Is increased gun regulation a republican view now?


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
It gets tough to keep track of. Back during the election Hillary was going to take guns away. It seems to me Trump has increased gun regulation more than Obama has.

“In fact, the two gun laws signed by Obama actually expanded the rights of gun owners in the United States. Attempts to limit the size of gun magazines, expand background checks of gun buyers and ban gun sales to buyers on terrorism watch lists all failed to pass under Obama.”
It gets tough to keep track of. Back during the election Hillary was going to take guns away. It seems to me Trump has increased gun regulation more than Obama has.

“In fact, the two gun laws signed by Obama actually expanded the rights of gun owners in the United States. Attempts to limit the size of gun magazines, expand background checks of gun buyers and ban gun sales to buyers on terrorism watch lists all failed to pass under Obama.”
The Democrats decided gun control wasn't worth it as a major politically issue almost 20 years ago. Both parties have just been reactionary to "recent events" ever since.

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