Joe Rogan Podcast with Alex Jones and Tim Dillon just hit

facebook not allowing his nonsense on their platform isnt censorship. He's free to speak his "truth" elsewhere.
Facebook is run by the NWO FBI.... that’s how they build profiles on people, including you
I don’t really get the appeal of Alex Jones (or Joe Rogan, but that’s another story). I guess you really have to want to believe bad things about people you disagree with to like him.

It’s because SOME (not all) of the stuff he says is 100% true and it is exceptionally difficult for the common person to believe. This is exactly what intrigues Rogan. He’s trying to help him with the remaining % of things that he yells about without evidence.

But you’ve got to sift through the nonsense. You can’t just dismiss all of it OR believe all of it.
Just the free market at work. Businesses can choose what content they allow and customers can choose whether to continue to use the service. Facebook announcing Q3 results Thursday so we’ll see how they’re doing. Will be interested in how much they were hurt by companies pulling ads from them and how much that has to do with their more aggressive censoring policies.
Not when you have a monopoly of the "public square." Facebook, Google, and Twitter all need to be split up.
I'm a Libertarian and I'm going to disagree with this. Section 230 was put in place to protect social media from getting sued from what others posted. The whole idea of it was to protect them from a lawsuit so they wouldn't censor. Now Facebook and Twitter have censored the oldest newspaper in the US (NY Post). Twitter has still banned them from posting content. They censor the President. They censor the Press Secretary for posting a NY Post article. Many people get their news from social media platforms. I believe they should be treated as utilities. Verizon doesn't have the authority to censor my text messages to my friends.

I don't care who's the President or Press Secretary. If Biden tweeted that fornicating with frogs (A Book of Mormons reference) will treat Covid.... that post shouldn't be censored.
Libertarian or not, this is the correct answer. Wanna censor, no problem, but then you're legally responsible for what is posted on your website. Wanna be free from that liability, then let people post freely on your "platform"
Libertarian or not, this is the correct answer. Wanna censor, no problem, but then you're legally responsible for what is posted on your website. Wanna be free from that liability, then let people post freely on your "platform"

It's funny how Democrats used to be strong supporters of free speech and smaller government. Talk about a complete shift. The orange man has moved that party towards communism.
Alex Jones has been correct multiple times about things. He uncovered Bohemian Grove in 2000, he is crazy, but he also knows what he's talking about some of the time. He just presents himself in such a way that makes people thinks he's crazier than he actually is. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan have become the most entertaining listen every time they put out a new podcast.
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Its kind of retarded i really agree about the censorship but its a nuanced argument. Private companies can deny service to whoever the fvck they want as long as its not based on racism or sexism right? So Alex Jones trolled himself off the platforms.
I really don't think anyone should be booted off platforms honestly, I think people should understand that when you listen to nutcases you can't believe them and you shouldn't believe them. His comments on Sandy Hook were horrible and indefensible and led to him being black listed. He even argued in a court of law that he was fabricating a story as he is acting out a character. His ultimate legal and ethical reason why he's 'censored' is the same reason someone can be charged with inciting a riot. His followers were contacting the parents of dead kids and demanding they come clean. Disgusting.
FB and Twitter's selective censorship leads to more confusion than safety. Perhaps that is their goal??
It's funny how Democrats used to be strong supporters of free speech and smaller government. Talk about a complete shift. The orange man has moved that party towards communism.
Liberals are not actually liberals in the classical sense anymore. I think Eric Weinstein(liberal) does a great job unpacking this in Ted Cruz's podcast "the verdict".
Liberals are not actually liberals in the classical sense anymore. I think Eric Weinstein(liberal) does a great job unpacking this in Ted Cruz's podcast "the verdict".

They're authoritarians now. Tell me how to live, what I can and cannot do, and what can and cannot be said. Thank you political master.
Libertarian or not, this is the correct answer. Wanna censor, no problem, but then you're legally responsible for what is posted on your website. Wanna be free from that liability, then let people post freely on your "platform"

So should Facebook/Twitter be forced to allow child porn on their platforms? Live stream murders? No rules on content? I'm just asking.
Are you comparing child porn and murder to someone openly expressing there opinion?

He said they either censor or they don't. I'm pointing out that that's clearly not an outcome any of us actually want. ISPs, for instance, do not censor for those things. But individual websites do.
I'm a Libertarian and I'm going to disagree with this. Section 230 was put in place to protect social media from getting sued from what others posted. The whole idea of it was to protect them from a lawsuit so they wouldn't censor. Now Facebook and Twitter have censored the oldest newspaper in the US (NY Post). Twitter has still banned them from posting content. They censor the President. They censor the Press Secretary for posting a NY Post article. Many people get their news from social media platforms. I believe they should be treated as utilities. Verizon doesn't have the authority to censor my text messages to my friends.

