I am working on grass roots work with the Dolly Parton Foundation regarding this national disgrace and mess fostered on us by politicians
Literacy in basic skills are the NUMBER ONE PROBLEM IN AMERICA
Racism is about dead last as to national problems, but the Democrats use it to control the Black folks by trying to whip up anger and hate against us white folk like me instead of doing the #1 thing to help children regardless of color BECAUSE OF TRYING TO GET POWER.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a great tool to help kids. Link is below
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free books to children from birth until they begin school in participating areas.
I live in a small rural community but have been coordinating with the Dolly director out of Columbia SC and asking for grants and donations to try to give kids books on a monthly basis
It's $33 per child per year. At this time I want to say that the county has a few thousand on the roster of which i contributed time money and effort
@iceheart08 Here's one of my several projects I am presently engaged in and I encourage you to join in your own way in helping poor rural under privileged children in building literacy Where I live is 75% Black 25% White and I generally see more Black Children Benefitting which is because of demographics Truth is tremendous numbers of white kids are needing to be helped.