Joe Rogan Podcast with Alex Jones and Tim Dillon just hit

The upper echelon, the lower end guys, carry out their orders! This comes from two people I trust, one is a former officer in the armed forces & grew up in & around the Masons. The other is a guy who ran for Congress in GA. He is an anti-Chemtrail advocate. His brother is a Chemtrail pilot, who my guy says, “my brother sold his soul a long time ago.” The two no longer speak! He said the FBI had a black helicopter fly to his house, the pilot put the nose of the helicopter down in front of his gate to intimidate him. He was standing in his driveway watching this take place. I can probably put you in touch with him if you’d like to speak with him! this a troll account?
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The upper echelon, the lower end guys, carry out their orders! This comes from two people I trust, one is a former officer in the armed forces & grew up in & around the Masons. The other is a guy who ran for Congress in GA. He is an anti-Chemtrail advocate. His brother is a Chemtrail pilot, who my guy says, “my brother sold his soul a long time ago.” The two no longer speak! He said the FBI had a black helicopter fly to his house, the pilot put the nose of the helicopter down in front of his gate to intimidate him. He was standing in his driveway watching this take place. I can probably put you in touch with him if you’d like to speak with him!

Am I the only one here kinda sad I've never been asked to join the NWO? Like they seem to have great jobs. Their payroll must be huge.
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Am I the only one here kinda sad I've never been asked to join the NWO? Like they seem to have great jobs. Their payroll must be huge.

I'm with you man. Between me being jewish and me being a pretty senior guy in the electoral politics world I'm real butthurt about it.
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Am I the only one here kinda sad I've never been asked to join the NWO? Like they seem to have great jobs. Their payroll must be huge.
You wouldn’t if you knew what GOD is going to do to them
I'm with you man. Between me being jewish and me being a pretty senior guy in the electoral politics world I'm real butthurt about it.
They’re going to pay the piper pretty soon & they’re in for a rude of wakening!!!!
They’re going to pay the piper pretty soon & they’re in for a rude of wakening!!!!

The beauty of the Conspiracy Theory folks is it's always "pretty soon". Always so certain it's gonna happen,but never sure about when. Funny how easy it is to say you weren't wrong that way....
The beauty of the Conspiracy Theory folks is it's always "pretty soon". Always so certain it's gonna happen,but never sure about when. Funny how easy it is to say you weren't wrong that way....
I’m NOT a conspiracy theorist, what I’ve stated will come to pass. We’re in the Tribulation period as recorded in Revelation 6. If Biden is elected, the Tribulation will be expedited. If Trump wins, it’ll buy us a little more time. If Biden wins, the following will happen....
1. Our Religious Freedoms will be Compromised
2. Much Higher Taxes, especially on business
3. Gun Confiscation
4. Little to no air travel
5. Agenda 21 will be rolled out... under the guise of environmental protection & Climate Change Crisis, we will be told where we can & can’t live & visit. We Will also pay a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax.
6. The Mark of the Beast will be mandated as recorded in Revelation 13. The Mark of the Beast could come in the form of a Vaccine, probably Bill Gate’s Quantum Dot Vaccine, which has a computer chip in the vaccine. The enzyme that makes it work is called Luciferase.

The Mark of the Beast could also come in the form of the RFID Chip, which is in Obamacare.

Either way, it will be required for everyone, small & great, rich & poor & free & bond To receive the Mark/Computer Chip in their hand or forehead in order to Buy or Sell. Those who refuse to take the Mark/Chip, won’t be able to buy or sell. Those who do receive the “Mark of the Beast” will be the recipients of one or more of 16 Plagues from God as recorded in Revelation 6 & following.

Once one who has received the Mark of the Beast perishes, they will spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire as recorded in Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15
7. The Worship of the Beast/Antichrist will also be mandated by Everyone, Worldwide! Those who don’t will be Terminated as recorded in Revelation 13. Those who Worship the Beast/Antichrist will suffer the same fate as those who received the Mark of the Beast as recorded in Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15

Those who want to spend an Eternity with GOD & JESUS in Heaven will need to be Saved....

John 3:3 Unless a man is Born Again, He Cannot see the Kingdom of GOD

John 3:16 For GOD so loved the world, HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believe in HIM should not perish but should have everlasting life.

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in your heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be saved.

JESUS said, “I’m the Way, The Truth & The Life, No One comes to the FATHER but through me!“

JESUS said, “If You Confess ME before men, I’ll confess you before MY Father & HIS Angels but whoever is ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels.