I don't care who's the President or Press Secretary. If Biden tweeted that fornicating with frogs (A Book of Mormons reference) will treat Covid.... that post shouldn't be censored.
They actually do.
It’s because SOME (not all) of the stuff he says is 100% true and it is exceptionally difficult for the common person to believe. This is exactly what intrigues Rogan. He’s trying to help him with the remaining % of things that he yells about without evidence.

But you’ve got to sift through the nonsense. You can’t just dismiss all of it OR believe all of it.

What has he been right about exactly? Besides Bohemian Grove 20 years ago....
It’s because SOME (not all) of the stuff he says is 100% true and it is exceptionally difficult for the common person to believe. This is exactly what intrigues Rogan. He’s trying to help him with the remaining % of things that he yells about without evidence.

But you’ve got to sift through the nonsense. You can’t just dismiss all of it OR believe all of it.
I don’t think Rogan should be canceled for it, but the fact that Rogan has people like Jones on his show (and isn’t this not the first time?) is why I’m not really interested in his show. Rogan frequently has really kooky guests, and whether it’s his intention or not, he ends up popularizing many of their ideas. It’s great that he’s open minded, but you don’t want to be so open minded that your brain falls out.

As far as Jones goes, isn’t what you said how all conspiracy theorists work? If they didn’t say anything that was true, then nobody would pay attention to the rest of what they say.
In other words you lose respect for anyone who doesn’t think just like you do?

No, not even close. The last time he had him on, after all the havoc Jones had caused for the Sandy Hook families, I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he said he wasn't aware of what Jones had done. He was aware this time and he did it anyway.
I don’t think Rogan should be canceled for it, but the fact that Rogan has people like Jones on his show (and isn’t this not the first time?) is why I’m not really interested in his show. Rogan frequently has really kooky guests, and whether it’s his intention or not, he ends up popularizing many of their ideas. It’s great that he’s open minded, but you don’t want to be so open minded that your brain falls out.

As far as Jones goes, isn’t what you said how all conspiracy theorists work? If they didn’t say anything that was true, then nobody would pay attention to the rest of what they say.

So, unless someone is always right we shouldn’t listen to them? Wonder what your post history looks like? Mine isn’t good. We can evaluate every statement that is said. That’s what Rogan was doing.

My point is that people make Alex Jones out to be wrong about every single thing he says. He’s not. But, most of what he says is so outlandish that people just categorize all of it as false.

Truth doesn’t change because of a flawed delivery vehicle.

And I’m not trying to get into the camp of “defending Alex Jones”, I would never do that. The point was to explain why I think Rogan likes him and puts him on his show AND I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
So, unless someone is always right we shouldn’t listen to them? Wonder what your post history looks like? Mine isn’t good. We can evaluate every statement that is said. That’s what Rogan was doing.

My point is that people make Alex Jones out to be wrong about every single thing he says. He’s not. But, most of what he says is so outlandish that people just categorize all of it as false.

Truth doesn’t change because of a flawed delivery vehicle.

And I’m not trying to get into the camp of “defending Alex Jones”, I would never do that. The point was to explain why I think Rogan likes him and puts him on his show AND I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
I think if I, or somebody else on here, had posted the kinds of things that Alex Jones says, we'd all be tuning me, and them, out. There are plenty of people out there who are more interesting, and much more responsible.

On the other hand, there are a bunch of people saying they'll cancel Spotify because of this interview. That's silly.
So should Facebook/Twitter be forced to allow child porn on their platforms? Live stream murders? No rules on content? I'm just asking.
Both of those things are actually illegal, right? Maybe you could make a distinction between censoring illegal stuff and censoring things that you just don't like.
It's 1,000% censorship. Maybe you'd be more comfortable living in China
China censonrs at the ISP level. Hence my point and bafflement at people in this thread not getting it. FB is a company who's sole pursuit is capitalistic.
Libertarian or not, this is the correct answer. Wanna censor, no problem, but then you're legally responsible for what is posted on your website. Wanna be free from that liability, then let people post freely on your "platform"
100 percent agree with this take. Its very confusing, either declare them publications or don't.
Both of those things are actually illegal, right? Maybe you could make a distinction between censoring illegal stuff and censoring things that you just don't like.

Ok, so think about it like a phone company. Does the phone company have the responsibility to ensure mob bosses can't order murders over the phone? They don't have that responsibility and cannot have that responsibility. Do we really want the phone company monitoring every single call we have just to make sure we aren't ordering murders, anyway? This is the alternative people are actually proposing when they start blathering about 230.

