I understand a lot of people thought the entire Robert Hur Special Counsel investigation was a big fat nothingburger.
Only now are they starting to realize what it means for a Special Counsel appointed by Biden's very own DOJ under Merrick Garland to have discovered the sitting President had...shall we say....COGNITIVE ISSUES.
What I found **exceedingly curious** was WHY somebody wanted to get it into the OFFICIAL FEDERAL RECORD that a DOJ-appointed Special Prosecutor found that President Joe Biden was having...uh...PRONOUNCED MEMORY ISSUES during interviews with his investigators.
The MOST I'd expected out of the Hur investigation was the admission that...yes...
1. Biden took a whole bunch of classified documents home with him that he had no authorization to take. Federal crime #1.
2. Biden **displayed** and discussed these classified materials with people not authorized to see/know about them. Federal crime #2.
3. BUT because BIDEN WAS PRESIDENT, Hur's hands were tied and he wasn't allowed to prosecute a case against his own boss, the Chief Executive.
That's as FAR as I expected Hur to go. An admission that he couldn't prosecute because a LEO officer of the Executive Branch is not allowed to prosecute his own boss. Any more than a JAG officer could court-martial his own Commander-in-Chief.
BUT...as it so happened, Hur threw me and everybody else a huge unexpected CURVE BALL in his final report.
Hur gave a DIFFERENT EXPLANATION as to WHY he declined to prosecute Biden for the very serious federal offenses he had obviously committed with these classified documents.
In his final report, Hur has an entire section devoted to laying out Biden's memory issues, his cognitive difficulties and how this affected his decision not to prosecute Biden.
This explanation for his decision not to prosecute Biden so upset Rep. Adam Schiff that Schiff dressed Hur down AT LENGTH during Hur's testimony to the House Committee.
Schiff was especially upset that Hur was officially opening up the door to Biden having pronounced issues with cognition/memory during his presidency.