Kamala Is Allowing An Incompetent Boob to Run the White House For 5 More Months. China to invade Taiwan?


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
Where is tbe 25th amendment. Why is Kamala scared to stand up and say something? Why won’t she tell the truth to the American people? Hint: it’s because she is very weak.

Gross incompetence by the whole Democrat Party to allow this to happen. We have someone who is not fit for office…. In the office.

This is really bad. They should not be allowed to hold the keys to Government if this is how they care for it.

How would you evaluate the matter of Biden being replaced on the ticket?

Are we to expect that both parties will now be replacing their elected candidates if their poll numbers are sub-par?
What is there to evaluate? I genuinely don't understand the question. Are you asking how I think a replacement should be named?

To your other question, I have no idea what to expect. One of the two already has. If the other one does, so be be it. There is absolutely nothing from preventing Donald Trump from withdrawing from the race due to his clear cognitive decline and unfitness for the office. In fact, he better, or he will lose again.
What is there to evaluate? I genuinely don't understand the question. Are you asking how I think a replacement should be named?

To your other question, I have no idea what to expect. One of the two already has. If the other one does, so be be it. There is absolutely nothing from preventing Donald Trump from withdrawing from the race due to his clear cognitive decline and unfitness for the office. In fact, he better, or he will lose again.
They're now saying they won't allow the Dems to win - these people are sick!

"Ohio State Sen. George Lang threatened “civil war” if former President Donald Trump loses in November at a rally in Ohio Sen. JD Vance’s hometown ahead of the Republican vice presidential nominee’s remarks on Monday.

“I believe wholeheartedly Donald Trump and Butler County's JD Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I'm afraid if we lose this one, it's going to take a civil war to save the country,” Lang said at the Middletown, Ohio, rally at Vance’s high school alma mater.

And it will be saved. It's the greatest experiment in the history of mankind, and if we come down to a civil war I’m glad we got people like… Bikers for Trump on our side.”

They're now saying they won't allow the Dems to win - these people are sick!

"Ohio State Sen. George Lang threatened “civil war” if former President Donald Trump loses in November at a rally in Ohio Sen. JD Vance’s hometown ahead of the Republican vice presidential nominee’s remarks on Monday.

“I believe wholeheartedly Donald Trump and Butler County's JD Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I'm afraid if we lose this one, it's going to take a civil war to save the country,” Lang said at the Middletown, Ohio, rally at Vance’s high school alma mater.

And it will be saved. It's the greatest experiment in the history of mankind, and if we come down to a civil war I’m glad we got people like… Bikers for Trump on our side.”

Unity 🤝
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What is there to evaluate? I genuinely don't understand the question. Are you asking how I think a replacement should be named?

To your other question, I have no idea what to expect. One of the two already has. If the other one does, so be be it. There is absolutely nothing from preventing Donald Trump from withdrawing from the race due to his clear cognitive decline and unfitness for the office. In fact, he better, or he will lose again.
Do you believe Biden was replaced because of his cognitive decline or because his polling #’s were so poor?

My feeling is that if he were polling better he’d still be the nominee. They didn’t seem to care about his cognitive condition until after the debate when it became clear that there was zero chance they could repair the damage done.

If Biden or Trump had some sort of medical emergency precluding them from carrying out the campaign that would be one thing, but securing the nomination and then dropping out because of the political pressure from poor polling #’s is another matter entirely.

I think it sets a potential precedence for future elections in where the democratic process is subverted for political party expediency.
They're now saying they won't allow the Dems to win - these people are sick!

"Ohio State Sen. George Lang threatened “civil war” if former President Donald Trump loses in November at a rally in Ohio Sen. JD Vance’s hometown ahead of the Republican vice presidential nominee’s remarks on Monday.

“I believe wholeheartedly Donald Trump and Butler County's JD Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I'm afraid if we lose this one, it's going to take a civil war to save the country,” Lang said at the Middletown, Ohio, rally at Vance’s high school alma mater.

And it will be saved. It's the greatest experiment in the history of mankind, and if we come down to a civil war I’m glad we got people like… Bikers for Trump on our side.”

Absolutely disgusting rhetoric. Based off what’s been released on the shooter so far it seems it could’ve just as easily been Biden hit by the would be assassin. This type of fear mongering and dehumanization has to stop. If not, I fear what we saw last Saturday is just the beginning.
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Do you believe Biden was replaced because of his cognitive decline or because his polling #’s were so poor?

My feeling is that if he were polling better he’d still be the nominee. They didn’t seem to care about his cognitive condition until after the debate when it became clear that there was zero chance they could repair the damage done.

If Biden or Trump had some sort of medical emergency precluding them from carrying out the campaign that would be one thing, but securing the nomination and then dropping out because of the political pressure from poor polling #’s is another matter entirely.

I think it sets a potential precedence for future elections in where the democratic process is subverted for political party expediency.
To be very clear, I do not think Biden was replaced. That is a deliberate mischaracterization of what happened, and I'm not answering the question as it's written.

I think he withdrew because he was finally convinced by polling that he couldn't win.
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Do you believe Biden was replaced because of his cognitive decline or because his polling #’s were so poor?

My feeling is that if he were polling better he’d still be the nominee. They didn’t seem to care about his cognitive condition until after the debate when it became clear that there was zero chance they could repair the damage done.

If Biden or Trump had some sort of medical emergency precluding them from carrying out the campaign that would be one thing, but securing the nomination and then dropping out because of the political pressure from poor polling #’s is another matter entirely.

I think it sets a potential precedence for future elections in where the democratic process is subverted for political party expediency.
I'm not going to lie, you're making a very good point. We all know that it was unlikely he could make it to 86 years old but he still wouldn't have dropped out without the pressure from the party. It was also best for the country but the scenario you point out is food for thought. He needs to say it's because he doesn't think his health will hold out but I doubt he would. Nonetheless, something to chew over.