You want something that will have a profound change in law enforcement practices? How about changing the rules of law on Qualified Immunity for police officers that commit crimes! They need to be convicted of breaking the law for this to apply! It is the only answer IMO. Give them a deductible of the cost of the median house cost in their towns/county of service. Or say just $150,000, anything over that you can sue them for. That would stop empowerment of the bad apples for sure. Heck just get rid of it altogether, with the threat of financial loss of their homes. They wouldn’t be so emboldened. You could also afford to give them better benefits because no more bad apples on the pension funds. BTW I Back The Blue! and All Lives Matter!
Would love to hear from the No voters. I know some may vote no just to make old BTT look silly. If you do that you’re part of the problem.
This proposal is pretty useless considering the biggest complaint is that police officers rarely get convicted or even charged.