No one actually wants Facebook to have to show porn if they don't want (well, not many people). And not many people want Facebook to be held liable if some coordinates a drug deal through FB messenger. Those are the two extremes people keep talking about "If they're going to censor they need to be held LiAbLe! Either that or no censoring!" Facebook needs to be treated differently than a newspaper because it's insane to think that they need to prevent libel. They can't fact check everything. They need to be treated differently than a common carrier because obviously they shouldn't have to display child pornography. If you only want to prevent them from displaying illegal content I guess that's fine but how the hell are they supposed to police that for A BILLION users? Even if you break them up, how are they supposed to to it for 20 million users? I'm actually (tentatively) fine with the status quo for these tech companies. They aren't liable for the material that's displayed there and they can censor whatever the hell the feel like. If you don't like it make your own website.
100 percent agree with this take. Its very confusing, either declare them publications or don't.

Please see my comment immediately beneath this. I don't think this is a good plan.
It's funny how Democrats used to be strong supporters of free speech and smaller government. Talk about a complete shift. The orange man has moved that party towards communism.
I don't know about who's responsible for the communist undercurrent in the democratic party, but the Clinton's ushered big corporate money into the democratic party. Unfortunately we're now left with republican big government money vs democrat big government money and we're all just an afterthought. Although we probably always were. The great Thomas Sowell says that there are 3 priorities for a politician:
1. Get elected
2. Get reelected
3. Is so far down on the list of priorities that they don't even know what #3 is
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He said they either censor or they don't. I'm pointing out that that's clearly not an outcome any of us actually want. ISPs, for instance, do not censor for those things. But individual websites do.
If it violates the law or civil rights its delete-able. Last I checked, child porn and murder were against the law.
If it violates the law or civil rights its delete-able. Last I checked, child porn and murder were against the law.

So you're advocating coming up with a brand new standard for Facebook and the like? Can you point to any other entity that's tasked with censoring on what "violates law or civil rights" and has no other moderation ability?
China censonrs at the ISP level. Hence my point and bafflement at people in this thread not getting it. FB is a company who's sole pursuit is capitalistic.

Assuming the government doesn't work with facebook in any're correct. We don't really know that though. I tend to agree with you on that point but censorship is the wrong direction...regardless of who is doing it...always.
So you're advocating coming up with a brand new standard for Facebook and the like? Can you point to any other entity that's tasked with censoring on what "violates law or civil rights" and has no other moderation ability?
Wha wha what!?!? Brand new standards!?!? Its ok to post child porn and murders on there now? The truth of the matter is, they get extreme leeway because they are a platform and not a website. Deleting post that link a newspaper article and banning the user is violating that arrangement. If they wanna do that, great, no problem. However, they are no longer operating in agreed capacity. Its that simple. If you don't agree with that, we'll agree to disagree.
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Wha wha what!?!? Brand new standards!?!? Its ok to post child porn and murders on there now? The truth of the matter is, they get extreme leeway because they are a platform and not a website. Deleting post that link a newspaper article and banning the user is violating that arrangement. If they wanna do that, great, no problem. However, they are no longer operating in agreed capacity. Its that simple. If you don't agree with that, we'll agree to disagree.

I'm asking you to show me an example of an entity that's held to the standard you're proposing, that's all. I am sure you cannot, because it doesn't exist.
facebook not allowing his nonsense on their platform isnt censorship. He's free to speak his "truth" elsewhere.
The pathology of leftists is what is so amazing. Here’s obvious censorship by a supposed neutral platform that’s been granted immunity from law suits specifically on the basis of not editorializing content and this robot can come here with a straight face and spew this nonsense and ignore all the other censorship out there as well, that’s as obvious as what they did to Rogan. (What they did to the Biden corruption story is a great recent example)
This is the danger of leftists, they literally believe whatever they want, whether it’s completely illogical and obviously false or not.
I'm asking you to show me an example of an entity that's held to the standard you're proposing, that's all. I am sure you cannot, because it doesn't exist.
I'm sorry. I've tried to dumb it down and make it as simple to understand as possible. I'm not proposing any NEW standards whatsoever. We're on two totally different planets and speaking two different languages all while, miraculously, using the exact same alphabet. I'm sure its my fault. Have a nice evening.
I'm sorry. I've tried to dumb it down and make it as simple to understand as possible. I'm not proposing any NEW standards whatsoever. We're on two totally different planets and speaking two different languages all while, miraculously, using the exact same alphabet. I'm sure its my fault. Have a nice evening.

If you can't point to a standard existing, then it doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist, you're creating a new standard. What is a company that isn't allowed to censor but must still block illegal content from being posted, all as a matter of law?
serious question, how many people are working at these institutions and are aware of their complicity with the NWO?
The upper echelon, the lower end guys, carry out their orders! This comes from two people I trust, one is a former officer in the armed forces & grew up in & around the Masons. The other is a guy who ran for Congress in GA. He is an anti-Chemtrail advocate. His brother is a Chemtrail pilot, who my guy says, “my brother sold his soul a long time ago.” The two no longer speak! He said the FBI had a black helicopter fly to his house, the pilot put the nose of the helicopter down in front of his gate to intimidate him. He was standing in his driveway watching this take place. I can probably put you in touch with him if you’d like to speak with him!