Does this actually surprise anyone? Take a wild guess which country doesn’t possess adequate leadership?
There's no thinking any more. Donald Trump says we should open up the country. If anyone disagrees with that or even points out why it may be a bad idea.. they are automatically part of the radical left and hope to destroy America. So...YES those Disney bastards that just bought ESPN are throwing all that money away just to GET Donald Trump. Mickey and Donald (Duck) join the Deep State AND the NWO.
Yep,Oh I do...
But if they needed it so bad, they wouldn’t be pushing so hard to shut it down, would they?
Yet I still don’t know anyone with Covid here in GA hmmmDoes this actually surprise anyone? Take a wild guess which country doesn’t possess adequate leadership?
Wow, you don’t actually think that’s how the logic of the Right is huh? It’s the exact opposite. Being a Trump/Republican fan endures way more prejudice and assumptions now more than ever. I’m immediately a racist, bigot, fascist, POS who is an idiot and has no idea what he is talking about. The LEFT allows no discussion, no speech, cancel culture, etc. Just because u think that way doesn’t mean we think that way. So hypocritical, but what’s new with y’all.
you are like the person who says, "the poll cannot be accurate because no one talked to me." Are you suggesting that because YOU know no one with COVID that the problem in Georgia isn't real? My daughter lives in Ga. On her way to her dental office, she passes hundreds of cars waiting for COVID tests. People are concerned or they wouldn't wait for hours in the hot Ga sun to have someone stick a cotton swap way up their nasal passage.Yet I still don’t know anyone with Covid here in GA hmmm
Oh I know, just wait two more weeks.
Forget 2 weeks it’s happening now. Hospitalizations are increasing daily here. Exactly what guy said was true they are getting full, it’s stretched thin, they are worried. Employees husband 44 got admitted just now for breathing problems. He has had high fever and body aches for over a week and half and tested positive. Not getting better. It’s here and we are currently (SC) peakinh in all categories including death and hospitalization2 weeks lol
My brother is a big Trumpian like yourself and he points this out to me all the time. Now remember while I dislike Trump (a lot), I'm a moderate. I don't for a MINUTE think that supporting Trump makes you those things. Most people on the left don't. I don't think that being on the left make you out to destroy America (or any of those things you mention above) either. Those views are the radical sides of the aisles talking. I also agree that to a certain extent with some of the complaints about the cancel culture are true. We are seeing it on social media and the news... you can get fired (FIRED!!) from your job simply for saying "all lives matter" b/c there is the perception that you are a racist for saying it. In fact you are being PRE JUDGED for your support of Trump. That's the very definition of prejudice. I know that my brother is very upset about it. And he should be.. YOU should be. Prejudice is flat out WRONG, no matter where it comes from.
Stay with me for a second. That feeling you have? That anger at being unfairly lumped into the very worst type of stereotype? Think about how angry you would be if that judgement was on you not for your support of Trump, but for the color of your skin. And that that attitude was always there. How would you feel then? Stay with me... this isn't a leftist gotcha attempt. I'm assuming that you are white (I am too). We can't ever know what it's like to be black. We can empathise (or not), we can try and understand (or not), but we can never really KNOW.
But For for a second, you can experience some of it. And it feels like shit. It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter what you do. There is a substantial minority of people out there who think that you are a racist, bigot, fascist POS who is an idiot JUST because you support Trump. And they act accordingly. I'm sorry that you are experiencing this. At least you aren't alone... this sort of thing is all too common in America, there are plenty of people that get treated like you do.
But back on point... I do think that TRUMP thinks that way. Just look at the way he treats people who disagree with him. All those people he hires are brilliant, great people, until they disagree, then they are scum and he goes after them every way he can. You support that. You may not agree with it, but you support it.
No i am not able due to HIPPA. that would have to come from PR department of a hospital system.Can you provide me age data for said hospitalizations?
The curve is still flattenedForget 2 weeks it’s happening now. Hospitalizations are increasing daily here. Exactly what guy said was true they are getting full, it’s stretched thin, they are worried. Employees husband 44 got admitted just now for breathing problems. He has had high fever and body aches for over a week and half and tested positive. Not getting better. It’s here and we are currently (SC) peakinh in all categories including death and hospitalization
I agree with a lot that you said. This country has no place for being prejudice period. My support for Trump though doesn’t come from how sensitive he is to social issues, I support him for the economy he was building. He also is very harsh on his employees because he demands success. He does not bow down or is a puppet for any party and I respect that. I do not support how he acts socially, and responds socially, and I hate his twitter fingers. Although, at the end of the day $$$ creates opportunities, and before covid this country was creating more opportunities for success than probably ever in my lifetime. I’m 30. It’s hard to deny the success he has had economically....
THIS I can respect. I don't agree with your conclusions, but I respect what you are saying. I agree that Trump's economic policies are not bad. I also agree that he's terrible on social (and I say moral grounds). Trump is a big big believer in do what I say, not as I do. He also hangs out and watches Foxnews and tweets instead of works all day. I also think he's harsh on his employees because he demands that they are absolutely loyal to him... not that they are successful. Take his son-in-law Jared. Jared is in charge of coal in america, peace in the middle east, the opiod epidemic, and logistics in the pandemic. NONE of which he's shown the slightest bit of progress at fixing. But Trump's happy with him... why.. b/c he doesn't go to the bathroom without Trump's approval.
But the bottom line is that I think Trump's a very bad person who only looks after himself. That trumps (pun intended) his economic success (we can find someone else that can duplicate that... without being a evil person). You on the other hand think that his economic success trumps his failings socially. Again, I disagree, but I understand your point.