But why are they teaching trans ideology, pedophilia and instructing white kids to hate themselves?Honestly, it's probably too deep of a topic to get into on here, but SC education isn't as bad as reported. States don't use the same tests for assessing success so comparing state to state is frankly impossible. What is true is that students learn far more,far faster than any of us did.
I tell my wife daily as a joke when she is leaving for work ," Have a great day, don't kill any kids". Her response is always ," The kids are easy, the parent are who you want to kill"
Uneducated and politically motivated parents are causing huge problems in Education. We now have groups of idiot parents scouring Teachers Social Media accounts to find "questionable" personal comments and then harassing them and trying to get them fired. Take what some of the morons on here are posting and weaponized it. It's so tough to be a teacher, and the pressure and attacks are insane. All they are trying to do is help kids and do their jobs. Most of them are every bit as conservative as others in South Carolina,and they are being demonized and accused of indoctrination. It's no surprise that we are having a huge Teacher shortage across the state and country.
Less teachers mean larger class sizes, which generally leads to lower performance
I kid, I kid ;-)