Troy Nehls: “It was murder… I’ve been a lawman for 30 years… The point is I know a little bit about use of force. I understand a little bit about grand juries. This shooting should have at least gone to a grand jury. But the Department of Justice has no intent of doing a thorough investigation… The video was quite clear. It was murder.”
But since Ashli was a Trump supporter, the killer walks.
TRENDING: McMURRAY EXCLUSIVE: Likely Fed Operative Ray Epps Filmed Hurling Massive Trump Sign at Capitol Police -- Likely Set Up Jan. 6 Protester Ryan Samsel Who Rots in Prison to This Day [VIDEO]
Via Greg Kelly Reports:
I’m thankful for all hard working Americans. I admire those that work hard to provide for their families and better themselves whether it be be business owners, salaried employees, hourly shift workers, etc. I’m not a night security guard. If that was the case, I would still hold my head up high.

You are part of the problem and not the solution. I’m part of the probably too arguing with you. Your arrogant and pompous attitude is a learned behavior. Pretty much every post you make, you belittle people with cross language and hate that have differing opinions. We all need more humility, some more than others.

I belittle you and @TigerGrowls because you are morons who believe every Q inspired conspiracy theory that you come across. I have zero respect for either of you. You are everything that is wrong with this country that I love.
I belittle you and @TigerGrowls because you are morons who believe every Q inspired conspiracy theory that you come across. I have zero respect for either of you. You are everything that is wrong with this country that I love.
I’m glad I don’t have your respect.

“The Video Was Quite Clear, IT WAS MURDER!” – GOP Lawmaker and Former Sheriff Speaks Out on Ashli Babbitt Murder by Capitol Police (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 25, 2021 at 7:34pm

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) served 30 years in law enforcement and 21 years in the US Army Reserve. Troy Nehls served as Fort Bend, Texas Sheriff for 8 years from 2012 to 2020.
On Monday Rep. Nehls joined Greg Kelly on Newsmax to discuss the Jan. 6 protest and riot. Nehls told Greg Kelly US veteran Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Capitol Hill Police Officer Lt. Mike Byrd on January 6th.

But since Ashli was a Trump supporter, the killer walks.
TRENDING: McMURRAY EXCLUSIVE: Likely Fed Operative Ray Epps Filmed Hurling Massive Trump Sign at Capitol Police -- Likely Set Up Jan. 6 Protester Ryan Samsel Who Rots in Prison to This Day [VIDEO]
Via Greg Kelly Reports:
Would you still call it murder if they found fentanyl in her system?
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Would you still call it murder if they found fentanyl in her system?
That is not a valid comparison and I am fairly sure you are smart enough to know that. Now if she had a knife or a gun coming through the window, then my opinion would change.

Turns out your "hero" Babbitt had a criminal past. She was also posting crap like this on social media:

“Nothing will stop us,” Babbitt tweeted Jan. 5. “They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!”

It a shame that losers are attacking an American police officer for doing his job. Sad!

Turns out your "hero" Babbitt had a criminal past. She was also posting crap like this on social media:

“Nothing will stop us,” Babbitt tweeted Jan. 5. “They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!”

It a shame that losers are attacking an American police officer for doing his job. Sad!

A different perspective on your linked story.

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A different perspective on your linked story.

The ap news is widely considered the most non partisan news organization in our great country. The GWP is not even considered a new organization, but rather a partisan disinformation hack website. Their story was not a "smear job", it was a factual new story that showed her criminal history and a history of being unhinged.
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The ap news is widely considered the most non partisan news organization in our great country. The GWP is not even considered a new organization, but rather a partisan disinformation hack website. Their story was not a "smear job", it was a factual new story that showed her criminal history and a history of being unhinged.