Everything I said in here is True! Just because it may be new to your ears, doesn’t mean it’s Not True!
@areeves I certainly appreciate your belief and you seem to be serious and not a troll. Serious question, Why do you feel that you are correct and this is the tribulation, and all those who felt just as certain as you are previously have been wrong? What is "the sign" for you? We have had over 2000 years of Christians feeling that they were in the end times. Most of them were able to use scripture to support their beliefs just saw you do.
@areeves I certainly appreciate your belief and you seem to be serious and not a troll. Serious question, Why do you feel that you are correct and this is the tribulation, and all those who felt just as certain as you are previously have been wrong? What is "the sign" for you? We have had over 2000 years of Christians feeling that they were in the end times. Most of them were able to use scripture to support their beliefs just saw you do.
Great question, here’s the difference... The Last Pope is here based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, “The Prophecy of the Popes!” In 1139 AD, Saint Malachi, who was a GODLY Arch Bishop in the Catholic Church went Rome to visit the Pope. While in Rome, GOD told told Saint Malachi, “There will be 112 more popes! The last Pope would...
1. Be a Destroyer
2. Would be the Only Pope to NOT take a symbol
3. Would be called Peter The Roman
GOD gave Saint Malachi every symbol of every Pope leading to the 112th & final Pope. Well, Jorge Bergoglio is the 112th & final Pope & he ......
1. Is the Only Pope to NOT take a Symbol
2. He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis of Assisi was a patriarch in the Catholic Church who Founded the Franciscans but his real name was Petri De Bernardone, which means Peter The Roman! He’s the Rider on the White Horse in Revelation 6 & he has a bow in his hand & he goes out conquering & to conquer. This is the First Seal in Revelation 6.

Another sign that we’re in the last days is JESUS said in Mathew 24 that there would be wars & rumors of wars, pestilences, need I say more, earthquakes in divers places, fearful events, famines (2/3 Of the world is starving) ... Between 1960-1970, there were 13 earthquakes that rated 6.0 on the Richter scale, in 1994, there were 247 & in 2013, there were over 3000.

Here’s some more signs, JESUS said in Luke 21, speaking of the Tribulation, “men looking after those things that are coming on the earth with perplexity & men’s hearts failing them for what’s coming on the earth, the seas & the waves roaring!” If you look @ the US Navy Maps for 2020-2025, it shows the East & West coasts, Florida, the states along the Mississippi River & Hoover Damm fully or partially under water! This is due to the Chemtrail Program, which has been going on since the forties. The ice caps & glaciers are melting. The NWO government leaders & NWO scientists would have us believe fossil fuels & the people using fossil fuels are what has caused the Climate Change Crisis! This is a Big Lie! Yes, fossil fuels has had an effect on the climate but the main cause is the Chemtrails! They, the NWO governments have been spraying us with various chemicals, mold spores & refined metals for almost 80 years!

But JESUS said something else in Mathew 24, he said, “learn the Parable of the FigTree!” In Bible Prophecy, the Fig Tree represents Israel being recognized as a nation, which happened on May 14th, 1948. JESUS said, “This generation, will NOT pass away until all these things have taken place!“ In other words, the generation that sees Israel recognized as a nation & sees an increase in wars & rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes & fearful events & all nations hating Christians, will NOT pass away until they see these things!

Here’s more evidence, the The Asteroid Wormwood as recorded in Revelation 8 will hit the earth, turning large bodies of water bitter. Many people will die because of the contaminated water. NASA recognizes Wormwood & many scientists have it hitting the earth in 2029. This is the 10th Plague, it’s the 3rd Trumpet Judgement! We’re in the First Seal or Plague now! So we have 9 more to go before Wormwood hits in 2029! The first five Plagues or Judgements is what the Beast/Antichrist is going to do to us! The next 16, including Wormwood is what GOD is going to do to them & those who have taken the Mark of the Beast & Worshiped the Beast/ Antichrist.

When Wormwood hits, there are still 11 more Plagues that need to be unleashed on the earth.

So we’re talking about this being about the time when the Beast/Antichrist stands in Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem & blasphemes GOD, Claims to be GOD himself, puts an end to daily sacrifice, sets up the abomination of desolation (Statue) in the Temple. Then he goes & executes many Of the Jews!

From the time the Beast/Antichrist does this, he has 3.5 years left to reign! So, from the time he does this, there are 3.5 years of Tribulation left! This is called The Great Tribulation, because it’s the last 3.5 years!

After the 3.5 years is completed, JESUS returns, destroys the armies gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle (5 FT high) for 200 miles. It takes 7 years to get rid of the armament & 7 months to bury the dead.

The Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet are thrown Alive in the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound 1000 years by an Angel with a Great Chain! Those who were followers of JESUS who did not receive the Mark of the Beast & or Worship the Beast & were killed for their faith, will reign with JESUS for 1000 years. This is called the Millennium.

After the 1000 years is completed, Satan will be loosed for a short time. He will deceive the nations one more time & these nations will gather @ Megiddo to once again try & destroy Jerusalem. But GOD will reign Fire & Brimstone down on them & destroy them. Satan will be thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire where the Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet are. The dead will be raised to be judged in what’s called the Great White Throne Judgement! Those who’s names were NOT written in the Lambs Book Of Life, were cast into the Lake Of Fire! A New Heaven & comeS down & the people who have trusted JESUS as their Savior live with GOD, JESUS & the Angels for Ever & Ever!
@areeves I certainly appreciate your belief and you seem to be serious and not a troll. Serious question, Why do you feel that you are correct and this is the tribulation, and all those who felt just as certain as you are previously have been wrong? What is "the sign" for you? We have had over 2000 years of Christians feeling that they were in the end times. Most of them were able to use scripture to support their beliefs just saw you do.
The Prophecy of the Popes was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years!!! That because they didn’t people to know who the last Pope is. It would be much easier to Deceive the masses!